hey guys. so , i found the chest, but whne i use it, the blue circle appears (like the one in "Bless") and a lot of smoke appears. i dont know how to use it to store my stuff, it just keep sending me smoke
Did you use it once already? After you summon it, you also need to send it away when you are done placing items in it. Otherwise the chest will remain where you summoned it. Then if you walk off and try to summon it again, you will get a bit of flash but the spell will fail since you didn't put the chest back. If this is the case, you need to retrace your steps and find where you left the chest.
Be careful where you use the chest. Depending on where you open it, an enemy could come out of it from the other side! I once used it at Emridy Meadows and Venger came flying out being chased by Tiamat!
Man, how awesome would it be to use the chest at a certain place and be able to encounter Lolth, just like in the cartoon?! Maybe use in Lareth's room.
(Fondly remembers the idiocy of that Cartoon...) Or be able to use two chests left in two different places for a quick doorway/cheat teleport. Say between Hommelt and the third level of the Temple. Sure would save a lot of trekking back and forth to unload all that loot.
no friend, the thing is that when i choose to use the chest, i can olny cast a strange fog in the area. the chest doesnt appear on the grond or something. my character wave and a fog apears. i dont seem to have the option to use the chest as a chest edit: also, theres a strange tab (like the status one) called "Spell_None" and a number (83 of 90 now). it gets weirder...a little fog is following my group (it saty in the middle), and it cause damage to the rats in the moathouse, per round! sinse they respawn all the time, im always in combat there
I can't offer any help with the weird fog, but with the chests I think you somehow used them in an area, forgot to unsummon the chest, and that is why you are getting the sound and spell effects, but no chest. You might either want to try to go back on your other saves and see if the chest shows up in one of them, or just bite the bullet and make a new chest and use that one and say bye to the first one. Maybe someone else can shed some other light for you.
im not forgetting it. it just doesn appear as a chest (to put stuff inside). it shows a blue circle of magic, like Bless, with the numbers as in area selection. then, a fog appears and the characters get encumbrance (sp). also, they do continuous damage to enemies. still, i can use this power all the times, but cant use it as a chest
Wow, sorry Rossik, I got no clue then what is going on or what effect is causing this. If you have a high enough mage about to take a level, you might try to test creating a new chest and see if this same thing happens then. If so then you may have a bugged game and may need to start a new one or just live without the chest.
yeah, thanks friend i think i will have to live with it till my wizard level up (no help from the C8 "concil"?)