Going back in

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Marceror, Jun 25, 2011.

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  1. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    If they're turner they can't cast, problem solved. Just hammer away.

    I guess there's some sort of range limit on the turn undead. The arena is pretty big so you need to get closer up for the turn to work. That's my current theory, anyway.
  2. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Summoning always helps in every fight, but this one especially. Bringing in some elemental help, who are immune to the stinking cloud, allows them to move freely, and take hits that would normally go to the party.

    Even without meta-gaming, the party has been to the arena twice before. They know they are in for afight, so why would they not buff up beforehand. A simple Protection from Evil does wonders in this fight, but Bless, Prayer, and Aid make a lot of sense going into a know tough battle. Bard's song would help with saving throws and to hit rolls, wizards can add in some Enlarging, Mage Armor, and Invisibility. Druids can bring in the elementals just before reading the book, so they are ready to go, and barkskin can go a long way, especially on their own companion, add in a magic fang as well.

    Gaear, anyway of making Gust of Wind the counterspell to Stinking Cloud? Otherwise why would anyone ever take that spell? Then you could add it to the Slavers AI so the tactic of Cloudkill is countered by them as well.
  3. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    It has a range. You have to to turn undead several times, in strategic positions to affect all enemies in this battle.

    In a longer battle... turn undead does wear off. It's possible to run out of turn undead attempts.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I moved some of the tangent discussion (Gust of Wind et al) over the the GC&D thread so that this one doesn't devolve into another debate thread rather than an account thread. Carry on. :)
  5. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Playtime has been extremely limited lately, but I'm still plugging away.

    I have cleared the first 3 levels of the temple, and then went to Verbobonc. I've helped the gnomes with their problem and taken care of the dragon. I've also had my confrontation with the 3 fugitives.

    The quests that I've liked most were the non combat ones... the ghosts hanging in and around my castle as well as the Vicount's daughter tricking me. I was worried for a bit that I was going to get run out of the city. I'm playing a neutral good party with a paladin, so I'm staying away from all of the evilish quests.

    I tried the slavers one time (I guessed well on their location). Had a total party wipeout at level 11/12. I think I'll wait for a couple more levels and try them again.

    For some reason if I try to approach the ruined temple I get a game crash. I was able to approach it earlier in the game without issue, so I'm not sure what that's about. Anyhow, I think I'm mostly done with Verbobonc, except for the slavers.

    I really love the city. It's huge and looks great. It would be nice to have citizens in some of the dwellings. It's a little peculiar that every place I've been to that doesn't involve a quest or provide a service (e.g. inn, armorer) is completely devoid of people. There are MANY such places, and I went inside just about every one. It started to feel a little like a Twilight Zone episode with all of these empty homes and shops. Not a complaint... just honest feedback that can perhaps be looked at for a future release.

    Verbo is a very nice addition overall. The slavers excepted, all of the combat related missions were rather easy due to the level of my party. I guess that's to be expected to some extent.

    Now I'm working on temple level 4, and plan to give the slavers another try once this level of the temple is cleared out.
  6. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    After takign out Hedrak and much of level 4 of the temple, I went back to try the slavers again. This time my party was level 12/13.

    I managed to defeat them with only one party death. I got like 30,000 xp for the remaining 5 party members! And now I have a boatload of magical items to identify. It's like Christmas.

    Now I'm concerned that I'm going to be really overpowered for the remainder of the game... but I'm rolling with it.

    Does anyone have the slavers' stats they can send me? Now that I've defeated them, I'm really curious just how powerful they really were. They are clearly very high level.

    EDIT: Nevermind on the slave traders stats. I just found them in Gazra's guide. Wow... tough group of baddies.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2011
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    As it stands right now, the path you're taking (the generally 'good' approach) probably yields the least content in Verbo. I assume you've done nothing with the Scarlet Brotherhood, Hextorites, etc. In future you'll be better able to work both sides with those outfits, so good parties working those jobs won't be out of the question. Plus WotGS will add in some more good possibilities, among other things.

    Never heard of that before ... sounds like a sector issue if it's isolated like that. Did anything unusual ever happen there? (Not inside the church but outside it.)

    Those levels are really quite low to take them on. They're pretty much the toughest bunch in the game atm - I would think most people try them at levels 15+.

    Yeah, it is sort of waiting to be populated in that regard. Thing is, the last thing I want to do is put another bunch of inane Hommlet clones in there ("Greetings, stranger. I'm feeling blue. Care to help?"), so that leaves doing a bunch of generics that just float lines like "Hm?" "Good day," and "You are an ass-clown" when you click on them. That's probably better than the twilight zone effect though. There are also quite a few more buildings that should be enterable too, so it's definitely still a WIP. Plus, we're running out of maps (there's apparently a hard-coded limit of 200), so they need to be combined like with the apartments. Putting mobs in combined maps could concievably lead to other problems though, like if someone attacks one (which they invariably will), and another in a blocked off part of the map (e.g. another room) joins the combat queue but can't be engaged.

    I'm pretty sure that in the next modpack we're going to reduce all the new content enemy CRs significantly, which should slow advancement quite a bit. It might even be enough to balance out the mid-game NC. We'll see.
  8. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    No. I was able to enter the church when I first got to Verbo. The guard inside told me that I wasn't welcome, and I left. I never went back. I got the idea to head back after completing a number of Verbo quests, and as soon as my party gets near the courtyard entrance on the left side of the church it crashes.

    I must have gotten pretty lucky to beat them at level 12/13. I started by giving my party a good set of buffs, including haste. My wizard went first, and got in an effective chain lightning spell. Then my rogue went and got a nice sneak attack against the sorceress. Then my cleric went and dropped a holy word spell, which blinded several of the enemies, on top of the damage it did. Then my barbarian/bard went into a rage and charged the sorceress with his greatsword. Then my druid called in her most powerful earth elemental (lvl 6 spell) next to the sorceress and the archer. Finally, my paladin/fighter ran in and performed a smite evil attack against the sorceress, knocking her to dying status. The sorceress only got a single spell off, which was resisted by my rogue.

    I made sure to kill the sorceress before moving on, lest she receive a heal spell from the priest. I figured she was the biggest threat, so I went after her without prejudice.

    Lots of chain lightning spells from my wizard (seemed more effective and practical then fireball or icestorm). Nothing but summons from my druid... more targets for the enemies and more damage output for my group.

    The enemies were kind enough to give me a few nice attacks of opportunity against them. I was lucky enough to score a few critical hits. My cleric cast 2 heal spells during the battle, which were hugely beneficial. My bard got killed by the archer. In retrospect I should have taken him out earlier.

    I tried a couple more times to get through without any deaths, and didn't manage to pull that off.

    A few thoughts here. You could simply make less of the buildings able to be entered. This will prevent crazy players like me from entering each of them.

    You could have some residents that say "good day." You could also get creative with a couple of them, and create some characters who are a lot more memorable than that. You could have some old lady accost you for entering her house. She could be given some strongly worded lines, resulting in a bit of comic relief.

    Maybe another dwelling could contain a crazy half orc who starts rambling on about how no one understands him. How half-orcs always get the short end of the stick. Be creative. Maybe he could be like a Half Orc Milton Waddams (Office Space) who is goofy and threatens to poison the ale if he doesn't get better service at the bar. If you talk to him, maybe the end credits make mention of a terrible sickness in Verbobonc due to poisoned ale, but no one ever found out who did it. The town guard believes it was the Hextorites.

    Perhaps yet another dwelling could contain an old man with a story to tell about his adventuring days. If you agree, he will tell you his best tale.

    No quests need to be written for these characters. They are just residents of Verbobonc with their own personalities and who will serve to make the city more memorable, and give it more character. If some of these characters are popular, maybe one or two can be related to a future quest down the road.

    I'd be willing to help out with writing the dialogues for some of these residents. This wouldn't be too big of a time sink for me.

    That would probably be a good idea. I was getting tons of xp from the spiders and drow and I didn't even have a remotely difficult time with any of those fights.
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Did you ever input any items via the console? That's the kind of thing that happens when the game is looking for a proto it can't find.

    I personally don't care for that and feel cheated when it happens. If I see a door there, I should be able to enter it (or try)! Plus it's a very blunt way of saying "nothing of interest in here, move along," killing the thrill of that moment's exploration.

    That all sounds grand. As I said before, a different 'voice' would be nice, plus you would probably do a better job (usually the case when people execute their own ideas), plus I've got too much else on the ToEE buffet platter to devote much time to fine detail/flavor things like that. So feel free. :)
  10. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Absolutely not. I have never even touched the console in this game (never had a need to). So far this issue has only surfaced in this one particular area of the game. If it was a proto issue (not that I know what that is) would you expect that I would be having crashes in other parts of the game as well?

    If it hasn't happened to anyone else, I would say don't worry about it. I'm pushing on with my game and simply not going back to the ruined temple.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No - the specific scenario usually plays out like this: player decides to arm himself with sword of slaying +45 holy axiomatic flaming tongue burst, looks it up and discovers it is proto number 5554; player inputs 5556 into the console instead, but nothing happens because there is no proto numnber 5556; player scratches his head but forgets it, but the game does not forget ... if you save your game after doing that and then use that save, forevermore the game will try to load proto number 5556 whenever you enter the sector where it was consoled in. When it can't find a saved proto, it crashes. It's a bit evil that it doesn't crash right when you input a bad proto, because that would make diagnosis easier. Instead, players often just forget that they ever played with the console and then report a week later that they're getting a crash on map x and doesn't Co8 even test this stuff, wtf Co8 sucks! ;)

    * proto stands for prototype. Basically every item in the game - from NPCs to scenery objects to weapons - is a prototype and has a number.

    * on most occasions, you'll see this error when loading a save or when first entering a new map (via a passage icon). That's because many maps are quite small and only contain one sector. Verbobonc is large by contrast, and according to research that Ted did back in the day, the game only loads the entire map for big maps the first time it's ever encountered in-game. After that it loads data from sectors as you go. Hence you might only crash in Verbo once you entered a sector with a bad proto.
  12. Marceror

    Marceror Established Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Interesting stuff. Again, all I can say is that I never used the console, nor do I even know how to use the console in this game. Cheating immediately ruins my enjoyment of a game.

    So I guess I must just be "lucky". :p
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