CTDs with new patch?

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Sol Invictus, Nov 11, 2003.

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  1. Sol Invictus

    Sol Invictus Beholder Watcher Veteran

    Aug 25, 2003
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    If you're experiencing CTDs and believe it may be related to the CO8 patch I recommend the deletion of these directories after the uninstallation of the CO8 Patch:

    C:\Program Files\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\mes

    C:\Program Files\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\scr

    C:\Program Files\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\art

    C:\Program Files\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\dlg

    C:\Program Files\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\rules
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