Co8 New Content: Verbobonc

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. crhallen

    crhallen Toee addict

    Jul 14, 2008
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    Thanks Sitra, i will look into it.
  2. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Thanks Sitra Achara for the heads up about Knights of the Chalice. I had not head of this game, so will have to check it out.
  3. Tathum

    Tathum Member

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Just had a horrific run-in with a group of seven "Slavers" and couple of hours today doing that fight (kept getting wiped out and had to restart about ... well, I'm not admitting how many times I restarted that fight). But I was finally thrilled with my final outcome and walked away with a ton of new gear and a full level in XP. I was only level 11 at the time, and I knew I was outgunned, but I figured my guys had breezed through much of the game and wanted a nigh impossible fight. And considering that all 5 of my Chaotic Good party were around -5 to 20 health in the end, I had it.

    So imagine my surprise when I come back to town and get arrested for murder.

    Now, I had started out by trying to talk to them, and was 100% sure they were the slavers / bad guys in question, and then I read through this thread and discovered the truth about the encounter. So, my question isn't about if what occurred was correct, but instead...

    If I pay the 140k in gold, will that complete the quest and eliminate the repercussions? Not that I'm complaining, 20k for murdering an innocent is a bargain even by today's standards, especially if I get to run off with a few bits of great gear ... but I'm a tad light after buying a freakin' castle! And if I do decide to pay, can I wait until I have the money and pay it later without bugging out the quest? I mean ... I can easily teleport out of the jail when I'm incarcerated.

    Would it be better to just wait a little and take the insta-level when I'm around 15 or so (especially if it makes the fight easier).

    Is there a way to fight the slavers after confirming they're slavers without having one of my people get murdered? Or do I stick with the sneak attack and cough up the 140k for a boon of gear and XP?

    Regardless of all that crap .. .GREAT ENCOUNTER!
  4. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    You will get an option during the conversation to start combat.
    Then you wont have to worry about being imprisoned and executed.
    Level 11 is a bit early to fight them, i have done it once and just like you had to do it over a number of times until i got really lucky with my spells.
    In 6.1 this should be one of the last fights as i believe it is the hardest and you will gear up so much that the rest of the fights will be too easy.

    But lets see what Gaear has in mind for the next release, it might be that we will get even tougher fights.
  5. Tathum

    Tathum Member

    Sep 6, 2011
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    I'm just happy to know that I COULD kill them at level 11...

    Though, that apparently includes 'cheating'. I mean, I did kill the Priest in the first attack (god bless that Rogue / Fighter sneak attack). I found a 'suggested' run through for the NC pack, gonna follow it for a bit before trying this again.

    Though the chance to get those gauntlets and ioun stones is tough to pass up. Plus, where else can I find a pre-enchanted spike chain!?! Finding it tough to make my own magic weapons with the threat of an XP gap between my characters...
  6. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    There is a Holy spiked chain in the game aswell.
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Paying will eliminate the law repercussions for murdering them (e.g. no one will try to arrest you anymore), but it won't magically transform them into 'the slavers.' You won't complete the slavers quest and (I think) you'll still have the rep that says you are the rescuers' murderer. Also, it should be pretty starightforwad what options you have. You either pay up or get executed, and if you don't have the cash you can sell the gear you have on you. There's no way to delay it lawfully, although I guess you can teleport out as you say to try to grab more assets, but they'll always try to re-arrest you.

    Also, you can avoid getting a character killed via the dialog option as chano says, but personally I think that's a cop-out. It's only really there for repeat players who don't care about the story anymore and just want the battle tactics. In the game's story, such as it is, what happens is that the queen gal kills one of your characters ahead of time, just for show, period. This is designed to make you hate her and inject some real animosity into the proceedings, rather than just goung through the rote motions. Of course, that can only really be appreciated your first time through. :)
  8. Tathum

    Tathum Member

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Oh, I hated her ... that's for damed sure.

    The dialogue written was demented and brilliant, it thoroughly convinced me that they were, at they very least, some seriously sick puppies. But the loss of a character was difficult to come to grips with on a slightly RP level, but more on practicality level. She would always target a caster and no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't even get half of the group without a few Harm and Disintegrate spells.

    Yeah, that tears it, waiting until 14-16 to try again. I just hope that in my solo Chaotic Evil game I get the dialogue option:

    "Murder? Child Slavery? You guys accept applications?"
  9. Volund

    Volund Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    My party was level 11, and they were grass within a few rounds.
    I hadn't done the slaver quest before, so I lost Meleny to the dialog option, and they my bard/wizard/faceman to the first spell by the queen. I didn't lose anyone on round 2, but I lost a character a round after that. I didn't quite manage to kill one of them a round, and that darn priest kept HEALing the one that I had "near death". :(

    I went back to an earlier save and am going to wait a few levels to take on that quest.

    Thanks for the silver consortium banker fix - it bit me this time. I'd bought the castle in one payment before, so this was the first time I tried to buy it on credit.
  10. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    I believe that you can go directly to combat during conversation so you do not lose a character.
    Level 11 is a bit hard but it can be done with some luck. a well placed dominate person will even out things a bit, you need an open slot for that though, charm also works.
  11. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Before the murdered character was randomized, you could put a familiar or a dominated creature into the death slot :p If you have only one character, I think you also don't get insta-killed...

    I'm thinking, the encounter could probably be doable (still challenging but doable) if you're willing to burn a few high-level scrolls you could buy in Verbo. Power Word scrolls on first round should disable the most dangerous party members - casters - and leave you dealing with just the mooks. Sure-fire advantage, too, since the spells offer no save. Just gotta have several party members who could use the scrolls.
  12. Oleg Ben Loleg

    Oleg Ben Loleg Established Member Supporter

    Jan 9, 2010
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    I think it's actualy a great idea to let one of your characters die right away in such a vicious battle. The reason why I nevertheless always choose the coward exit in the conversation option is that the the charater revived by a raise dead spell looses experience points.
    Why is that actualy happen? Just a bug or something going back to D&D rules?
  13. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hi Oleg
    The reason that the character that dies loses Experience Point is due to the D&D rules. According to d20SRD, a character raised from the dead loses one level. The game doesn't have a way of taking away levels, so they take away Experience Points instead. If you think about it, you are actually getting a better deal than if you "played by the rules". Let's say your 11th Level Fighter gets killed. By the rules, he should drop to 10th Level when raised, but ToEE can't take away the level, so you end up with an 11th Level Fighter (same "To Hit" scores, saves, feats, etc....) with the Experience Points of a 10th Level Fighter.
    The Royal Canadian
  14. Oleg Ben Loleg

    Oleg Ben Loleg Established Member Supporter

    Jan 9, 2010
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    Your Highness,
    it makes sense and it might be a good deal. But I can't help being so stingy with my experience points that I always go back to a save when one of my character dies. Probably my fault but thus I could never fully enjoy the scheme of the slave traders. (Nevertheless a fantastic battle).
  15. Dreddnawt

    Dreddnawt Mettlehead

    Nov 4, 2011
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    I must say that Verbo, like your other NC add-ons, is marvelous. Its hard to believe it wasnt part of the original game. I really do appreciate the attention to detail and hard work that has gone into the Co8 packs.

    PS. I found in the gnome tunnels that the tutorial text screens were popping up even with display tips turned off. I see those maps come from the tutorial but thought you should know they carried more then just background.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
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