Dwarf Paladins and drinking habits

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by krunch, Jun 9, 2006.

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  1. moralgay

    moralgay Bertram Rider lv.2!

    Nov 29, 2005
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    Nice one :thumbsup:

    I certainly don't believe in the cruelty of killing animals just for their pelts either and for a Druid to fall for doing so I'm all in favor of EXCEPT when its for survival needs, which is natural, or when that is part of hunting the animal for food. In some cultures is it the height of disrespect to the animal to waste it, if you took it's life for good reason you should respect the value of the animal's life enough to use as much of it as reasonably possible. I'm pretty sure I've seen druid's wearing natural leathers and scales, so they must have a similar belief or else be complete hypocrites.
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yars, the fact that they prefer darkwood shields and hide armour to lifeless metal was debated here recently. Funnily enough, we never did work that one out :blink:
  3. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    So, you don't think a druid would want a big nice looking bearskin rug on the floor in front of his or her fireplace or a nice cool looking weaselskin pouch for his or her after-dinner tobacco pipe?..just kidding *grin*

    [EDIT] Druids should be able to kill animals and cut down trees for the dead animals and chopped down trees to provide material needs, including eating meats as food. I don't see druids as vegetarians - not a class requirement or restriction for druids, although occasionally, druids and possibly druidic sects may voluntarily choose to be vegetarians.
    *** [DISCLAIMER] Before someone rants, I agree with the concept that druids would definitely be interested in and would want to protect against any
    (1) mass slaughter of natural wild animals in a wilderness area
    and also protect against any
    (2) mass annihilation of the natural habitat of naturally occuring wild animals,
    by or according to the degree and severity of others' actions with respect to the nature of an environment.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  4. moralgay

    moralgay Bertram Rider lv.2!

    Nov 29, 2005
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    LOL. Indeed :)
    I mean cause, nature isn't restricted to animals, plants are nature too so eating them would be no different in that sense. Druids understand and in harmony with nature USE nature including animals, plants, bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, molds, natural toxins, venom and the elements. If they couldn't do even natural use/limited harm of anything natural they could not just eat meat, they couldn't eat plants, move or breathe for killing millions of bacteria :D
    Something to remember. They hear plants scream.... *munch, crunch*
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    No comment :tired:
  6. moralgay

    moralgay Bertram Rider lv.2!

    Nov 29, 2005
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    ROLF!!!!! :mrhappy:

    You're so bad! :) (for those who didn't get the second joke by his slight change to the quote)

    Munch: 1. To chew something audibly or with a steady working of the jaws.
    2. To eat with pleasure.

    Krunch: A cool fella on these forums :p

    Kudos to your deviant sense of humor ShiningTed! :D
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2006
  7. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I thought Druids were all about the balance of nature, and all things. Eating animals is OK, just don't eat enough of them to screw up the natural order.
    On another note, I think Dwarvin Paladins should drink Draven Ale, I sure Moradin dose.
  8. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    Huh? Is there more than one here?
  9. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Man, you ain't :poop: !!!

    But, as far as the rest of this thread goes...Let's settle down, now, people!!!


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  10. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    Now the experts know why dwarfs rarely become paladins, and why they never could when TSR was around and in charge. Well this specific situation was not , I think, on their minds, but the general attitude of the dwarven race. They may have tendency towards law, but only in their sense of honor and justice. Them dwarves love to party when the work day is done.
    That's it, paladins can't drink when they're "on-the-job". That sounds pretty good to me. Kick it around awhile, talk amongst yourselves.
  11. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    This is what this thread was about. Paladins can drink [but only in discrete moderation] where drinking means having just a refreshment or having some wine with dinner. They will not sit around and drink for the sole purpose of getting a buzz, not the sole purpose of getting drunk, or not the sole purpose of partying. That is not what Paladins are about. The worst thing to happen for a Paladin would be for a Paladin to be drinking and blow off fulfilling the requirements of the code of conduct while buzzed or drunk; plus, Paladins are not drunkards by choice and would prefer not to associate with drunkards as the reputation of the drunkards could tarnish others' perception of them and what they as Paladins stand for and support.

    The ultimate question for this thread could be, "As Dwarves are reputed as heavy drinkers, maybe Dwarf Paladins are rare because Dwarf Paladins would be required to drink responsibly or maybe not even drink at all of which would be the same thing with respect to Dwarf Clerics?". Note that in AD&D, only NPC characters can be Dwarf Clerics; there were no PC characters who were allowed to be Dwarf Clerics [if a DM followed the guideline in the books].
  12. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    You're thinking of classic D&D, where the races were also their own class. AD&D 1st ed broke away from this and allowed different races to become different classes, as well as adding new races (gnome, half-orc) and new classes (ranger, paladin, illusionist, monk, druid, bard [as a sort of prestige class] and eventually cavaliers, barbarians, acrobats and assassins.])
  13. Sokaijin

    Sokaijin Established Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    The opening question was whether there was any previously published information on this topic. This I cannot answer with any certainty, but as only opinions on paladins in general has been offered, I would still go with my original assertion that they can't drink "on-the-job". Since in ToEE if your playing, your party is "working"(i.e. they never sit down to a meal, or take breaks) I assume that they are considered to be eating etc. only when "resting". The drinking contest is an in-game situation and the paladin would consider himself to be "on-the-job".
    Since dwarf paladins and clerics would probably almost exclusivly follow Moridin, and Moridin espouses the dwarven virtues, they would probably be most certainly allowed (if not required) to drink. This would seem to be contrary to my previous argument, except that dwarves would not drink when working (I think), unless it was part of some ceremony.
  14. Noran the Axe

    Noran the Axe Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    It still seems to me that everyone that is against the dwarven paladin drinking thing is applying Christian belief system values to the issue. You have to think out of the box and try to look at it from the perception of a dwarf. Paladin or not, dwarves are a proud people with a love of the ale and a high tolerance to boot. I would think that a society that espouses heavy drinking as the dwarves do (even dwaven children drink - much like Europena children are permitted wine and beer) wouldn't bat an eyelash over a drinking contest - paladin or not. The virtues of the paladin would be aligned specifically to the culture and diety the character comes from - not from the humanistic point of view (which seems to be the focus here). The only "code" that we can be sure of is the Lawful Good alignment code and nothing in that code as written by WotC's d20 standards says anything that would be contrary to being involved in a drinking contest.
  15. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    [EDIT] I have only played AD&D starting with the 1st Edition and moving on to the 2nd Edition. AD&D 2nd Edition expanded Dwarves to allow them to be fighters, thieves, and clerics. *grumble* I cannot find my AD&D 1st Edition Players Handbook. It's in that book in a table.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2006
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