First replay in 15+ years. Some questions.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by JDR13, Aug 9, 2021.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Its just for at that moment, I think you will find. Its meant to be them ambushing you when you are wounded after dealing with Lareth - that's it.
  2. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    Ah ok, thanks. I was hoping there might be another opportunity to fight those guys. It sucks knowing they're evil but not being able to take them out if you didn't kill Lareth.
  3. Erhog

    Erhog Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Well, there are lots more higher level spells with better or same effect(charm/dominate monster allowed more wide target to casting on for example) and even AoE. But something like web, grease, stinking cloud, etc higher level could be valuable.
  4. Erhog

    Erhog Member

    Jan 21, 2015
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    Afair, you can recruit them and they will attack your party if your HPs will be low enough in any fight. Could be very tough fight at low level especially for a blind walkthrough.
    JDR13 likes this.
  5. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    Another question: My wizard keeps failing when trying to use a scroll of Charm Animal. Is that because it's not a Wizard spell even though it's part of the 'Enchantment' school of spells?

    I'm assuming when it's a spell that's not native to that class, they must then make a check vs Use Magic Device in order to use the scroll. Is that what's happening in this situation?
  6. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    I've encountered a bug where I can't get rid of some dead Skeleton Gnolls that are in my party.

    They were a random encounter, and I had Lareth use Rebuke Undead against them. Lareth then ended up leaving my party. The Skeleton Gnolls have since been killed in battle, but their bodies won't disappear, and they go everywhere with me. Also, people in town are reacting as if they're still in my party.

    *Edit* Ok, they finally disappeared after resting a couple more times, but I'm still getting a negative reaction from people in Hommlet. Is that permanent because they saw them in my party? I can still barter with people, but they start the conversation with something rude or comment that I have some interesting travelling companions.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2021
  7. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Mud sticks. I think it perfectly reasonable for the tradespeople of Hommlet to refer to you as "the people who collect skeletons" for the rest of time. I am curious as to why, in the age of social media, you should expect to lose a bad reputation.
  8. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    Wtf does social media have to do with ToEE? What an incredibly dumb reply.
  9. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    What exactly is the trigger for getting Meleny to join? I got all the farmer's quests done, but I can't get the romance dialogue with her.
  10. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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  11. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    Ah ok... my guy needs at least 16 Charisma. I don't have that much even with casting Eagles Splendor. Oh well...
  12. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    To use a scroll or wand of a spell, you must meet at least 1 of these conditions:

    -Have the spell on one of your class spell lists (Paladin, Ranger, Cleric, Domain, Wizard, Bard, etc.) and have a high enough casting stat (WIS, INT, or CHA depending on class) to cast spells of that level.

    -Be trained in (meaning have at least 1 rank in) the skill Use Magic Device (also known as UMD) and pass a UMD check to activate the item. UMD checks are notoriously high and normally not recommended.

    -Mod the game to get what you want. This is the most difficult option.
    JDR13 likes this.
  13. JDR13

    JDR13 Member

    Aug 7, 2021
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    I just hit level 5 and took the Craft Wand feat for my Wizard. I noticed that for wands of Magic Missile I can choose 1, 2, or 3 missiles. I'm assuming that refers to how many missiles each charge will cast? If so, then why are they all the same crafting price, and why would anyone choose to craft a wand that fires less missiles per use?

    Also, is it just me, or does that feat seem a little overpowered?
  14. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    I didn't like Craft Wand for being too weak. Scribe Scvroll, Craft Wondrous, and Craft Arms & Armor give you the largest variety of the best options.

    Various consumables let you change their caster level. A higher caster level has a higher price and usually also greater effects. A wand that shoots 3 magic missiles per use costs more than a wand that shoots less. Each casting only requires 1 charge.
  15. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    All the crafting options (Imho) are overly strong. I tend to agree and think crafting trivialises the game, especially since you can actually find in game most items that will work well (for both good and evil parties). There is a holy weapon from start. Having holy and axiomatic on every weapon is... well, up to the tastes of the individual challenge, I suppose.

    I think you misunderstand how strong wands are. 50 charges is the same price as something like 20 scrolls. And more importantly, any wand only requires a non-proficient UMD check of (iirc) equal to using a 1st level scroll AND you don't have the extra stat emulation check. For example, you can be using a 5th level summon monster quite easily with fairly low UMD- a very strong summons. etc etc.

    This means a very small UMD investment can go a long way on non-casters. And much money is saved.

    I think the DC is 20. So 4 skill ranks is a 25% chance (4 + d20). And then there are spells skill bonuses - which can also be on wands - like eagles splendor +2, heroism +2. A fighter with a lot of feats could take a skill focus (+3) and such.
    It's not that hard to get to 50% wand success rate with minimal skill investment.

    If you have a high-charisma character like a paladin, you could put 1 point into UMD and cast mirror image, stone skin, heroism, haste, enlarge, greater magic weapon, keen weapon, etc etc from wands. A 50 charge wand of mage armor can give all your summons/helpers extra AC...and so on.

    Even with a character starting at a negative charisma modifier -> you can make it work with a little bit of effort.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2021
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