Crafting Holy Weapons

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by gtorr144, Jan 11, 2010.

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  1. gtorr144

    gtorr144 Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    Is there a way to craft a holy weapon with a cleric who does not have the Good domain? When I created my party, I selected my cleric to worship Pelor but chose the Healing and Sun domains, not thinking about the requirements I would need for creating holy weapons. I have found the console commands for changing alignment and deity, but changing deity does not change your domains. I have also found the console command to give all spell casters all spells by class, but that makes the radial menus very hard to use. Is there a console command to change your domains? Then I could change them to Good for the purpose of crafting and then change them back afterwords.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  2. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    A cleric must have good domain to craft holy and there's no way to change it. If you have room, create another cleric and levelup to the point you want. Remember, extensive use of the console can cause many unforseen problems.
  3. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    They should have that choice in the game, to change deities. That would be friggin sweet. Drop St. Cuthbert and become a disciple of Pelor and Cuthbert comes, kicks you in the twins, slaps you in the face and calls you a momma's boy before excommunicating you and have you treated poorly by the rest of his worshippers.
  4. Stuntman

    Stuntman Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    I believe the requirement is the level 4 spell (forgot the name) in the Good domain. As far as I know, the only way to get this spell is by taking the Good domain.
  5. VentilatorOfDoom

    VentilatorOfDoom Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    you need the good domain AND be of good alignment (you can also pick good domain with neutral characters) to craft holy weapons
  6. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    I beleive it is Holy Smite
  7. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    A cleric of Pelor with good and sun domains can do most everything. Craft, turn undead and with decent strength, fight well too. HolySmite is a good spell. With good stats you'll have a really strong, versatile cleric.
  8. Stuntman

    Stuntman Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    I personally use a LG cleric with both the law and good domain. I like the Law spell (Order's Wrath) more than Holy Smite. Also, I like my weapons to be both holy and axiomatic.
  9. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    Oooooo, I've never been able to make an axiomatic weapon. Is that what it takes, the lawful domain? What god has that? Not Pelor....

    Lol, I don't even know what it is really. The way I understand the rules, if an item is crafted axiomatic, it allows different sets of powers to be placed onto an item but only 1 set may be used at any given time. Like maybe holy/fire burst in one "cell" and mighty cleaving/shocking burst in the other, but they act independently from one another.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2010
  10. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hi Necro
    The only god whose clerics can chose both the LAW and GOOD Domains is Heironeous. I once ran a party through ToEE that had two clerics of Heironeous, One had the LAW and WAR Domains, the other had the GOOD and WAR domains. Needless to say, that group went through the temple like the wrath of god: Fast and Furious. Axiomatic is like Holy (it does 2D6 of damage) but it only effects Chaotic creatures (of which I am sure you will find many of in the temple). I like to use clerics of Heironeous or Corellon Larethian with the WAR Domain for two reasons:
    1.) Free Weapon Focus (Longsword) (very useful for a "fighting cleric")
    2.) One Free Spiritual Weapon, Divine Power, and Flame Strike (assuming the cleric is high enough level to cast the spells) every day
    I should point out that since running the "2 cleric party", I now go with just one cleric of either H or C. L. as, while there are a lot of evil monsters in the temple, not all of them are choatic, so I save the extra "elemental burst" slot for either Icy Burst or Shocking Burst.
    The Royal Canadian
  11. Stuntman

    Stuntman Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Hieroneous is the only deity that has both the Law and Good domains. Axiomatic weapons deal an extra 2d6 to chaotic creatures like how holy weapons deal an extra 2d6 to evil creatures. When I completed the game the first time, I noticed that practically all of the enemies I have slain are chaotic, evil or most often both. I think it's the journal or something that lists the stats of all slain creatures. I think that there are slightly more chaotic creatures than evil creatures. I think that bandits are chaotic neutral, so holy weapons do not do extra damage on them.

    Anyway, my subsequent games I played always had a cleric with both the law and good domains to make holy and axiomatic weapons. I turn the dice rolls option on all the time and found that most of the time, I was dealing the extra 4d6 damage to most enemies. On top of that, the weapons are +3, frost, shock and flaming. The game seems to only be able to give you 4 extra bonus dice. If you have a holy, axiomatic, frost, shock and flaming weapon and hit a chaotic evil creature, only 4 of the bonus dice will register on the damage. For this reason, you should make the holy and axiomatic properties first because if you do lose any damage dice due to the game limitation, it will only be d6 (your last enchantment). If the creature is not evil or not chaotic, the bonus dice for the last enchantment will kick in since either the holy or axiomatic will not give extra damage. One other thing I noticed is that the bracers of archery counts as bonus damage, too. If you wear the bracers and attack with a bow, the bow will lose 2 of these extra damage dice.

    With enchantments like this, you'll be doing probably 6d6 damage most of the time before weapon, strength or specialisation bonus on every hit. It also looks really cool when every hit causes some type of magical explosion on the target.
  12. mooses

    mooses Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    From my understanding for Holy weapons, the cleric needs a high enough wisdom to have the lvl four domain Holy Smite. He will get it at lvl 8. Assides from the good domain and being able to cast that spell naturally, you also have to be lawfull good, neutral good, or chaotic good. for lawful weapons, same lvls but with law domain and orders wrath spell. And lawful good, lawful neutral, or lawful evil. Unholy samething except evil domain with unholy blight and being lawful evil, nutral evil, or chaotic evil. Finally for chaotic weapons, same lvls but chaos domain and chaos hammer spell. Also chaotic good, chaotic neutral, or chaotic evil domain. Although in toee yo can't craft chaotic weapons because the game crashes. Unless that is they fixed that. I don't know. I hope this helps. Also remember to make a weapon keen after makeing it holy, lawful, chaotic, or evil cause when keen its chance of a critical hit is like 2X. :)
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2010
  13. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hi Mooses
    You are correct for the most part. I however don't recommend making Keen Weapons. What is even better is for your fighter types to take the feat "Improved Critical" which does the same thing and allows you to craft more burst attacks on your Holy Weapons. I usually go with +3 Holy, Shocking Burst, Icy Burst, and have few problems with anything in the Nodes. The reason I would rather have Holy and two elemental bursts instead of Holy, Lawful, and 1 Elemental burst is that you do run into a fair number of neutral monsters (Large Elementals, Fire Toads, etc...) in the nodes that Holy and Lawful won't do any damage to.
    The Royal Canadian
  14. mooses

    mooses Member

    Jan 4, 2010
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    I see where you are comeing from however I only use keen on the longsword for my cleric of Herinious. Forgive the spelling i cont remember how to spell his name. But with my cleric im to bussy improving his turning and giving him weapon focuses, martial weapon profeciancies, weapon specilizations. Pluse I normally make his longsword holy, frost, shocking, icy burst, and shocking burst. I add both the regular elemental abilities for the extra damage, and the burst because they add on the critical hits. Also in 5.5.0, have they fixed the crash that occures when you make a chaotic weapon? I would really love to know.
  15. Philip

    Philip Gruff Warrior

    Apr 29, 2012
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    ..And Moradin. Only available if you're a Dwarf. I am running around with a Dwarf Cleric of Moradin with the Law and Good domains so I know this to be true :)

    however he's a Neutral Good Character with a Lawful Good Deity which I have to my cost discovered means that, while he has the Law domain, he is unable to Craft Axiomatic weapons, as the Crafter must also be Lawful - a fact that escaped me at the point of character creation.
    Last edited: May 6, 2012
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