The dream was that all of us were 23 years older and working at that job and having a riot of fun. It was great seeing everybody again. And everyone looked 23 years older in the dream too. That's what was trippy. My mind envisioned them at their older age and not as they were when they were younger.
No harm O Great and Powerful Gaear. :thumbsup: Then again, it's one of your jobs, keeping us inmates in line. oke: *NYAH! NAYH! Necro got in trouble!* He's got to try A LOT harder to get to me! :evilgrin: And no, that's not an invitation!
I try to push the envelope every once in a while to make sure that Gaear is reading all of the posts. Kinda like quality control. :yes: *edit in the quote*
I had an interesting dream last night but I can't remember it, only that it was cool. I heard that if you wake up in the middle of a dream, you remember them and if you make it all the way through a dream to the end, you don't remember it. This makes sense to me because a person has several dreams a night and I don't remember several when I wake up.
Another odd dream last night. I dreamt of my son's ex-mother. She was at my place and we were hanging out when I told her that a friend was coming over and she was a chick. My ex-demon got all huffy, put on a shirt and left. And then the dream ended.
I dreamed I was trying to wash ice cubes...with hot soapy water. Then was surprised when they melted.
Last night i dreamt that I was in a Starcraft starbase and was shooting at protoss ships with my little hand laser as they passed by.
Good thing they probably can't notice a hit. Okay, here's one: I dreamed I was at my Mom's house fighting waves of trolls, 3-5 per wave, by myself. :yikes:
I had a freaking awesome dream last night. I dreamt I was one of the cast in Deadwood, the HBO series, and I was affiliated with Al Swearengen. Me and Dan Dougherty and Al were at the bar in the Gem taking shots of whiskey, talking about something I cannot remember, but I'm sure it was about something cool, like planning on the best way to kill someone that was messing with Al.
I dreamed I was talking to a wolf. An overlarge, Wiley Coyote-ish type of character, only a wolf. Standing up like a human. I should say he was talking to me. He was taller than I was. I don't remember much of the dream, but what I think was unusual was that what I remember of the dream was from a first person view. In other words, I was looking at the wolf out of my own in-dream person's eyes. Couldn't see myself, because of that. I think when I remember a dream, that it is more like looking at a movie, and this wasn't like that. Not too surprising, I guess, that I was dreaming of a wolf...considering things.
well im pretty sure freud distincts dreams as dreaming it from an inside view or 3rd person of yourself. and from seeing it from your own eyes or someone elses or watching someone else in 3rd view. but i forgot about it since i think freud got it all wrong.