Co8 New Content: Verbobonc

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    Are there any plans to add more staff to the castle of Lords once the players take ownership? I think it would add a great deal of depth and interactivity to add some "quests" related to establishing that as your PC character's new dwelling and base of operations...

    I have a bunch of ideas, but don't really know how to get started as a mod. I have zero coding experience :(

    The way i envision it... the castle would come with a chamberlain or sceneschal of sorts, who helps to manage the place while you are away. He could have several quests that are basically "upgrades" (additional functions) for the castle ... adding new people to perform jobs for the party.

    The chamberlain could provide the party with a meager amount of gold per week of game time generated from sales of the produce on the farmers lands. If the party invested in a purchase of better tools, then the weekly income would increase.

    The party could hire a weapons trainer, that could be dueled for experience.

    The party could hire a scholar that sets up a library in one of the rooms of the keep, and could research and locate spells for a magic user in the party - those obscure spells you just can't seem to get to appear in a shop list...

    The party could hire a smith, who would use the forge in the basement level - he could add to the income as well, or craft specific implements for the party through dialogue.

    "Yes i'd like to order some Mithral Full Plate +2 - that'll be 2 weeks and the cost of materials, sir.."

    As it is there are PLENTY of chests :) Haha it also might be cool if when you took ownership, a few of them randomly had something in them.

    Basically it would add a lot more roleplaying to the acquisition of the stronghold... i just have no idea how to go about trying to create such a thing, I'd be more than willing to help write dialogs, or whatever.

    I figure this could have been posted in the thread Gaear created for populating Verbobonc, but it seem kinda quiet there unfortunately, and i know it was posted that the thread was not for IDEAS, but submitting fleshed out proposals for particular new NPC's.

    Has any of this been brought up or planned before? i never played Ranth's version of the Castle of Lords based in Hommlet.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  2. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    1) What's the real requirement to get to Verbobonc in 7.1?

    2) What's the console code to add it to my world map, if required.

    I'm on level 2 and released a bunch of prisioners, killed 2 high priests. I had some elf prisoners go aggro on my NG party for some reason (charmed ogre or perhaps because i opened the door with an invis dog before the fight) anyways, if the prisoner stuff isn't the key anymore, what is, because 100 posts and 13 pages in this post hasn't been that useful to discovering why I can't go there yet. Especially when it says level 5-6 can make it there in some places.

  3. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Here's a link to the best place to find answers to all your TOEE questions. gazra1971's Guide to TOEE

    What you are asking about is covered in section 11.
  4. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    that is the same thing stated in the first note in this thread. story state 5. so, how to advance to story state 5 exactly?
  5. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    You have to talk to ANY of the Temple chief clerics, to advance to story state 5. You need to discover the intrigues and infighting going on in the TOEE. So talk to Allrem, of the Fire Temple, or Belsornig, of the Water Temple, or Kelno, of the Air Temple, or Romag of the Earth Temple. You don't have to accept a quest, but you can. But you must talk to one of those 4 ... WITHOUT precipitating a fight first. After the discussion, and you get some info ... feel free to take the conversation towards whatever resolution you wish. There are also variations of how to get there ... for instance you can be escorted down by the guard outside the decrepit back entrance (where the ambush is) for a meeting with one of the Temple clerics Romag or Allrem if you had agreed to meet with them in Nulb by talking to their specific contact in the Waterside Hostel. Or, i have heard failing a "diplomatic approach" you could possibly trigger the story state by rifling through the remains of the chief cleric, and reading their diary. I'm not so sure that unlocks 'story state 5' every time... i recommend diplomacy at first. scout out the trouble before you start launching fireballs.

    AFTER you achieve story state 5 you need to seek out the good Brother Smyth, as mentioned in Gazra's excellent and VERY thorough guide, and also mentioned by Gaear, sirchet, and Gazra here. It's probably a good idea to at least scan the article top to bottom, you'll get a ton of info and ideas about what "works" in the game. Strategies, questlines etc. though you may encounter some "spoilers" it's the most comprehensive source of info on EVERYTHING to succeed at TOEE.

    You also must have activated if not completed each of the NC areas preceding it:
    Welkwood Bog, Hickory Branch, Arena of Heroes, and Moathouse Respawned. all of these are quests given by Brother Smyth when you are "looking for something different" ... check out the Guide, it's all there.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2012
  6. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    Lol, busted, I guess my fireball into every inhabited room and kill everything that comes out tactic needs to be revised. I have Romags journal but reading it didn't help. I think a couple of priests are left somewhere, so I'll try to talk to one of them. Thanks.
  7. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    If you had bothered to read section 11 of the Game Guide sticky thread (that sirchet kindly pointed out to you), then you would have come across the following information:

    Originally posted by Gaear:
    The other condition to be able to go to Verbobonc is that you have spoken to Kent about the moathouse being repopulated with monsters.
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Also, the very first section of the first post of the Circle of Eight Modpack Explained sticky has the basic breakdown for NC, including the "talk to Smyth" bit. You are aware that you have to get the location of Verbobonc from him, just like all the other NC?
  9. swanman999

    swanman999 Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Trouble with The Rabbit Hole.

    Before I add the details on my issue, I just want to say THANK YOU!!! for all the hard work on the NC. It has made this game a blast over and over again.

    Version: 7.0NC
    Party Alignment: LG - 4 Dwarves and 2 Halflings including 2 NPCs; Ronald and Elmo
    Party Level: 20

    I have completed Everything except: Castle Ghosts, Gremlich, One Bride for one Player, Pelor Priest Murder and Merchant Robbery in Nulb.

    I have spoken to Price Zook and have looked EVERYWHERE in the castle including the grounds outside and the tunnel to the Pelor Temple Ruins.

    I am sure it is something obvious, but what am I missing?

  10. dragonalumni

    dragonalumni Elemental Warrior

    Jan 30, 2008
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    Hey, er.. that's what the problem was. In the old days of course it wasn't like that, and all over this site has suggestions thats other npcs handle the marking of Verbobonc on it. I'm grateful for this reminder on current protocol.
  11. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Hmm, two questions:

    1) Is there a solution to the Rabbit Hole quest? I've got it marked as completed, but I never found the gem.

    2) Is the Gremlich completely borked in 7.0? I'd hate to start a new game this late in the game... I did get the conversation with the guard - but nothing resembling a quest in the Quest Log, and Mona doesn't have any dialogue about it... I did complete Monster Mash but don't have the Rat reputation if that matters at all.
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    1. There is no gem. Zook should have explained that to you ...

    2.The gremlich is semi-borked in 7.0, but generally for different reasons. Mona had nothing to say?
  13. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    1) Hmm, the Uncle told me he doesn't remember, and Zook said "well, let me know if you ever find it". Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention when reading. The quest did complete and all, so no big deal.

    2) Exactly - I got the conversation with the guard, but when I cam to Mona, the only two lines were "good to see everything's going well" or "what do you see in my future". Never got the quest marked either.
  14. r0gershrubber

    r0gershrubber Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    I'm liking Verbo so far, but I think I may have hit a bug.

    In the encounter with the Matriarch I had several characters die when hit with the spell Blasphemy. From what I can tell on the SRD, Blasphemy should only kill targets that are 10 levels lower than the caster. The characters that died were 11 or 12th level, so it seems unlikely that the Matriarch's caster level was 22+.

    Any clue why that happened?
  15. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    ^ Those two spells are just funky in a weird way. I've had Holy Word kill party members, even though it's only supposed to affect non-good targets and my party was all Good, not to mention within a few levels of each other.
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