I would think 5 hits in a row and 80-100hp of damage from the Balors vorpal sword might hurt somewhat. You might lose a hand or a ear.
Zeb... if need to know something you could simply ASK! :yes: Here's a lot of people who knows about rules, and actual edition rules...dammit, i've been Dming for more than 10 years (14 to be exact... that hurts)...and when i reply to something i read the book first if i have it Berzerker i did'nt refer to the death from massive damage...i was refering to the rule "if a player scores two 20s in a critical roll, at the master option, it could be considered an instant kill"..very useful for hordes of orcs of 3-4 lvl or not-important-plot-creatures :dead: btw..."Berserk Badger RUNS to the dictionary to check the definition of "CRITICAL"... it's that sarcasm? You'll pay for that. I shall eviscerate you in drawings :aaaa: Wiz-G well, a Balor with a +5 sword indeed could make a lot of pupa...a maiming should be justified...but score down from 18 to 10 is excesive. Here in my town is a guy who is missing BOTH legs, and the guy runs marathon...and how it runs! Someone so especialized as a rogue IMO should not have such drastic penalizations...i think that as a rule of thumb, a penalization for a missing eye is a -1 or -2 to attacks, and -2 to related skills and no penalization to the score (it's a bit tricky apply that to a CRPG, in pnp you could say where and when to apply the penalizations at your discretion ) irate:
The DM at the time did all those things and you did not argue with ole Bob. Rules or no rules. That was 30 years ago. Things have changed a little bit since then.
I haven't played PnP in a long time. I recall not only weapon fumbles, but a real chance of weapon breakage, or hitting yourself or a friend when rolling a "1". Or a chance of double damage, stunning, or others on natural 20s and such. And the tedious task of checking each of my items for destruction (melting?) when a dragon breathed on us. Should your bow or clothes really survive a blast of dragon fire or acid? Luckily we talked the DM into allowing the items in packs, and such, to automatically survive if the container survived. What a delay of game...but in CRPG it should be a lot quicker. Imagine after a few attacks you are standing there all naked and charred.
Well, for all the lovers of stuff with probability of breaking, there's the "mercurial sword", who probably it should be checked after every 1 rolled...most fragile sword ever. Tho pretty powerful, 2d8 of damge , crit x 4 (and wielded two-handed that's a nasty crit)... It also check the heat of a dragon's breath: -Fighter: "mmh, it says 50ยบ...pretty low, must be a young or juvenile dragon.." -Female Bard. "OoOoOh...cute little thing!" -Dwarf: "Mpf.I need new boots."
Been playing that way for decades. It's in the rules; if the container saves, the items within are ok. That's why some players spend a few extra GP on special containers for their valuable liquids & documents. But a crafty DM knows what saves best vs. what...
I was just looking at the saving throw matrix in the 1st edition DMG and parchment(scrolls) was 25. Kind of hard to do on a 20 sided dice. I always wondered why Burne has that metal tube. To protect his scrolls, of course. Wake up GEORGE!