@kalshane: My point is that it is broken and cannot be fixed without a DLL hack of which it would appear Bradrinwi has stopped his modding effort. Until the DLL is hacked, people willl have to take two feats and no one will do that.
Without a dll hack, no one can take EWP: Repeating Crossbow anyway. My understanding was this whole poll was based on making changes to the game to implement repeating crossbows in said game, and what those changes should be.
Just ran across something in the Arms and Equipment guide page 116 - Self-loading Crossbows and the Rapid Reload feat If the weilder has the Rapid Reload feat described in Sword and Fist, loading a self loading crossbow is a free action, and the weapon does not restrict the wielder's ability to make multiple attacks in a round. and the desciption of the Self-Loading Crossbow: This +1 heavy crossbow is much easier to load than mundane crossbows. After firing, the crossbow's string is magically reset to the cocked position, requiring the wielder to simply place a bolt in the weapon to reload it. Loading a self-loading crossbow requires only a move equivalent action. Caster Level 10th; Prerequisites; Craft Magic Arms and Armour, animate objects. Market Price 12,350 gp; Cost to Create: 6350 gp + 480 XP I interpret this to mean that it is an enchanted crossbow and thus usable by anyone without an exotic weapons feat. Rapid reload enhances its use but it is still faster than a heavy crossbow. I realize that this isn't exactly what we are talking about here I just found it interesting and thought this would be the place to post it. Take it for what it is worth and in the spirit it was intended please.
Yup. If I can figure a way to get these working without a .dll hack (Allyx is also on the case) then thats what we'll have - magical self-cocking weapons rather than proper repeaters.