Co8 New Content: Verbobonc

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I don't suppose anyone else has got to Verbobonc before Emridy meadows before.
  2. widardofodd

    widardofodd Member

    Oct 8, 2017
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    It appeared right after all the cutscenes played after I killed Zuggy.
  3. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Oh, I'm not saying you did anything wrong @widardofodd far from it, the transition between the Zuggy battle and Verbobonc could have been handled better, it doesn't exactly flow well, similarly the slavers quest itself should have checked if Emridy Meadows was on your map already, and added it if it wasn't already added.

    I just meant that all of the players here make a point of getting Emridy Meadows done early because it unlocks the Masterwoek Weapons that Brother Smythe sells when you bring him the Giant's head.
  4. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Sometimes you get the red circle for an area you cannot access yet. It seems to depend on how far you have gotten in the game PAST where you would normally gain access to the area:confused:
  5. Ossie

    Ossie Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    #1: For the stairs icon just to the right of the City Hall entrance, behind the 2 locked doors: does this lead anywhere? I can "select" the stairs but nothing happens

    #2: Is there a console command to reset Senshock and have him appear in the shop?
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
  6. OccasionallyGood

    OccasionallyGood Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    Hello. I've faced with the following bug related to "Narcing on the Scarlet Brotherhood" quest.

    1) Got the watch patrol murder quest from Darlia.
    2) Turned him in to the authorities (one of the Watch commanders).
    3) Talked to Darlia in jail
    4) 7+ days later got the random encounter with Scarlet Brotherhood members.

    The battle starts. Two turns after screen gets dark, weapons and armor are removed, etc..
    Then the rain starts and the dialog start is expected but it's not happening, Scarlet Brotherhood members are just standing around with no action. And I'm unable to initiate the proper dialog myself, so the monsters are not appearing, etc.

    Please advise if there is a way to get the dialog initiated.
    One time, when I did a few reloads to the point prior getting the encounter, I got everything as expected, but I lost the battle to monsters, so I wanna try the enconter again. I have no idea why it worked one time.
  7. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    @OccasionallyGood As the original author of this mod, I'd love to be able to help here obviously. However the mod has evolved a lot beyond the period of my involvement, and it bears little resemblance to the mod I made these days. It's become a much bigger and better part of the game which is great, but sadly I wouldn't even pretend to know what the cause of this issue is, or how to fix it.

    If you have a save that has worked previously, I would suggest you try launching the game and loading the save. If it fails, quit the game and try again until it does work.
  8. OccasionallyGood

    OccasionallyGood Member

    Dec 19, 2021
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    Thanks for the reply and huge thanks for giving us these cool ToEE exta hours of fun!

    Here is the workaround.
    The issue happens only when your party leader is unconscious before the start of the dialog.

    When the ambush ends on the second turn, first black screen appears.
    Then some of your PCs are getting unconscious state (sometimes it happens for all of them - in this case the game just ends but that's a rare case).
    At this point you're out of combat and have a couple of seconds before the second black screen. If your party leader got unconscious state, then use those couple of seconds to change your party leader by dragging portrait of any conscious PC to the 1st slot.
    That's it. Then after the second black screen the expected dialog starts with the PC dragged to the 1st slot.
  9. Kriegdoom

    Kriegdoom Member

    Jun 7, 2016
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    Just wondered if the O-Club has ever been incorporated? Don't see it.
  10. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Verbobonc wasn't expanded beyond the Demons & Demigods quest, meaning no club.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
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