Co8 New Content: War of the Golden Skull

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    I did really enjoy seeing them and it made lots of sense to have them there. The best thing though was how they were the only enemy that didn't immediately die to my level 20 paladin. They really have nice AC or something, just need better ability to dish out hits as well and they would be a perfect enemy in WotGS.

    Without resist energy and stoneskin, my party is actually vulnerable. Ariakas died a few times as well. I suppose it's alright though, because I did notice some failed disintegrates aimed at my pally.

    Perhaps they could use composite strength bows, be given ranged attacking feats to improve, and maybe enchant their bows to be +2 or something each. (of course not availible to pick up when dead, I really liked it that way)
  2. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    As there aren't enough requests already :twitch: thought to drop one. Would it, somehow, be possible to create some quasi- Black Guards? I mean I know it is not possible to have new classes, but something similar? Maybe a Pally swiched to a LE allignment or a Cleric with some Pally feats (smite good in this case, lay hands that actually inflict wounds....)
    However, I deeply enjoy the fight as is, just an idea for some future developement, if planned any.
  3. Nadyan

    Nadyan Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    War of the Golden Skull has been spoiled in 7.1.0.

    1. The devils fight with other Hexorites. So you are rather a spectator. There is no danger to you.

    2. Moving in the southern parts seems to be more difficult than it used to be and even you can get close to them it is difficult to start the combat. Some Hexorites are friendly; when you try to attack them they reply "Nice to meet you".

    3. I cannot find Fireforge in the inn, so cannot continue.

    Would be it possible for you to restore the previous version, or perhaps to make further fixes, for instance remove the three groups of Hexorites in the southern Hommlet?
    They do not fight, they do not move at all, even they give some experience points they make no sense.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Being as we didn't alter any of the Hextorites or devils you mention between v7.0 and v7.1 (only the old man was affected, really), the problem is probably not with v7.1 but with your installation of it. You should reactivate the module and start over as opposed to going back to v7.0. That would be very unwise as a great many genuine bugs were fixed between the two versions.

    Or has anyone else experienced in-fighting between devils and Hextorites and friendly Hextorites and just not said anything about it?
  5. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I'm not here yet (hopefully soon! VERY much enjoying the NC so far)

    as to the comment about the summoned Devils attacking Hextorites - i think that makes sense to a point - they ARE extraplanar EVIL foes that have been ripped from their plane of existence ... forced to do the cleric's bidding and they would probably be pissed off at everything around them... one of the risks of summoning something that powerful. as long as it is not widespread, i could see it making sense, them occasionally targeting what is close to them whether it be your party, or some hapless enemy foe that just got too close.. (i don't know how its scripted) As long as they are not focusing on the Hextor army. Maybe the soldiers could prod them towards the Hommlet defense forces with longspears or something!

    For example, in Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (book & movies) the Balors and Cave Trolls have no qualms squashing goblins and orcs in their way to get to you .. they are just that BADA$$ :)

    uh, gotta admit it sounds pretty funny to have an invading foe greet you with a placid "Hi, how are you?" though :D

    Can't wait to get to this climactic battle!
  6. emo_ome

    emo_ome Butcher Of Hommlet

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Same here.. At first I thought the Bearded Devils fought the Hextorites (Town Elders site) when I casted Greater Dispel Magic on them, but they keep doing that when I reached the other sites. Fireforge, I too can't find him. I will try to reactivate the game and see what will happen.

    Also, the group of Hextorites (Elementalist, Enchantress, 2 Fighters) outside the Ogre Cave are still there.
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Did you defeat the Hextors and get the reward from Ariakas?
  8. emo_ome

    emo_ome Butcher Of Hommlet

    Oct 18, 2008
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    Yes. (WotGS: Defender Completed, I've received the reward)
  9. kungfuramone

    kungfuramone Member

    Oct 15, 2010
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    Hey gang,

    I suspect the answers to the following are posted somewhere on the forum, so please feel free to just point me in the right direction...BUT:

    1. In a 7.0NC game, I can't get WotGS going. I meet with Ariakas, wait two days, go back in at night, and the old man promptly attacks me. I kill him every time via an attack of opportunity, at which point I'm unable to interrogate him. Ariakas won't respond to further prompts. I even tried disarming my party; one punch knocked the old guy out, and then we're back to no responding, nowhere to go... Anyway, what am I missing here?

    2. There's a bug that may well be fixed in 7.1: after killing Zuggy, entering the guard tower, and sometimes other buildings (at least in Hommlet), ends the game. Has this already been fixed?

    Appreciate any clues / links to the right place on the forum. If the solution is to upgrade to 7.1 w/ a new party, I'm happy to do that as well; about time I play some monks and druids and stuff instead of my usual crew of fighters and clerics. ;)

  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay, I discovered that Nadyan and emo's Hextor devils bug is legit - was caused by giving the Hextorites a faction distinct from the Verbo Hextorites but not also giving it to the devils. Sorry about that. Sadly there's nothing you can do to fix it without a patch.

    Fireforge I don't get. He should be there if you've been given the reward by Ariakas and as long as Fireforge's quest isn't finished. emo, please check

    if you would.

    Bugs fixed in 7.1.

    No, but I think someone mentioned it before. What exactly happens - you get the endslides and all that?
  11. kungfuramone

    kungfuramone Member

    Oct 15, 2010
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    @Gaear, yeah, basically you enter a building (again, I've only come across this in Hommlet, but I haven't visited Nulb or Verbo since killing Zuggy) and it cuts to the animation of Zuggy disintegrating, then the endslides kick in. This doesn't happen every time, but it was happening consistently when I entered the guard tower.

    Thanks for the tips on 7.1. Does it look like there will be a 7.2 reasonably soon, or would the best bet just be to load up 7.1 and go for it?

  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    just go with 7.1 for now. It only came out a few weeks ago.
  13. emo_ome

    emo_ome Butcher Of Hommlet

    Oct 18, 2008
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    The return value is 1.
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks emo ... found the bug in his script. Sadly again there is no console fix. We may have to make a little patch for 7.1.
  15. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    I also posted about that a few hours ago in the general v7 thread. That's exactly what happens you enter the tower, get the CG cutscene, then slides, then you're back to main menu.
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