Game Difficulty: Are The New Mods Making The Game Unbalanced?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by mrbunnyban, Nov 26, 2006.

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  1. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    I don't think the npc's are much of a problem. With Humble-npc you can do pretty much what you want. By the end of Temple lvl4 Fruella has 70-80kGP. She's a rich woman. Beats the hell out of busting your butt on some run down farm. Meleny is a very well-to-do lady, also. My npc's live good. I'm just starting lvl 4 and everyone is lvl 10 and we have 320k+GP. Just recently received the Scather award. It needs to go . It's grossly wrong. Way too much money and treasure. Fix it so Thrommel must be rescued and taken to nearest exit. No Fragarach or Scather and thousands of GP. A respectable reward is ok, but this aspect of the game is grossly out of balance.
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    As part of my agenda to subvert the game into an Ultima - I mean, as part of my efforts to improve gameplay - I would like to return to a previous idea, if I may. That of broken armour. U5: Lazarus did a fabulous job with this: u hacked your way through acres of bandits, orcs etc, but you never had massive levels of loot because their gear was mostly rubbish - rusty weapons, thin leather, weak ringmail. Only 1 AC point below the norm (so you could wear the weak ringmail and be as well off as wearing nice leather, and you could sell your nice leather for the money) but only worth 1gp each: a full pack was only ever going to net u a handful of gold, and when you found a proper mace on a rack or suit of splintmail in a treasure chest, it was a real find. That was the early game: later you could find piles of jewels and gold and magic items, but there was generally a family of dragons floating above them (or a lich).

    In ToEE we are halfway there - we have the rusty weapons. Why not add damaged / weak / crappy armour and notched shields? Still worth a few coppers each, provide lessened AC etc. It would only require:

    - hacking maybe 20 items into the

    - adding a san_dying thing to monsters with equipment, that would scan for their gear and replace it as necessary. Thats a piece of cake, because we already HAVE one of them for the Drow.

    Finally, re Kal's issue of rules compliance, fine: we go 100% by the rules. The rules have (if I am not mistaken, certainly the old AD&D DMG did) % chances of stuff getting damaged / broken, for anyone who felt the need to use them. So we use them: even if it is only a small number of them get damaged, its something. Smash the potions of Healing and Bull's Strength, break the swords, damage the armour, IF the rolls go the wrong way.
  3. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    The +1FullPlate you got in the water temple is damaged and doesn't fit anyway. It will take 3 weeks and a 1000GP to make it good to use. How hard would something like that be to mod? Go figure. You just fireballed, coneofcold, and beat the crap out someone and their armour just happens to be in perfect shape and is a perfect fit. What are the odds? Also, maybe increase the price of MW items a good bit, but inline with the 3.5DMG.
  4. webusver

    webusver Established Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Is it possible to modify the feat Craft Magic Arms and Armor?
    There's a bug that allows to upgrade any magic armor to +3 armor for free. If a player adds a magic armor for further enchantment, it automatically receives +3 enchantment, even if a player's character can't enchant with +3 enchantment.
    I don't know if it is possible to fix the bug correctly, but alternatively if may be "fixed" if it would be possible to block button "Create" when the cost of upgrade equals zero. Though players may still receive +3 for free, but they would have to include additional enchantments, so that the payment would be not 0. Or (better also) should not it be good to set required level for craft Arms and Armor for... 9th or 10th experience level? Perhaps crafting of Wondrous Item should also require higher level? 6th at least? Imho it's overpowered in Co8 mod. There are also some items which could be used as wand-replacements which allow to cast spells.
    But if we return to discuss balance difficulty of the mod and try to compare usefullnes of crafting feats and other feats, shouldn't it be honest to leave minimum enchantments for these feats? +1 bonus to weapon or armor and no more. +2 to strength or other ability or skill and no more. Thus these feats imho will lose their "god-mode" value.
    What do you think? Is it a good idea to modify these feats? Yes you may say that I can play and don't use these feats. So this is just my idea, which I would implement if I learned ToEE modding. So now it's up to you, whether to do this or not. As for me, it would be nice to hear just your point of view on this topic.
  5. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    The free armor and shield enchantment has already been fixed in 5.0.2.

    The crafting feats are rules compliant. Since this group strives for rules compliance, it is doubtful that any of us will see changing them as a good idea. That aside, changing those feats would require a dll hack that is most likely beyond our ability.
  6. webusver

    webusver Established Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    Strange, I just have been playing 5.0.2. What do I need to check?
    I installed ToEE, patch2, 5.0.0., cumulative fix as of October 8, cumulative fix as of November 7, Max HP, Humble NPC... What may be wrong?

    BTW will there be one installation file for mod 5.0.2, which will include both 5.0.0. and additinal cumulative fixes?
  7. TimSmith

    TimSmith Established Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    This sounds perfectly good fun, BUT unfortunately it would not be 3rd ed D&D rules compliant. 3rd ed is specifically set up to give you a lot of your loot as enemy equipment. As the DMG says "since a lot of this gear can be used against the PCs, it all evens out". I think this is more about MAGIC equipment, but still the rules don't make that distinction...

    One thing you could do by the rules would be the chance of character equipment damage if the character gets a 1 on their save against a damaging effect, such as fireball. (P177 PHB.) Basically, one of 4 items is randomly selected to be damaged by the effect as well, and might well be destroyed. Ouch if your armour falls off... No idea if this could be implemented, though.

    (However, personally I like your idea. In my PNP game there is no way in hell I would let PCs cart around truck loads of bulky stuff like armour. After all, a duvet is light but you couldn't get your arms around 10 of 'em, even though you can easily lift the weight! I wouldn't be too keen on randomly trashing magic stuff, though. Also, by the rules, magic items always get saves against being destroyed by direct attacks or effects like lightning if you roll a 1 on your character's save, so presumably they should at least get saves if you wanted to let them be bashed up in a fight.)
  8. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Sorry this is a little off topic CB, but I noticed that I have a crafting bug. With certain found magic items (Sword of Chaos and Mitral plate, and some bucklers) I cannot level up the magic. I have the level, XP and money. But when I go to craft the Sword of Chaos from being +1 to +2 I can enhance the sword, and when I move the +2 to the crafted side I get a note of XP and gold cost. I hit create, and I lose the XP and gold. When I look at the sword after, as if to craft more, it does NOT show the sword to be +2, but I can add frost, Holy...etc.

    I noticed that with bought weapons I have no issues of yet, but I am wondering if this is a part of making the game harder; IE: ensuring weapons are not made too powerful or what. It does not matter who in my party crafts the item; wizard, cleric or Zaxis. Very strange.

    Again, I have the XP, gold and level to do it, but it won't seem to "stick". Any ideas why?

    Funny I would post about the detriments of powerful magic, but it is one thing to not do it, another to not be able to do it.
  9. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    As TimSmith says, the only 3.x rules for destroying equipment (outside of things like rust monsters, certain oozes and other monsters) are if you roll a 1 on a save vs. a damaging effect. The Sunder action can break weapons, shields and other handheld objects, but it's not implemented in ToEE. Beyond that there are no official rules for wear and tear on weapons and armor.

    MW item prices are already in-line with the rules. In fact, in the ealier parts of the game, players actually spend more money on them because of Troika having the Appraise skill work like a kind of haggle skill.


    I can't speak for the Sword of Chaos, but I've had no problems crafting the Mithral Plate.
  10. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I posted a while ago in the 5.0.x bug reports about the Silver Sword of Chaos crafting issue - Krunch said he had an idea what may have been causing it, but never posted a fix.
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