Co8 New Content: Arena of Heroes

Discussion in 'New Content Subdirectories' started by Gaear, Mar 22, 2010.

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  1. valky

    valky Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I do have a cleric - though I consider to build an even more strange party next time :O On the other side, I am very surprised that my 6 halflings are doing pretty well.

    Yet I completely forgot the elementals natural acid immunity and I prefer the 'dire ***' summonings, they are pretty decent tanks and do hit hard as well. It took me 3 or 4 reloads to get a proper initiative check (and to avoid the nasty cloud), so my cleric was very very lucky while turning and the red caster was feared, while the blue caster failed the saving throw and was silenced.

    And with the biggest problem gone (stinking cloud) the battle was way more easier. Not to mention I managed to fear the black caster as well - oh bless my dices :D

    But you might be right doing the battle without a cleric, yet the cloud appeared always behind my party, so carefully 'dropped' summons are usually not affected by the spell.
    Though a cleric still has the too good spells and a party would be crippled if you don't take one. (I don't like the 'hire a NPC' stuff; that's why my party's size is 6)

    Anyway, first time I started the 3rd wave I had a major 'wtf-moment', so job well done! ^.^
  2. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Without knowing what's coming, you're screwed. That's what saves are for ;)

    Without a cleric... Mind you, I don't think I've ever run a cleric-less party, but I suppose you could get out of this fight not completely dead by having your arcane casters spam AOE damage spells or something.
  3. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    The Areana master not showing up after the battle happened again, back in july I posted this same problem unfortunately I deleted the saves before Sitra could take a look at it.
    Last time it happened after the Owlbear fight, this time it was after the final battle. (looks like I am just destined never to get the elusive prize). Well I saved that game and I will try some reload saves, to see if he appears. I also saved right before reading the book for the final battle so I can easily re-fight it.
    Sitra in response to your'e post in july if you think this is still a scripting issue that hasn't been fixed/discovered I will try to post the save (have not had much luck in that area).

    I do have a thought though the three times this has happened to me I have always had a dead party member, now I have had dead party members in the past and the areana master has still appeared. But I was wondering if maybe the dead party member was the PC that triggered the text/script with the arena master upon entering, if that would cause the issue kind of the areana master looks for the party member he intially conversed with after the battle.

    Well going to try to do the reload thing, then will go and just refight the battle (I will do my best to keep everyone alive this time). But I will keep the save w/o the master appearance in case Sitra or someone else wants to take a look at it.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That actually could be. I think that whole thing could be better scripted. We'll see ...
  5. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    I went back and re fought the battle and no one died, and still no arena master. But one of my PCs was asleep in a deep slumber. So I did a few victory laps still nothing and then cast dispel magic on the charecter taking a siesta and as soon as he got off the ground "poof" the arena master appears. So it seems that the arena master doesn't like lay-abouts rather from death, sleeping or incapacitated due to wounds.
    I will test this theroy by refighting the battle again with a raise dead scroll handy, and "push" someone towards death in the battle. see if he appears and then if not use the scroll and see if he appears after the charecter is raised and out of the prone postion.

    See if its a man in prone postion regardless of reason thing.

    I also recall that the every time I have had an issue with no appearing arena master I have always had a dead man or incapaciated man under 0 hps, and the sleeping thing has them in that same incapaciated prone postion.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2011
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That's odd, because after looking at his heartbeat script I see that he's not looking for anyone in particular (for obj in game.obj_list_vicinity(attachee.location,OLC_PC):), but that's just for deciding who to talk to anyway. I don't think his disappearance/reappearance routine is tied to anyone, it's just based on a flag.

    Anyway, I rearranged the script so that the on/off switch is primary in his heartbeat and the auto-speaking is secondary. The only thing I can think of is that sometimes the script failed looking for talking conditions prior to whether he should be turned on or not. Seems to work fine in testing.

    Thanks for the feedback, shapecharge.
  7. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    It's probably the case that he tries initiating dialogue with the unconscious PC, and the script fails and exits at that point. Note that you might not get that in testing because of the order of the game.obj_list_vicinity objects return list - I'm guessing that in shape's case, the unconscious PC gets returned first.

    It's a good idea to insert an obj.is_unconscious() == 0 check to the is_better_to_talk() function, anyway.
  8. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Gaear, Sitra
    No problem with the feedback if it helped even in a small way its the least I can do, for this great MOD and all your'e effort. I still have not done the refight and raise dead experiment yet.

    I will say that in the first case when I had the dead PC he was killed very near where the arena master appears.

    In the second case with the sleeping player he was a good distance from where the master appears, but once I cast dispel magic the master appeared poof almost simutanously (sorry sp) with the player getting off the ground back on his feet like he was waiting for him to wake up.

    Well sounds like between the two of you, you might have the problem solved, but once I get around to testing the raise dead theroy I will still let you know the results, hope my post didn't take to much of your guys time.
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    BTW, Can you post the save? (zip the 4 files carrying the save name - the extensions are tfaf, tfai, gsi, co8)
  10. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    That makes me laugh, I have actually been trying to avoid that, but I knew in the back of my head you would ask.

    Ok last time I tryed this for you it was an utter failure, and then latter when I finally got saves posted for Gaear on a seperate issue he couldn't open I think I am just cursed.

    also being that I am in a area right now that how should I put it; when the internet is avaliable or running is about like early 90's AOL days...

    But just for you Sitra, I am going to give this a shot, but I would not hold you're breath.

    Well it looks like the jpeg is the only one it uploaded, the rest of them I got this:

    Invalid File
    Upload of file failed.
    Invalid File
    slot0025CN-7th Level (arena corruption).gsi:
    Invalid File

    I will try copying them to my desktop and then attempt an upload again I think this is how I was able to finally upload for Gaear a couple months ago ont the Hommett faction issue, but even then he was not able to open them or get them to work on his system.

    I will keep trying for you, but computers outside of what I do for work or "playing TOEE" is not my skill set.

    Attached Files:

  11. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    You can only upload certain types of files here. That's why you should put the files in a zip file.

    To do so, select all four. Right click on the selection -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder
    And then upload the resultant .zip file.

    You can do it, I believe in you ;)

    Attached Files:

  12. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Okay here we go even though I did think the curse had continued, when I opened your'e image for assistance and it was in Hebrew, which I can only read in relationship to Israeli Ordnance..but I figured it out.

    Hope this helps and thanks for your assistance on the upload.

    ARGGGHH...of course ithe zip file is 613kb which is higher then the 400kb max for this forum, okay going back to the drawing do all the rest of you people post your save games is beyond me...I can put on a 80lb bomb suit and disarm an IED, but can't post a save game on a forum.....absolutely amazing.

    Sorry for the rant, me and computers have a long history of a love/hate post will have this thing attached I will win.
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Use a free filesharing service like Mediafire.

    Also I would suggest putting it all in a WinRAR archive instead of a .zip file, as zips don't play nice here at Co8 for some reason. (At least for some people, like me.)

    And nevermind the IEDs ... this is serious business! ;)
  14. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That's funny, usually saves compress to less than that. It made me look inside my save folder, and it turns out the range of save sizes is remarkable - one save weighed 16MB, another less than 1MB. Never noticed that.

    Anyway, yeah, Mediafire is pretty convenient - just drag and drop the file inside the green box. After it finishes uploading click "copy link" and paste it here.
  15. shapecharge

    shapecharge Established Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Just so you know I didn't blow you off I tried a win.rar as Gaear suggested and it was still above 400 mb, I have also tried other zip programs like 7zip and camzip and all above 400mb.
    I have not been able to use the other suggestion, like mediafire or anthor file sharer as was suggested, the link to the one Gaear posted either won't let me download due to the current country ip address I have or because my connection is so slow it just times out. I will be moving to a new hotel soon so I will try there it should have a better connection.
    If this is becoming old news or if you have already tested it just let me know.
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