Yeah, fair enough. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with fear? Mother Screng has Calm Emotion and Remove Fear. Now, remove fear sounds great.. If it actually did anything. Ditto for Calm Emotion. Wtf?!
Ah, never mind.. Protection from evil does the trick. But seriously, why don't the remove fear and calm emotions work??
Kern. Enjoy a 7 day vacation, courtesy of Co8. You don't lecture, instruct, or patronize admins or mods at this site, period, no exceptions. Now, when you come back, this is what's going to happen. First, you aren't going to snipe around the edges about this incident at all. You will move on. You will also magically adopt a new attitude where you're respectful to all members and staff here at Co8. If you don't, in any way (and I'll be watching you), your next ban will be permanent. For the record, this game doesn't hold hands with the player, and we tend not to either. If you don't know how to extrapolate "negative things will happen" from "they don't like her" in the context of your question "will NPCs talk to me or not?", that's on you. Meanwhile, please familiarize yourself with the forum rules, which are stickied at the top of each page on this forum.
It never ceases to amaze me the directions human behaviour can take, and not always in a good way. Here we have a wonderful game, unluckily hugely flawed and incomplete. There come the Co8 to the rescue :yes: . Result: we are still playing the immensily improved game ( I bought it back in 2003 and still playing it ) to previously unhoped for levels. And for all this we pay, lets see, hmmm... exactly nothing! On the other hand, there are people that are never satisfied, taking for granted that everybody owes them everything, by deafault, just because. OMG, it is all I can say.