Well, it was Endarire's idea, but personally I think everyone should have ranks in tumble. Can be a life-saver under the right circumstances, no matter who u r.
Yeah, tumble is an almost essential skill for everyone who won't drop thier studded leather armor (at least until you use the Humble NPC's patch to remove it forcefully). :roll:
I've been playing with the voices Ted uploaded, I liked to Tuelk/Ronald exchange, but here's a suggestion... Ronald needs more than one action confirmation line (and voice) the same one over and over is getting tiresome.
How could Ron be persuaded to sell or drop his starting gear? Also, Allyx, what is the confirmation sound? -EE
Allyx - the sole confirmation sound is something we are plagued with, if I am not mistaken (think Fruella - "don't tell me what to do!" How fast did that get old?) However if I am not mistaken I did do both a male and female, try changing the sex of your party leader and see if that changes anything (it should also give a different "I am encumbered" comment among other things). Otherwise, since we only have one line to do it in - 12020 - if anyone has any ideas I am all ears, Endarire has already recorded plenty of dialogue we could use there. Endarire, I will PM u some ideas on how we can change his equipment.
Sorry Ted, Didn't realise the single confirmation line was an engine limitation, this is of course your area of expertise so I will of course accept it for what it is, and get on with testing/bug fixing.
Thats cool dude, thats what feedback is for Lemme know if the 'changing party leader' thing works, never tried it myself.
uhm - I have tried to mentally block the action confirmation of Ronald as to try to ignore it since the 100th+ time hearing it. Instead of the current sound-bit, could we hear Ronald say something different, please?..maybe along the line of something like "sure thing", just please make it something else.
Which of the action confirmation lines are you guys displaeased with? The "what now?" (male) line or the "alright" (female) line? They don't seem to change btw, even if you change party leader - this goes back to the peculiar "memory" npcs seem to have for the gender of the person who recruited them, I mentioned many moons ago when first looking into all this. Maybe actually changing party leader then having them speak to Ron in party might help. But I have some alternate lines Endarire sent over long ago so lemme know which one is the offender and I will change it.
See, I only ever get the "alright" (female) unless I make a conscious point of first talking to him with a male party leader. Ok, consider "what now" replaced, there is a much more pleasant response in there.