Hi! I have completed the Temple. I've been to Verbobonc and eliminated the Drow and the dragons. I can't get Wilfrick or the Blacksmith in Hommlet to give me any more quests. I have been able to get them successfully in the past. has something changed? Shouldn't I be able to get the War of the Golden Skull now?
Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally found away to avoid Robin until higher level...TELEPORT. Bugger. I did not complete the Temple and went to Verbie at only 5-6th level,and kept getting thumped by Robin. I guess the trigger is Lord's Castle purchase. So will try this in 7.7 and see? I use MaxHps so it affects me more since all the enemy are in the 140s or so hps. Do not know about the new shops? Off-topic-can the Lareth musical items be moved to Amario(?) Hommlet instead? No instruments for PC's wanting to become Bards in Hommlet,let alone Nulb.
There are musical instruments in the starting area when you can equip your whole party before actually starting the game. And there is the Horn in the Chest of Brother Smyth.
I am trying to complete the Verbobonc sewers quest but am finding that the night worker is only forming as a pair of stationary torches that are formed each evening in a different place - they do not respond in anyway. Boroquin responds normally - including to charm person (he does appear to have a horrendously low will save though) Please, what am I doing wrong with the nightworker?
Have you exited the sewers before seeking out the night guy? They are only there day and night respectively, but you have to change maps for them to actually appear. This means that if you stood there with the day guy past 6:00 p.m. until midnight, he would still be there. If you then left and came right back, he would be gone and the night guy would be there.
Thanks for the reply Gaear Yes - I even resorted to travelling to the Welcome Wench, sleeping over, then coming back, ENTERING Verbobonc at NIGHT and going straight down to the sewers - all I found was a pair of immobile torches (in a different place in the sewers) and NO Caretaker.
No, the disembodied torches are simply particle effects from his torch that don't go away properly, but they signify where he had been. Not sure what else to tell you - I just tested it and he was there faithfully making his rounds after 6:00 p.m. You had no previous contact with him whatsoever?
New poster here. I'm playing 7.8.0 NC, first time playing co8. I've defeated Zuggtmoy, but I can't get either Verbobonc nor the moathouse respawn to trigger from Smythe.
Welcome to the forum Chiba_Monkey Go outside and call up the World Map - you will see Passage to Verbobonc appeared at the bottom of the list on the RHS (at the instant you slew Zuggotmoy) Moathouse respawn and all other post Zuggotmoy quests are triggered via messages on the noticeboard adjacent to your Verbobonc arrival point.