Coming attractions: Livonya's beta 2.0

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Livonya, May 10, 2005.

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  1. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    LOL...yes quite right Marceror. thats what i ment Liv, i wish i could do half of what you do with this game so i could lend you a hand fixing it up.
  2. screeg

    screeg Nukekubi

    Oct 2, 2003
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    Here's a suggestion:

    Is there a way to cut down on characters verbally acknowledging your commands?

    With player-created characters they each have 3 different acknowledgements, which helps to break it up, but with an NPC's like Fruella she screeches out that 11 word tirade each and every time you click on her. Click on her, instruct her to attack she does it twice-- MY EARS, AGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!

    Is it possible to script NPC's to have a 10(or something)% chance of making a verbal acknowledgement?
  3. Ellester

    Ellester Member

    May 5, 2004
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    Fair enough. That was a better answer than I expected. I’m glad you are adjusting them to reflect the original module and not just making them uber characters. And I'm glad you agree it's not fun to make super powerful NPC's. Keep up the good work. *thumbsup*
  4. Rook Hudson

    Rook Hudson Member

    Jan 22, 2005
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    There should be more side quests for non-good PCs ?

    I have always thought that the side quests one can do in Hommlet and Nulb should have been alignment dependant. I mean, if one is going around helping people and getting experience for it, this is being reward for doing good deeds for others, most of the time, isn't it ? So why should a character who's alignment is, say, Chaotic Evil, get any experience points for helping other people and doing good deeds in the process ? He/She should have side quests to do which are suitable to a Chaotic Evil alignment shouldn't he/she ? Such a quest might be robbing somebody (but watch out for the law, or payback), or burning down a building for payment or an insurance claim, or taking on an assignment to deliver something illegal, carrying out the delivery, and then betraying the one who payed you (when the time was right, heh, heh!). I'm sure others can think of other CE, or LE, NE, LN, CN, etc side quests that don't all end up revolving around helping people and promoting goodness in the world. This is not to say that goodness shouldn't end up triumphant, but if the game is to be more 'realistic', then side quests which are tailored to alignment would be better than what now happens in TOEE, where all PCs, regardless of alignment, end up getting the same experience points for doing the same side quests, regardless of the fact that these quests are really mostly designed to advance the cause of Good.

    These comments refer mostly to Hommlet where good quests exist and non-good quests do not mostly. By extension similar comments could be made about Nulb and the Temple. In the Temple there are all these evil side quests. For non-evil, especially non-chaotic evil, PCs there are really no side quests, therefore some non-evil, especially non-CE, side quests could be included I think. As for Nulb I think here too alignment specific side quests would be preferable. What do others think of this idea ?
  5. taltamir

    taltamir Established Member

    May 16, 2004
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    it fits if you are trying to pretend you are NOT evil. Its not like you want to advertise the fact you are evil and bring the gaurds on you. It would be interesting if it would be set so that killing certain people brings the blame on you, and you can escape the blame if you have done enough good deeds for people.
  6. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    some of the quests in hommelt depending on how you end them could be called neutral or even evil if you stretch it a bit. in the temple my good party goes along on the evil quests in order to gain info on the temple and it also gives them a chance to get rid of some evil people. im just playing along trying to find out whats going on. i figure if i took the whole temple on id get wacked in a hurry lol ;). Liv has also added a new quest that is mainly for evil and it is cool if you can get through it.
  7. Rymdkejsaren

    Rymdkejsaren Member

    May 13, 2005
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    So what's the E.T.A. on 2.0? I don't want to seem pushy, just wondering if I should start a new game now or wait. Keep up the good work! :D
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Bug fix please!

    Liv, while doing my sound fiddling i found a tiny bug in Turuko's dialogue. When u recruit him then chat to him in the party, his response is {300}{yes, sir}{yes, maam}. However, the sound file that triggers is actually for line 310, and he says something about wanting to go back to civilisation before leaving the party. This is caused by the vocal track for line 300 (v300_f.mp3) being identical to the track for line 310. Note this only happens in the female dialogue, the male vocalises "yes sir" no problems.

    Can I suggest to fix this, you change the female dialogue in line 300 to read {Anything else, ma'am?} - a reasonable enough comment when the leader comes back to the NPC already in the group - and make v300_f.mp3 identical to v340_f.mp3 where this line occurs.
  9. lexb123

    lexb123 Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Wow… Wow… WOOOOOW! I beat the game a while back without your mod and I would score it a 7/10. It’s a great game and is the closest to the real D&D as any game has gotten, but its buggy and was almost unplayable when I bought it. However suffering through it I managed to beat the thing. With your patch and the CO8 patch I have enjoyed this game so much that it is currently my FAVORITE D&D RPG. That’s saying a lot, as BG II held that place for about 2 years. All I can say is keep up the good work. There was not a single thing about it that I did not enjoy! The only suggestion I have is that you add more quests. I don’t care what they are, I even enjoy the go to x and kill x types of quests.
    Your patch has made the game great and I can’t wait till 2.0 comes out.
    On another note, I have reached level 13 or 14 in the game and I think I did mostly everything. Would it be possible to add harder creatures to the game and have them give more exp? That way lvl 20 can actually be reached, hehe.
  10. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Damn i love this game! especially now i got rid of patch 3 ;) im new to toee and am very interested in this mod, i was wondering is more random respawning monsters could be added in dungeons as you walk about? i love the battle system of the game and a roomful of monsters is too much fun to ignore ;)
  11. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    please fix the AI of a boss called Hedrack ;) he spent all the fight running around in circles (this was before i installed your module mind) and he was less challenging than a goblin ;) nice armor though, at least my fighter thinks so ;)
  12. lexb123

    lexb123 Member

    May 18, 2005
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    I think it was fixed. I beat the game with the patch and it was chalanging and awesome, heh.
  13. lexb123

    lexb123 Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Liv, a question for you

    Once again, thanks for the great mod!

    Any chance on an ETA for the mod? I would like to play through with another party and would like to know if I should wait or just go for it. I'm really looking forward to the "Hard Mode". The game was too darn easy on normal anyway.
  14. dursttiger

    dursttiger Member

    May 20, 2005
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    again big kudos to liv and Co8, who made this game enjoyable. i played it the first time short after the release and was very disappointed about the mass of bugs.
    now i finished it with the recommend patches and had lots of fun, big thx.
    can´t wait for 2.0, where i will replay the game with an evil party.
    big thx to all, who invest their time to make a broken game with lots of potential fun!
  15. screeg

    screeg Nukekubi

    Oct 2, 2003
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    I want to play a good party next, for Liv's mod. Liv, how much new, juicy evilness will I miss if I play good?

    Are there any good-only plots coming up?
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