I'm wondering- did you open the chest before talking to Brother Smythe? Is it even possible to do that and if so, this might be the cause of your problem...
Did Brother Smyth talk to you when you opened the chest? Also, getting that line means that you never talked to the Master of the Arena. I can give you codes to make all the flags and variables what they're supposed to be, only I'm not convinced that anything is actually bugged. These routines have been around, unchanged, for a few years now without issues.
Brother Smyth doesn't talk to me any of the several times I've opened the chest. I give you my word of honor that I've talked to the Master of the Arena before and after each one of the three battles and that I completed the "Arena of Heroes" quest, winning all the battles. I would really appreciate if you give me the codes necessary to continue enjoying this great modpack without losing "Verbobonc" and "Moathouse Respawn". Please...
Okay, I just did a quick runthrough of the routine and it works. :shrug: When you pick the lock on the chest, Smyth will pipe up and say his bit about the contents. You get the book, read it, go to the arena, talk to the MotA, etc. Anyway, you can artificially create the conditions to move you to the Moathouse Respawn stage with this code: Code: game.global_vars[974] = 2 Assuming that you're in story state 4 (exploring the temple) or greater, and that you haven't yet talked to Smyth about the Respawn.
I am on 7.4.0 NC,and found perhaps a bug with the skeleton spawns. I know the Zombie things are piercing affected,but skeletons resistant to blunt? Bodaks with -10DR if I recall,and basic strength at 5th Level party doing maybe 1-2 damage is very difficult. I use MaxHP options. The Witch upgrade is via say familiar-toad. Not used with enemy characters. I used web+spiritual weapon and piercing weapons to complete the thing-ie longspears. As for temp hit point prob as mentioned earlier. I got this with the Banshee in temple 3rd? She had several million temp hits x5!!! I did 1000ish with scather until got bored and quit. She gets it from attacking it seems. They are hard to kill-only magic weapons affected them,like the Drelb thing in the Air Temple. Money wise as mentioned also,I find it difficult to raise money,so I had to foray into the Bless water sales.
Moathouse respawn at 5th level? Are you spending all your XP on crafting? My party of 7 (incl Zaxis) is now 5th level having just started exploring Hickory Branch, and not been to the Temple yet.
Yes, skeletons have damage resistace to blunt weapons: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/skeleton.htm.
No, damage reduction 5/bludgeoning means that the enemy takes 5 less damage from all sources except bludgeoning damage.
No sorry you missed my question,the Skeletons including Gnolls,have resistance to BLUNT,and I have to kill them with piercing. But on normal it is reverse. They have resistance as Zombies,so I think for the respawn undead,it is faulty. Maybe a typo in adding them in game? I checked the link. Zombies&Morgh should be 5/slashing Bodak 10/cold iron. I was using piercing on the Morgh,so a glitch in that also I think? I have to redo somehow and check rolls. No cold iron weapons available. Even silver per see(except mace&some arrows found). Is it possible to gain these types via 'master' smiths? I used my xps for crafting and trying to raise money from item sales,and level squat-xps are for nearly 7th,but not levelled up(it reduces xps/kill).
My party of monks can't hurt the skeletons in the Moathouse Respawn because of their resistance to bludgeoning. As stated earlier, skeletons should be vulnerable to bludgeoning and resistant to slashing/piercing. Is their a quick fix for this, or do I have to train my monks to use pointy things .... they hate that btw.
I think my wife Meleny might take a dim view of special monk weapons after she spent 6000xps crafting an Amulet of Mighty Fists +5 for my birthday.....