Further Respawning & a Feature Request

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, May 31, 2006.

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  1. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    These were the main topics of discussion:

    Ogre Cave - Trolls...? This is only good once located & cleared out initially, which everyone doesn't get to do. So, I propose another way to find it besides going to work for evil dudes. It ought to be like this anyway, because a group of ogres isn't going to go unnoticed. They like to beat up weaker folks & eat them and their livestock, etc.

    Imeryd's Run - Black Dragon...? Still needs acid breath, right? Cloudkill effects might suffice for this, but it is inconsistent with a stream of acid. Other ideas? Should be fun, though. And, don't load him up with treasure...he's just establishing a lair, and won't have anything, really, to speak of. Oh, almost forgot...wizard levels...some dragons have them, or at least they did. How hard would that be to add since there are now dragons?

    Emridy Meadows - Hill Giant Skeleton...? This should be easy enough to do with scaling & making a standard skeleton more powerful. Other ideas...? A whole shitload of goblin skeletons for giggles, maybe...

    Some of these things will require additional modifications before they can be implemented, so some discussion is in order by those with the capabilities.
  2. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Ok I'll take them in order and

    I'll start working on a way to tie the Ogre cave into the module on an alternate path.

    Black dragon, the breath weapon is a bit beyond my capacities at the moment but the wizard spells won't be hard to add. I'll put him in the run sometime after the fishing trip. Any ideas on an event to trigger this respawn? or would you rather just see it on a timer like the thromel reward? Agree with the small horde thing whole heartedly.

    Emridy, the hill giant skeleton I can do, and what do you think about maybe taking the goblin models for the 4th level temple dungeon, where they are standing around watching one of them do flips, and converting it to skeletons? Also maybe a lich or something that's going around ermidy meadows and creating all these skeletons and undead. For a finale?

    As far as the discussion about how to add things, I spoke to Ted before he went on holiday and he said as far as the respawns are concerned go for it. I have a whole keep to populate. I'm writing some dialog for the banker doing a bit of mod work on KotB.

    Ag is busy working, with university and modding the World Builder, after his finals on the 13th, he will have some more time.

    Allyx is semi-retired after his Verbo Mod, and I'll be modding in some of the finishing touches for him.

    Blue has a beta to mind at the moment, but is there for input and lending a helping hand, when I run into stuff I haven't dealt with before.

    I really need to get around to PMing Darmagon to ask for his help with his spell skills for the breath weapon.

    And of course there is Spike, Gaear, Kalshane and the rest of the community at large helping with the inspiration and direction of this whole thing.

    Anyone else who I forgot and is out there, come on down...

    I'll tackle the Ogre cave first then move on to the rest in order... Thanks all
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2006
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Ogre Cave - Maybe that could be a 'pre'spawn, then? The ogres move in after whatever you put in there first moves out.

    Imeryd's Run - I don't think there's much doubt about this one. Black Dragon. Maybe killing it could somehow work in with FredSRichardson's suggestions about repairing party reps.

    Emridy Meadows - This one seems the trickiest to me. It's already sort of a respawn in that it's the graveyard of all those that fell in the battle ten years earlier. Plus, Liv's skeletal priest furthers the undead angle. Maybe we should get away from skeletons, etc., and try something else . . . a special dispatch from the temple that is attempting to recover some artifact or something like that. We could even do another 'Big 3' type thing (without the angst ;) ) where I could reconstruct some existing dialogue from temple characters, if anybody's into that. Personally, I always enjoy encountering other parties that are populated by specific characters.
  4. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Pre-spawn...that's definetly the ticket! Put a few orcs or hobgoblins in there. They're both fairly under utilized. Get some XP the farm free/fed-ex free way. Leader+guards, Shaman+guards, missile & melee troops...and a 1/2 orc assassin. Ought to be nasty enough. 12-18 total; will need testing.

    Imeryd's run will now be known as ....run for your F@#*&ing life!!!

    Emridy Meadows...OK...Zorn will remember this...2nd Emridy Meadows. This was how I DM'd it when I just owned the T-1 module circa 1982. Lareth & co. escaped, rallied some troops, and attacked Hommlet. They got wind of the party coming & fought it out north of the castle construction site. The militia joined the fray, and the badgers secured vital facilities (church, town hall, castle). Roughly 50 soldiers to a side. My only doubts about this are how it will change the entire complexion of what has been modded already. So, we need to think about what can be done with what we have. Who is it? Where do they come from? Why are they attacking now? How big is their force? And last...is this something we really need to do to make this thing better? This part could be skipped with what's already been modded. Worse case, it gets done later if it's found to be a needed thing.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I agree. Ruf, why don't you proceed with the Imeryd & Ogre Cave stuff and we'll let Emridy lie for now. These ideas sound very interesting, but restraint may indeed be best here. There's already a lot of action at that site.
  6. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Will do Ogre Cave first, I have some ideas about how to get you there. I'll put one of them in and we can work out the trigger later. Thanks guys this is working out great!!!!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2006
  7. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    How big of a black dragon are talking about? Dragons of a certain age cast spells as sorcerers of a given level. A young adult black dragon (16HD, CR 9) is the equivalent of a 1st level Sorcerer. A great wyrm black dragon (37HD, CR 22) is the equivalent of a 15th level sorcerer. You can also just give them sorcerer levels, which stack with their inate ones, if you wish. The problem is sorcerers are buggy where the AI is concerned. We might have to use Wizard levels instead (which shouldn't be a problem as their Int keeps pace with their Cha) and it would take some manuevering in the protos.tab to make sure they have the right caster level without affecting the rest of their stats.

    Also, none of a black dragon's spell-like abilities are implemented in ToEE.

    Also, the fact that dragons have a lot of treasure is part of the reasons their CRs are lower than equivalent creatures.

    And do we have a black dragon model yet?

    I'd be willing to stat a black dragon in the protos.tab if folks can give me an open number and give me a power level I should be shooting for.
  8. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    I should think young adult would be the biggest it ought to be. That's a lot of HD compared to what I'm used to in the 1st Edition. On the treasure subject; not non-existent, but reasonable considering the circumstances. Maybe he just wrecked some river pirates for a snack, and dragged what they had to this backwater to establish his lair, not realizing it was on the map of some hardy adventurers?
  9. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Due to the engines limitation of 6 natural attack types (claw, bite, etc...) per proto the maximum size dragon we can implement is a mature adult, older dragons have more than 6 natural attack types per round.
    Yes we do, Cujo made one or 2 black dragons, thier stats are wrong though IIRC they are right near the end of the protos.tab (149##)
    I made 3 of the 6 implementable age categories for the white dragons, you could do 1 of each age category to cover all the options.
    On the otherhand, dragons that outgrow thier previous home aren't likely to leave thier treasure behind, they are greedy for wealth afterall. Or perhaps the dragon is hunting in Emridy meadows and leaves it's hoard somewhere more secure? Dragon's usually sleep on thier hoards though, so gems and coins that get stuck into it's hide will go wherever the dragon does.
  10. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I've got an idea for emridy meadows - as ted used half my idea in ToEE instead of KotB, why not just chuck the other half into ToEE
  11. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    @Allyx...I don't really care how much there is, as long as it makes sense that it is there. Young adults wouldn't have tons of gold, like Smaug, who stole his by killing or driving away all the dwarves under Erebor. A young Adult would just be establishing a lair, and not dragging tons of crap about with him. FTR, how does a a dragon move the tons of crap in a hoard anyway? I've never in 21+ years of DnD killed a dragon flying about with a shitload of treasure...or let anyone do that.

    Cujo...we're waiting..!! Give it up, man!
  12. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    @Lord_Spike Tensers Floating Disc is useful for transporting massive amounts of treasure, any dragon considering a relocation should definately consider aquireing a scroll of T.F.D. and I do agree, no dragon would carry all thier loot around with them, it's far better to put it in a cave and cast protective wards and traps on it, around it, and in the cave entrance itself.
  13. rufnredde

    rufnredde Established Member Veteran

    Apr 8, 2006
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    That would be magic Spike :D

    But since I'm implementing him into the module you don't need to worry about that much, I'll just be sending whatevers left to the Cayman's. Can Paladin's say "Bahama Mamas", :cool: First ones on me!!!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2006
  14. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Have you ever looked in your garage/basement and said ,Where did all this junk come from? Dragons collect "stuff" and over a 100 years they can amass a lot of junk. Some is treasure and some is junk. An older, well established dragon will have a lot of junk, like this old sailors garage.
  15. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    I think it's kind of funny as in poetic justice that Nulb now needs a heroic party to save Nulb from the big bad dragon. I'm sure Tolub is feeling the pinch and is disgusted. And, who knows, maybe there is an attempt to recruit the black dragon by the Temple forces. Maybe it was the Black Dragon who squashed the farmhouse ruins, but no one survived to tell the story?
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