Co8 New Content: Verbobonc

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. swanman999

    swanman999 Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    Monster Mash Issue - I received the quest from the High Priest in Pelor after killing the Hextor group next door (Verobo). I then proceeded to the Temple and wiped all of the Hextorites on the first floor.

    I have searched the ENTIRE Temple and cleaned it except for Zuggy, but I still do not get any movement from the Pelor High Priest or any other Folks in Verbo, Hommlet or Nulb.

    The Quest is still blue.

    FYI, I have completed most of the other quests in Verbo: Drow/Dragon, Ghosts, Slavers, Outlaws, Lerrick's Daughter, Being Followed.

    I have not found Lords and Ladies either.

    Any ideas?
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Which version of the modpack are you using?
  3. swanman999

    swanman999 Member

    Oct 5, 2010
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    6.1 NC is the version I am having the issue with. NG Party.

    I have downloaded 7.0 NC and plan on taking a party of Dwarves through it, then maybe some Elves...
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That was a known bug in 6.1 NC, fixed in v7.

    Lords and Ladies, like WotGS, is not in v6.
  5. Razyx

    Razyx Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    First of all thanks thanks thanks guys for all of the new content it is amazing. Now though I need some help again. The Fireforge quest,I can't find the quarry, I know that I'm overlooking something simple again (like with Nybble I had left him in the Moathouse on that playthough evidently) but I'm not sure what it is.. Also is it really impossile to kill the Gremlich? I know MOna said it was but I'm stuck fighting it and my guy's arms are getting tired from "killing" it so many times, I'm sure thats a spoiler though. Thanks again
  6. Razyx

    Razyx Member

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Nm about the quarry, I knew I was missing something silly, talked to Fireforge again and he noted it on my map.
  7. Rocktoy

    Rocktoy Established Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    Dear almighty! What have you done with Verbo? I used to think that Verbo was only a huge but empty ghost town, with little and boringly straightforward things to do. Now I am starting to think that everything before Verbo is just a prelude and the real ToEE begins here. Great work!

    I just love those new dialogue files; they bring so much more interaction. I spent hours (and a lot of gold) to just wandering and talking to everybody, just to get all the new background info. The gnome uncle is just megas. I used to like the WB and Fear of Ghosts because they have so good background stories, and now we have the Slavers with soooo much more flesh over their bones. Thank you very many!

    The Gremlich is my new favorite. It took quite a while to figure how to get the quest (no console use required), or actually how to confront the beast and even more time to figure out how to kill it. So much for those boringly straightforward types of quests: where all that is required, is to go somewhere and kill something. Me likey, me likey much! Moar like this, please, pretty, pretty please with a cherry on top. Sidenote: considering how difficult it is to kill the Gremlich, even Mona tells you it can’t be killed, why there is no cool Reputation as an award like “the victor/doom/destroyer/asskicker of Gremlich?

    I know that ToEE is considered as a combat oriented game, but I still think that these dialogues and background stories are the true heart of the NC. Shame on those inpatient gamers who do not bother to read the texts: if you can’t find or initiate something it’s your own fault. In this edition, all the hints are (finally) given.

    Lastly a spoiler request: with the 7.0 NC I have finally been able to see the scarlet figure of the Under surveillance quest, but no mention ever got to my logbook. How high Spot skill is required to get this quest? I had a rogue level 15 with maxout spot skill and an amulet of wisdom +6, or is check done with the PC/NPC with the lowest spot skill, which in my case would be 0?
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks, Rocktoy. With the Verbobonc Tales stuff and the texture upgrades, things will only get better. :)

    ^ This!

    I don't recall what the Scarlet Brotherhood spot check is atm.
  9. Pusilanimous

    Pusilanimous Member

    Jul 16, 2007
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    The portraits in the first post.

    Bottom centre Tim Roth. Top far right James Woods. :roll:

    I'm not sure yet, but I may have messed up the temple.. haven't met too many NPC's yet but I'm through one and a half levels and I still didn't know there were factions, will I still get Verbobonc?
  10. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Haven't you read Romag's laughable journal or talked to Wonnillon?
  11. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    And the guy to the right of the redhead (in the first post of this thread) is the spitting image of a rather fat Marlon Brando (circa Apocalypse Now period).
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    And Kenan (far left) looks a lot like Sam Elliott. Who cares? They aren't stills taken straight from their movies or anything, just bases for the images. Anyone who is familiar with HK's other work knows he's the real deal - professional artist - and using a base like that can add an element of realism that is hard to achieve otherwise.

    btw, I was aware of the bases, and the fat guy was not Marlon Brando. He didn't have one. You can usually tell because they look slightly more cartoonish.
  13. J'allan UlDragos

    J'allan UlDragos Dragon Warrior

    Feb 13, 2009
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    I really liked the intro movie you added to introduce the Slavers ..... i was wondering if there is ever any plan to fully enhance that clip with some signature music and voiceover work?

    come to think of it, it would be cool if the long descriptive monologues introducing each major area were voiced too... LOL sometimes i have caught myself reading it out loud in a "melodramatic" tone similar to this recording i once had of JRR Tolkien's "The Hobbit" on an old record as a kid... :) haha

    Yeah the portrait artwork is great! as i am an artist as well i can appreciate the work put into that ... My drawings tend to be more towards the caricature and animation side but i had the fine art training long ago back in college... :) so i know what that level of polish entailed. what was the original rendering sized at Gaear?
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well there is music, but it's stock ToEE music.

    No plans for a voiceover, although in a perfect world it would be the same person who voices Wilfrick, as that's supposed to be him talking. ;)
  15. Pusilanimous

    Pusilanimous Member

    Jul 16, 2007
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    No, not yet. Glad they've still to come... I did sell wonnilon's crossbow though. :/
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