Co8 New Content: Welkwood Bog

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Technically they are concealed, which is a legitimate thing in ToEE. The kobolds are lurking in the water and down the hole to the run, and the goblins are actually supposed to be in those shacks, so it's not like you'd be able to see them in there.

    Duly noted, but there's already a lot of exposition on Mathel in Captain Renton's tale (probably more than anybody else in the game besides the slavers). And I don't really want him to be a caster, sorry. He tried - but failed - at his necromatic efforts.

    That will already be adjusted in the next modpack.

    I'm of the opinion that ToEE's locks and traps implementation is not really a thrilling aspect of the game, so easy is what you get here. It used to be tougher (I just sort of guessed at it originally), but players didn't seem to care for that too much. It would be different if you could think up clever traps, not just "ZOMG - a poison gas trap! Roll to see if I survive!"

    Well, there's nothing in there that's so valuable that it requires a 24 hour personal guard. ;) Besides, you have to get by the kobolds first, even if Mathel and Co. aren't in that room.

    His equipment issue is already fixed for the next mod.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  2. cremo

    cremo Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I am not saying it's illegittimate.. i'm just saying that, playing wise, it's not tactically fun to have "the player with more ac run ahead knowing you 'll get attaccked).. and anyway RPwise, a good rogue/ranger could check the huts while in stealth, and check for traces and stuff to know where they are.
    The bad thing imho.. it's just that it's not tactically fun to play as it could.. fun thing about having stealth characters is being able to plan your action and, imho, that's one of the coolest thing in ToEE.
    I know if it happened ALWAYS it could be considerend boring/exploit.. but you can always be discovered.. meaning that not always you succeed in your attempts.. and, anyway, it's an attempt you got to invest for in order to try (no heavy armor dudes).

    That's exactlyu the point.. it seems to me disproportionate the amount of time this guy receives in the story and all... and yet the encounter just resolves with him mumbling something.. at least i wuld make ut something like lichdom not acquired, yet able to regenerate or stuff like that.. meaning you have to destroy his heart in the tomb beneath it's room.

    Just my 2c of course!
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2010
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    ... which we see frequently in ToEE. :p Sorry, not gonna happen.

    Feature request noted. ;)

    I have a hard time justifying writing in more story when so often I see that players aren't bothering with the story that's already there. :shrug:
  4. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    I'm also of the opinion that it was strange that Mathel learned to wield a glaive and wear armor but never learned any low level spells before attempting his transformation. There are so few spell caster fights at low levels - aside from Lareth - until one gets to the Temple.

    Damn kobold and goblin leaders are so hard to hit! Extremely challenging for 1st level party of 4 wounded characters. My rebuker died, and only my elf wizard was left standing with a useless commanded Mathel. I'm sure TPK when 5.93 is released - um, when might that be?

    Should I be patient or continue with my game. I suppose I could check out Sitra's Lareth changes.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I'd say continue with your game. We're kind of in a state of flux right now, what with the whole gog thing and other stuff.
  6. Moaner

    Moaner Member

    Oct 18, 2010
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    After swift death at the moathouse and Deklo Grove I had more joy at Welkwood Bog, and it proved a fine introduction to the game. The illusions were nicely spooky, though when the third one started telling me to get lost I sussed that it was another phantom. The finale with the massive wave of goblins was slightly edgy too.

    Was Mathel the lich? I assume he must be, as when I handed the quest in I exclaimed about killing him. It exploded when my cleric turned undead, to my considerable surprise (I'd expected to get rid of the skeleton, but was bracing for a tough fight with the lich).

    I think my party (5 lvl 1s, Furnok, Fruella and Ronald) was a bit overpowered, but as the same group (minus Fruella) was slaughtered by two giant spiders at Deklo Grove I wasn't sure what to expect.

    It's been over 20 years since I played D&D and I'm really enjoying this computer recreation. Thanks a lot for this mod, I'm looking forward to the rest of the game.
  7. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Did you get Mathel's loot? You may need to go back.
  8. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Mathel is not a true lich, just a failed attempt by the luckless wannabe. The goblins definately will give you a run for your money if you charge right in through the middle. The bog helps to give you some XP, money, and breathing room before wandering about the moathouse. That is a large group, so your level progression may be hindered with the spreading around between all the members of the group.

    Also, if you want, rest a day or revisit the final battle scene for a possible treat.
  9. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Yeah, I think one of them should be real haha. How about the hill giant? The player goes "ha! another illusion", and a second later, instant death.
  10. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Or have there be a 5% chance or so that any of the illusions will be in fact real critters. Keep the old hands on their toes and not be complacent and give newbies a good fright. :D
  11. Moaner

    Moaner Member

    Oct 18, 2010
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    I got the loot from Mathel's chest. I did have a good look round where he exploded but couldn't find any more.

    It was an excellent D&D flashback to sneak in, see the word 'Lich', and think "Oh no! How is my level 1 party going to deal with this?"
  12. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Rest a full day and then look on the ground where he exploded. :)
  13. TheLadiesOgre

    TheLadiesOgre Member

    Dec 15, 2008
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    Alright, so I've finally gotten to play TOEE again (had to buy a new copy), this time not having any troubles with invisible .mobs. Welkwood bog is phenomenal, I really enjoyed it and I am looking forward to the other new stuff in 5.9.2 NC.

    Not sure if this was the way it was supposed to happen (given the comments I've read here) but Mathiel ashed as soon as I tried turning him with my cleric.

    Anyway, thanks and kudos to those responsible for this added content.
  14. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    From what I understand, Mathiel will be tougher and harder to turn in 5.93. For now, if you want more of a challenge, you might want to wade into battle with him and his crew and not turn that wanna be bad boy. :)
  15. TheLadiesOgre

    TheLadiesOgre Member

    Dec 15, 2008
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    I wasn't complaining, it seemed like a fair enough challenge for a 1st level party. Now, had I fedexed hommlet and then went after mathiel, then I feel it would have been a little underpowered.

    I thorughly enjoyed Welkwood and I am glad that I chose to do it first, now comes the fedex followed by the Moathouse...
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