I noticed that too try changing the head and chest first say Drwh Drwch keeping the string length the same makes things ezr name the mdf files the same feet and hands not there only saw boots and gloves test in game see if re-naming gives you a good mdf path pointer
if you want I could work on a app that parses mdf and changes the path via argument example say you run a batch cmd mdfparse.exe hair_black.mdf "path\new.tga" mdfparse.exe would open hair_black.mdf file copy contents then change the orginal path to the one specified by argument "path\new.tga" file inside would go from Textured Texture "art/meshes/hair/hair_black.tga" Double changed to Textured Texture "path\new.tga" Double via mdfparse.exe
I think there's no need for that. Its very easy to modify the mdf file, If I'm catching up to your idea. Anyway here's the result I've change "CHEST" to "teEST" then BOOM, his chest dissapears, I wonder where the others are hiding i.e. Feet, Hands Anyway, you can create another useful app by changing the bytes into hex, in skm2obj so the modder will know where to change the model texture reference even if the references are obsfucated in symbols. MAYBE its the boots, head, and gloves? Yes that's right its the boots, head and gloves, but where's the hair? Okay, the hair of elmo can be set in the protos tab, but I'm wondering where in the hex code can be change its reference. Elmo's .tga files are pretty useless I think because it's pointed to the Human_Base_Model of PC_Human_male which exclusively pointed to its own .tga files. :/ However, I will conduct a study on how the heck did the elf have a independednt texture. Seems the elf texture is in the material.mes and its missing in the meshes.mes
yea the chest disapeard but did you create the "teEST.mdf" file to see if the texture could be defined there?
Negative. I did not. To be honest, I'd already stop researching on this, and just mimic what Nerif did to his Nixie.
Well, just a heads up. NPC_Elmo.SKM is internally controlled by the .dll itself, so referencing a new texture to him even via meshes.mes or protos.tab will be futile. Meaning, it doesn't call on its textures given on his external folder, but maybe on his own folder inside ToEE1.dat for sure. I also researched Cujo's footprints on this but unable to produce his works. Maybe, I just lack perseverance on this one.
Maybe, you can change the texture reference via anim8or it seems your familiar with that function, let's give it a try and use the tech available to us in modding this gem. :thumbsup: Do you know how to create a static mesh in .OBJ file? Even though it's not UDK, is it possible to create an add-on for anim8or for adding static meshes?
Im not exactly sure what you mean by static mesh, but if you mean non-animated there are several scene props you can edit that have no animation in art\meshes\Scenery\ that you could mess around with using skmtool set besides; I wasn't really interested in moding elmo more then this, I was only complimenting your subject as too a possible future study into adding new special NPC characters and the Drow character class plus you need to know how to change the mdf pointer inside the SKM to copy hair styles using a base, and for all the colours here is an example of what I mean about hair, \see if you could finish al the colours for this style, by hex editing the mdf pointer, I already have a few copied.
Alright. Drow as an NPC/PregenNPC and texture is possible, but adding it as a race is not, reason is, it needs a special .dll hack to reference itself to the game. Yes! If your saying that adding a new NPC to the game then it is easily possible and doable. Finished referencing it to my name!
I'l create an NPC but you may not talk to him! He is deaf and mute. Also, I'l reference a diff. hair on him. Note that I'm using Elmo.SKM file.