Co8 New Content: Hickory Branch

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. Oleg Ben Loleg

    Oleg Ben Loleg Established Member Supporter

    Jan 9, 2010
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    It's in the guide and game walkthrough: 2.27 Hickory Branch. A llittle bit hidden at the end, after the list of lootable items there.
  2. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Thanks Oleg
  3. nightnerd

    nightnerd Member

    Aug 4, 2014
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    Hey Oleg, I can't seem to find the said 12 locations map. I've spent 3 hours last night trying to find the phylactery and couldn't see it. I looked at the walkthrough and it seem like the map was removed. Would you have a link?
  4. Goshi3156

    Goshi3156 Dire Badger

    Oct 19, 2011
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    Finally had the time to slog through the Temple and do the new Hickory Branch! I was excited, HB was my favorite NC in the past and I wanted to see how much they improved it! My mega death army party was my usual lineup, Sorceress13, Rogue6/Ranger6, Cleric11, Enchanter12 (Barred from Evocation and Necromancy), Fighter4/Barbarian8 and Druid13. Levels are bit all over place since... I didn't get here without deaths or crafting =/

    ** Here be spoilers **
    Anyway, buffed up my team to the point only nuclear weapons could scathe me and went up to meet the Hill Giant general. Place holder options were disappointing, so I just lied through my teeth about everything, despite there being nothing to bluff about. Past him I saw the squad of Ogres, Ettins and Orcs waiting to slaughtered by various kinds of fiery flavors. Before I could loot the bodies it seems a bunch of reinforcements came from behind. Rather than waste further Fireballs on these mooks I just had my Druid summon up some Fire Elementals to satisfy my cravings for roast orc.

    Went back to loot the bodies I left behind earlier, only to be met by some Worgs and their master. Man, can't you guys let me loot in peace? Still had my elemental from earlier, so he made pretty short work of them along with the rest of melee crew. Finally, I could loot the place in peace, lot of goodies here. Didn't expect any magic cloaks on their casters.

    Went up north to meet that Bugbear and her Gnoll friend. Again, placeholder options, I just hit Bluff to pretend I'm making sarcastic remarks about her thighs. Went up north and woah boy, that's a lot of Bugbears and Gnolls. Not the regular breed either since Circle of Death (Why did I even have my Sorc learn it) was completely useless. Luckily there was a nice bottleneck for Rogue to block off. My Cleric stood behind him to keep him topped off, while as usual my Druid and Sorceress rained down fire upon them. Looking at this battle, I wish I didn't bar my Wizard from Evocation. Having extra Fireballs (Especially with that ring he got from the Woods) would've been really nice here. Confusion didn't really help at all, the enemies still went bedlam on my Rogue.

    Went a bit to the west took out some hidden Snipers, lucky me. They would've been a pain if I fought them in the level below them. Saw the dead end and went south and saw a massive army. Looks like Hungous is pulling all the stops. The most horrible thing though are the Explosive Runes, THIS I did not anticipate. Tried using my Wizard's favorite Lesser Globe of Invulnerability spell, but it didn't work (Odd I could've sworn Explosive Runes was 3rd-level). I wasn't in any position for taking that constant kind of firepower (My abjurations were exhausted and I didn't think to ward myself against fire) so I watched as everyone except my Rogue fell apart, and casted a Reload spell. I was hoping to reach Hunguous without running away with my tail between my legs. He's got me there.

    Ran back to Hommlet, set up some more desirable spells and healed my wounds and then ran back to take on the army. I figured that certain enemies were "triggers" to the runes, so I unleashed volley after volley of magical attacks. My Enchanter used Confuse (Even if its buggy, its still pretty great) on the troops with the casters to hopefully prevent the "triggers" from using their runes. Meanwhile my Cleric, Druid and Sorcerer set everything ablaze as per usual. Fire Storm in particular was fantastic as it took out nearly most of the front line. Speaking of my Druid, I had her summon some elementals beforehand, to assist my Barbarian in holding off the giants. Finally my Rogue ran in there, stabbing the back of every archer he can find. I didn't need much healing, but man it was a drawn out battle. Looting every single body was tiring.

    I ended up going to Hommlet anyway after that. Rested again, came back and did the rest. The Giants and Ogres were surprisingly difficult, only because I didn't want to waste any spells on them. The fiendish minotaur didn't stand much of a chance against my Rogue, who was able to do his full flurry of Sneak Attacks before he could pop Stoneskin. The remaining enemies either died to my Barbarian's axe, or my Sorc's Fireball. Also I think I got attacked by a Celestial Dire Chicken... but that's too silly, it must've been my imagination.

    As for Lord Hungous, I can imagine the battle being quite difficult since he has you locked in such a disadvantage... however there was one problem. His goons gave my Wizard was able to cast Mass Hold Person now, this fight was the perfect chance to try it out. He and his two orc buddies were done in my Coup de Graces from my Rogue. The casters in the back were annihilated by Fire Storm and Delay Blast Fireball. My Barbarian held off those who weren't Held by my Wizard. Maybe next time, I won't use that spell =/

    Hungous mentioned Angra Mainyu when he died, figured I'd explore the place to find out what he was talking about. Found the Lich (Expected a devil with a name like that honestly), didn't get to cast a single spell, I torched him and his friends with Fire Storm 1st round and then had my Barbarian and Cleric (Now a Cleric12/Monk1) destroy him. He has a really nice quarterstaff (Unholy +5), I should've made my Cleric/Monk Lawful Neutral instead of Lawful Good =/

    I knew he must've had a phylactery so I went and looked around. I gave up and used Gazra's guide. I found it where I killed that horde of bugbears and gnolls. I destroyed it... and well that seemed to be it. I expected exp or fireworks or something. Eh.
    ** Here end ye spoilers **

    Anyway, I liked the new HB a lot. I feel its missing something iconic though... something that starts with Dire and ends with Bear.
  5. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    How do you get out of the hydra pit? Is teleport my only option?
  6. rpgkidpgh44

    rpgkidpgh44 Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    I cheated by accessing the world map -_-
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    If anyone is outsde the pit, entering a door will also work (such as into the cave, or the complex under the temple).
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    What did you find in the pit? Was it useable?
  9. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Umm...That was back in April. That game is all over. But yes, I found a way out. :thumbsup:
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Just four months, Hey ..... now that's what I call service. :)
  11. spud69

    spud69 Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    ok - that massive battle around the center of the map with the exploding runes is basically f@#$ed. 3 attempts in a row so far and after an explosion the game hangs with one or more of my characters having nothing other than the walk option, so cannot kill any more enemies.

    And how the hell an area affect deliver 6d6 damage for more than 10 attacks from some unseen nemesis (although I have killed just about everyone on the map I can find) but doesn't touch a single enemy with friendly fire is incredibly unbalanced. If it is an area trigger, then why don't the enemies surrounding me also take damage?

    I had teleported to the area immediately after a very dodgy conversation with that missing ranger (could not get a dialog option from Smythe, was just a random encounter between Homlett and Nulb). Do I need to start this over?
  12. spud69

    spud69 Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    nope. that is now 6 attempts and 6 times it has frozen, not allowing movement, or outright crashed. Looks like you cannot summon anything to that battle or the game crashes :(
  13. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Not sure what the problem could be... that battle always works for me...
  14. spud69

    spud69 Member

    Aug 7, 2020
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    Finally found a work around - basically just do not summon any creatures during that battle. I'm not sure what the sequence of events was that led to the crash. it didn't appear to be a rune killing my meatshields and they always lasted at least 1 round of an attack cycle before it all went pear shaped. Sometimes it the whole game shut itself down, other times it was just frozen (perhaps too much screen scrolling as it is a very large battlefield?) and I had to force quit.

    Was very frustrating as it usually occurred about 10-15 minutes into that long slow battle.

    PS - it would be kinda fun to have a small sign somewhere nearby just prior to that area saying something like "keep off the grass" :D
  15. sigofmugmort

    sigofmugmort Established Member Supporter

    Aug 18, 2015
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    Odd indeed, I use summoned a fair amount. I like to drop a fire elemental or 4 to get a group at range then follow up with a maximized fireball or three and as you work around to the right a Huge earth elemental blocks the path up to the bugbears and gnolls allowing aoe ranged spells and ranged attacks maximum effect.
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