You should run it without a problem, with a few less bells and whistles that is. I think steam also lists the specs.
Not sure how close I am to 100 hours on this yet, but I feel like I'm in the final act of the game. It's for sure an excellent game, and I plan on doing at least a second playthrough sometime in the future. Undeniably game of the year.
Thanks for the advice btw SirChet. Good thing I didn't know this was coming with tools included, or I probably would have been diverted to modding it But now it must wait.
Alright Sirchet, I'll take it for a spin - Mr. Ted - You may have "downgrade" rights on your new computer, allowing you to downgrade to Win7. Tomthefighter
I can't wait for Larian to release more new content updates. I wish the final boss could have been harder, I was on hard difficulty with 2 party members. (Lone wolf + glass cannon might be OP)
Just killed the final boss on Divinity Original Sin. I have to say the overall feeling is much like finishing Baldur's Gate or Temple of Elemental Evil. The class system is not DnD but still has a very DnD feeling to it. The mechanics of combat are also great, I love how the spear has more reach than a 2-handed sword or hammer, and how one-handers require you to be even closer. With that and attack of opportunities it reminded me a lot of ToEE combat. But the overall class system is imho better. I'm not sure I'm thrilled about the Diablo style loot drops, but it does seem to work. The game still needs some bugs to be kinked out like level 5 loot in level 15 and 20 areas but that will happen in time, also this game is designed from the start to be mod friendly and people are going to put out some amazing stuff in the future I'm sure. Well, this game totally sucked up 3 weeks of my summer holiday, but it was an amazing time. I'll certainly play though it again knowing a lot more how the class system works and all of that soon...but at a less frantic pace.. I played about six hours a day endlessly looking forward to getting back to the game when I was doing something else. It's been years since I had that feeling with a game. Even though I've got an amazing rig and toooooonnns of games, I haven't finished a computer game in so long because everything seems to bore me to shit, this game really is amazing, once I started I just couldn't stop until I had won.
It definitely sounds interesting, and as soon as I can get GoG to answer my question about regional pricing, I'll probably pick it up.
Just a heads up, there should be some major patching in the coming weeks, inc. new companions, so those who haven't played it yet might want to hold off till then. Should also tone down some of the major exploits and endgame balance issues, today's patch already addressed quite a few.
Heh heh, I'm playing the first divine divinity again and you can see where a lot of the ideas came from for the new one. Still the first one is still a great game.
Gave it a run last night, first impressions incoming ... First of all I can verify that Ted has nothing to worry about with system specs (if that's still a question). I'm running it in XP with a dated graphics card(s) and 3 MB of RAM on medium-ish quality (what the game determioned itself would be best) and it's perfectly fine. I'm not much of a graphics whore anyway so I don't notice a lot of practical difference in levels of anti-aliasing and stuff like that. Plus, turn-based 2D games don't seem to require a high level of performance, as you're not doing stuff in real-time and in 3D. (Well, walking around out of combat is real-time, but there's never all that much going on graphics-wise.) I like the feel of it a lot, though it'll take some getting used to. (The angle isn't ToEE's projection angle for example, and it does feature a quasi-3D look to it - can't remember what they call that atm.) Plus, the zooming and rotating is of course foreign to ToEE. And there's a bit of a learning curve with the skills system et al, as well as the game's spells and spell-like abilities equivalents, all of which need to be learned anew. You do have an advantage going in with D&D knowledge, but it's by no means automatic. I was a bit bored with the tutorial dungeon honestly (reminded me of Dungeon Seige - basic hacking albeit with few enemies), but I'm hopeful that will improve. Loot seems a bit fat, but that's okay as long as I don't become a king pimp at level 2 like in ToEE. I like the fact that I'm not stumbling over enemies at every turn. And the personality development features of the two protagonists seem to have potential. Larian has a rather interesting approach to developing those features on the fly. So far so good.
If history repeats itself, Gaear will play it half-heartedly once, and then spend the next 10 years in the editor
It really opens up once you get to the next map. The tutorial isn't meant to be anything special, it's just there to explain to new people how to play. Also, Legend of Grimrock 2 is a pretty amazing game that you guys should check out.
The game is far better than most of the average games and definetly worse than ToEE. I don't know if it is because of the kind of 3D Graphic style or the game mechanics where you have to get used to that your archer for example is often like a wizard. Only thing that they managed absolutela excellent is balance. I wished ToEE would be something close to a balanced and challenging game as Divinity. I still hope for a change in that direction. That doesn't mean I hope for a change of every single NPC in the game but maybe something like the option for veteran players to increase the lvls of all opponents by two or three. At leasdt in the post temple content.