Co8 New Content: Hickory Branch

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. Axiom

    Axiom Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Playing through this great mod once again to try out the new Co8 content, and I cannot enter the doors after smashing the block that prevents you from entering (nice touch by the way).

    Sat there and clicked the hand on the door for a full minute... if I move the cursor to far out, I click the destroyed block. Moved a character between teh block and door to try... nothing.

    This is what I did. After the fight by the entrance I destroyed the block, then rested.

    Wandering monsters attacked so I defeated them.

    Rested again tried to click on the door. Nothing.

    Looks like I cannot finish this quest, too bad since I wanted to put some beat down on the Lord Hungous!

    Other than this one thing... this mod has always been top notch. Cool to see some tough battles in RPGs for a change.

    EDIT: Do I need to finish this quest in order to get to the next custom Content? I really wanted to see Vorbobonc, but if I cant finish this.. I am screwed.
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Apply this patch, then go back to a save from before the blockage was destroyed.
  3. Axiom

    Axiom Member

    Sep 30, 2010
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    Thanks for the patch!!

    Got in alright... but then promptly got beat up by the critters therein.

    Sigh... ah well, at least I can get in now.
  4. kylan271

    kylan271 Established Member

    Jan 29, 2009
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    I found the Minotour was under xps for its challenge,for only a few hundred xps at 5PCs at 3rd level. But butcherd me many times. Only got it via web/grease and THL with reach weapons-and lots of summons and spiritual weapons. The worst enemy in all the game so far(MoatHouse,HB,EM,IR and WB). I killed the Hill Giant at 1st level,and the IR gang at 4th,but this with no room to maneuver,agh....

    As example the Leucrotras at 6th level gave me about 3000+xp each...and I killed them with ease in the Temple. But this thing is worse-3 attacks at 20+ each,lol,and stoneskin. The painful willoswisps give about 1000xps+ for 3-4,but this thing...less.

    I was 2nd at HB start and circled around killing the various groups and lone officers via stealth-sneak past the ogres is fun...try it! I saw the animals and charmed them via my druid to attack the groups and used the Dire Bear for Lord Hungas...and yeah the charm wears off when you rest.

    However there is a trick...the Dire Bear can't fit into the enclosure so you rest inside the enclosure with bear outside,getting the normal encounters which you kill off and run away from the bear until out off combat and come back later to use him again,ie IRuns etc. He goes back to default inside the enclosure and healed up.

    #I had a charmed a large snake encounter from the lamia figurine in the dungeons and a HillGiant 'pet'-but you can't enter towns or you will get your pet being attacked by people. So this is why I ditch the animal or monster before I head to town.

    Enjoyable,but the wall seems useless,I think it needs a reinforcement script to be better!

    Enjoyable,thanks to creator and to gang for tweaking it!

    Hmm where can I find Perseus???? I need his Bubo to pass on a message about a certain horny dude.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    gazra will finally get his/her wish in 7.5 - the dire bear will get out of the pit and join the guards outside the cave.
  6. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Ouch... that's going to leave a mark...
  7. ioannis76

    ioannis76 Established Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    I seem to have fully cleared HB (at cost of 3 of my party members, who were duly resurrected in Hommlet) in fact I am pretty sure I heard the Quest Update sound when killing the last of the leaders in the cave (I took out the bear, the boar, the lizards and the wolf trainer as well) yet still it won't give me the "quest complete" update in the log book (HB shows up as just "accepted"). I talk to the old man, but he has nothing to say (ie I get only the "I must depart" answer).
    version 7.3.0 patched to 7.3.3.
    Any ideas?
    Oh and the villagers are there, I talk to them, as well. Strange, I too thought they had to be rescued, but the are doing just fine.
    By the way, one of my wizards is permanently invisible after casting invisibility on him, and as a result NPCs won't talk to him (too bad, because he has quite a high charisma).:p
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Why aren't you enjoying 7.5 in all it's glory?

    And I'm sure you're aware of the Druid fixing any permanent spells you may have bothering you, right?
  9. ioannis76

    ioannis76 Established Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Well, I must admit that I was not aware of the Druid fixing that "glitch".
    The problem is that I think I am going to have to start a new game, making new characters from scratch. I'd like to finish up with 7.3.3 before going on to 7.5 :p
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    When you visit Jaroo ask him about spell permanency.

    I understand it something Druids deal with all the time. :p
  11. Deitti

    Deitti Member

    Aug 18, 2011
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    So i started competely new game and characters in the fresh 7.5 version of co8 NC and ran into something interesting.

    In Hickory Branch are the orcs just before Lord Hungous suppose to fight against the dire bear? because that's what happened to me. The orcs and bear fought each other and all i had to do was watch from sidelines and once the orcs had gotten their asses kicked, i just charmed the bear and took him with me to the hungous fight. I think ive never had the end of HB be this easy before lol.
  12. ioannis76

    ioannis76 Established Member

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Thanks for the tip, it worked and now people can see the sorcerer. :)
  13. Mouldyrye

    Mouldyrye Member

    Jun 14, 2012
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    Playing 7.5NC, when accepting the quest for HB after clearing MH and WWB with Nulb marked on map 2 different map errors occurred. If I just had the map marked and did not instant travel, the map location for Imeryd's Run was available. When I took the fast travel I had both HB and the Ogre Cave marked on my map, overlapped with both locations listed on the right. I could post screen shots of my quest log without the fire temple quest and the map screen but I doubt that helps.

    I also had the Dire Bear attacking the other enemies instead of attacking me at the start of combat.

    I cleared the place without resting so I can't comment about the wall.
  14. Number99

    Number99 kicking Iuz

    Aug 12, 2006
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    Enjoyed HB A lot!

    And a nice surprise to see Lord Krunch!
  15. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    In 7.6 should HB be moved to after Zuggtmoy?
    If so i have a bug to report because i just talked to the blacksmith and then the town elder and got the HB quest.
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