December 21, 2012, the end of the world

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Necroticpus, Aug 23, 2010.

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  1. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    So, Nostradamus and the mayans predicted that the end of the world will be on December 21, 2012. My question is this...

    If you knew for an absolute fact and major certainty that the world will indeed end on December 21, 2012, would you do anything different before that date? Would you continue to work? Would you wrap up loose ends? Would you become a doomsayer, walking around town wearing a sandwich board saying "the end is near!" Or would you become the most decadent hedonist the world has ever known? Would you do nothing but good works and help out your fellow man? Would you all of a sudden find god and barter for your soul? Let it all out, we understand. Besides, Nostradamus has rarely been wrong. Confess your misdeeds and meet god with a clear conscious.

    I think I should like to watch all the reactions of all the world's biggest plotters and schemers. The ones that sit at the alleged summit of man's existence. The heads of governments and other fakey such establishments. The heads of international businesses. The heads of huge hospitals and universities. The heads of religions. I would like to watch them eat themselves while trying to avert their destiny.

    I have no sins to confess. Nothing I would consider a sin anyways. I've never been in serious trouble with the law or have ever harmed any women or children. Nothing I feel guilty about, other than this...I could have been a more social person. I generally like to be left alone and not be bothered by anyone. I could have cared more for people and perhaps helped more people than I have. I wish my apathy could have been put aside and taken a more active role in trying to change things for the better instead of waiting and watching all the world's people and societies self-destruct.

    Attached Files:

  2. acemcjack

    acemcjack Member

    Aug 15, 2009
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    Since I'm basically an optimist, If I knew the 2012 prophecy was true, I'd probably build a shelter in the mountains, buy a good generator, stock up on provisions and hope for the best. No point in gloating or becoming a "doomsayer". I dont think I have anything to ask forgiveness for as I am a pretty decent man.
  3. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I have been reading different websites about the end of the world today and I think I have it all figured out.

    The world will not be destroyed on December 21, 2010, BUT there will be a significant change all over the earth. It is my unprofessional guess that the earth is going to tilt on it's axis. I think it's already started years ago in very minute shifts and this global warming thing is a direct side effect of it. When we tilt another 10 degrees on December 21, 2010, it will be hell on earth.
  4. acemcjack

    acemcjack Member

    Aug 15, 2009
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    As far as I understand it, this is a misconception.
    The theory goes that every several tens or hundreds of thousand of years (I don't quite remember the time frame) the Earth's magnetic poles shift. Someone misunderstood this to mean that every several hundred thousand years the earths axis does a 180 and north becomes south. Magnetic pole shifts would definitely screw things up for human technology, but I don't know if it would cause "Hell on Earth".

    Anyway, I'm willing to bet a year's salary that nothing like that will happen on Dec 21 2012. Who wants to bet against me? ;)
  5. Sergio Morozov

    Sergio Morozov Paladin

    Aug 28, 2008
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    I think I would just continue doing my usual deeds, work and so on, because I think my work is important, no matter how long humanity will use its results - days, years or forever... :chick:

    Of course, if everyone would knew, this will bring some disruption into these plans...
  6. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I think I am a pretty decent person, but that's highly subjective and I know at least one person would disagree, perhaps even strenuously.

    I have tons of regrets. I don't see how anyone can get through life without some. There is nothing that can be done about them now.

    What would I do? I've been doing 'good' and helping people for half my life. I'd like to think I'd sell the house and move back to Oregon, but I honestly don't know if I would. Try to wrap up loose ends I guess. Be with family. Try to be brave.
  7. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I think the end of days are really upon us. The anti-christ has risen, and her name is Lady Gaga.
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Has anyone ever considered that the Mayans might of planned for a longer calender, but at the time when they planned on projecting it further THEIR world came to an end.

    I get such a kick out of people thinking that just because an ancient civilization stopped their calendar at what would be 2012 that the world will come to an end. Let's stop and think how far into the future they planned it, maybe they thought they had plenty of time to extend it later.

    Heck, my calender only goes for the rest of this year ... uh oh, maybe THATS the end of the world.

    Oh, and the planet gently rocks on it's axis on a regular basis. The Discovery Channel aired a show that tied these rockings to each of the ice ages, was a fascinating show.

  9. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    You are awesome !! To the best of my knowledge, there has only been one person who has "accurately" predicted the future, and he only did it once, and that was purely by accident. Dan Quayle once said "The future will be better tomorrow." I find it interesting/fascinating/amusing that lots of people think that our ancient ancestors had super-human, magical abilities like: Contacting E.T. without radios, predicting the future , etc... . I am willing to bet that if any of our ancestors were to hear about the "powers" we think they had, they would laugh themselves right out of their graves.
    The Royal Canadian
    P.S. May I post your statement on Facebook ?? I think some of my friends might find it interesting and get a good laugh out of it.

    Last edited: Aug 24, 2010
  10. acemcjack

    acemcjack Member

    Aug 15, 2009
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    Actually, the Mayan calendar doesn't end on December 21 2012. If I understand correctly, there's a "short" count and a "long" count in the Mayan calendar. The long count actually allows for at least 20 cycles of something called an 'alautun' (aprox. 63M years) which is good for some 1,260,000,000 years (yes, that's 1.2 billion) if my math is correct.
    You can find more here.
  11. Sergio Morozov

    Sergio Morozov Paladin

    Aug 28, 2008
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    You have mentioned her already, is she a cheap* ugly** singer?
    You positively LIKE to speak of her, it seems.
    No, really, who is that?

    * - totally subjective opinion, no offence intended, many may think she is dear.
    ** - totally subjective opinion, no offence intended, many may think she is beautiful.
  12. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I think when you say cheap, ugly singer, you are being overly generous in the extreme. I speak of her when I want to compare a negative. She is what today's kids look to as a role model, misfortunately. More importance is placed on her than the current issues that plague the world everywhere. This is how I can tell that the end of the world is nearing. Our society has degenerated so much to get to this point that it can't degenerate further. These are the last days of Rome, my friend, and the world cares not about hunger, poverty, corruption, war, terrorism, homelessness, crime or anything else.
  13. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Apparently so. Everybody seems to be so far up their own ***es that they only care about themselves. Just look at the debate about healthcare in the US. Though I hear such words on concerning several other topics in my country as well.

    'I don't care you don't have money. No money, no healthcare, I'm not paying for you, you deadbeat.'

    You can thank for that to capitalism... or genuine selfishness. Sometimes I can't tell the difference. Consumerism is the new philosophy of life. Not saying that communism is better, though.
  14. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    People that work for a living aren't eager to have to support a bunch of deadbeats too. But I've never found them to be ungenerous on a person to person basis. Vagrants tend to stay in working class neighborhoods because they can get regular hand outs, day jobs, and people who will talk to them like people, for better or worse.

    When the Guardian Angels start patrolling in a poor area, there is a grave danger that we will be severely overfed. :p

    Plus, the Democratic Party has a reputation for being irresponsible with other people's money. I didn't say it was deserved.
  15. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    I see. But the general public (at least from what I get from our media) seem to be awfully afraid of the government actually being in charge of something other than international affairs. I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing when the state/government provides support to its citizens. I think everyone should have a right to free* healthcare, a home and education (something our government plans to take away soon in order to make university students slaves of the financial system just like in the US).

    Now, if you think about it. Who finances the government and its agencies? You, the tax payer, you are a part of society. Act like you're a member of society and help other members - either the way you do it GA - actively, or passively through taxes** (which go on healthcare, wellfare, etc. not only into the fat wallets of the Congressmen/Senators***). It's not that bad if you think about it that way. Of course some people will try to abuse/misuse(?) your generosity but it's the government's job to control the money they give out.

    **Yes, I'm oversimplifying. :p The money also goes to state run schools, police, infrastructure, etc. But there are ways to get more money without the Average-Joe suffering from high taxes, such as making the above-average-Joe pay more. I don't see anything bad in that. Unequal? Biased? Is it fair that Paris Hilton has more money than the 'deadbeat'? I know some of the people worked hard to get what they have now but sharing is the only way for everyone to benefit.
    ***BTW they also get their share from lobbyists. Something still illegal in Poland but not for long. ;)

    And boy, have I derailed this topic. Oh, and I may have completely no idea what I'm talking about.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2010
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