Co8 8.1.0 bugs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sirchet, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    The idea behind the identify spell is as per the PnP DnD, the 100gps is the pearls you crush as a spell component.
  2. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    No joy on the flag reset. It made no difference at all the first time I tried, then I realized didn't put spaces around the "=". The second time, her conversation looped twice before going to her barter screen, but it was still empty. I set the flag standing outside the Wench both times.

    EDIT: Never mind! I forgot to let time pass first. Thanks Sitra!
  3. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Ok, this has never happened to me before...

    I was within one round of killing Iuz (
    after he'd been summoned by Hedrack
    ), and
    showed up, but didn't stop the combat. The round continued, I killed Iuz, and now I have
    wandering around. When I first tried to talk to him, he shouted "IUZ" like normal, but without Iuz to respond, I think the script is lost.
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Did he spawn pretty far away from you?

    I think Iuz needs to be kind of close to him when he spawns or he doesn't have anyone to talk too.
  5. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    No, he spawned within about 10 feet of Iuz, on Iuz's turn as usual. The odd thing is he didn't talk to Iuz like he normally does at that point.
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That's the thing about ToEE's scripting, sometimes it just rolls a 1 :p
  7. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Heh, well in this case, that '1' results in the Temple gaining a guardian that no bad guys are likely to overcome any time soon... :)

    Also, the end slide triggered as if they had talked vice my killing Iuz, so at least part of the code worked properly...
  8. Corwyn

    Corwyn Gnoll Pincushion

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Noticed small thing: Long description of Great Cleaver shows x2 for crit multiplier. Fruella, at least, does x3 on a crit.

    Can't get Gremag to talk to me, but I see SA's fix posted on page 2, so I'll try that. Not that Gremag has any insight that Rannos doesn't. I thought it may have been a way to eliminate the problematic looped dialogue in the Retribution scenario.

    Had an issue with Tolub. Initiated the melee, but after my first move, dialogue box interrupts and Tolub accuses me of cheating. Won't fight. No weapons in hand or magic spells activated. Have Improved Unarmed fighting feat (which I usually don't) but that's the only difference from previous play through that I can think of.

    Otherwise, thank you thank you for all the improvements to movement, lag, spells, dialogue, descriptions, clarity of the artwork, post Temple scenario additions. Ya'll have turned a 'great idea, but too buggy to enjoy' crpg into a success. Besides, the Temple RPG was my role-playing favorite oh-so-many years ago. I'll have to try out KotB soon.
  9. Anthropoid

    Anthropoid Established Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    Is the Merchant's Scale WAD? My understanding was that it should add +2 or +3 to Appraise, similar to the eyeglasses?

    I bought eyeglasses in Hommlet and gave them to my sorcerer . . . yep, his appraise went up. Bought the scale and gave to him . . . nope no change in the score.

    Does it have to equip or something? Or, does it not stack with the eyeglasses? If the latter, that seems lame.
  10. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I used to purchase the eyeglasses but they started disappearing in 8.1.0 NC. To get the eyeglasses to work, you need to equip them. I usually purchase 3 scales which adds 6 to the appraise. Also when you equip the eyeglasses, they go where the helm is.
  11. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    They shouldn't stack, as in RAW the different Appraise 'perfect tools for the job' are meant to work for different scenarios - one for gems, one for metals etc. We can't be that subtle in ToEE, and giving players a +4 on skill checks without magical help would be just wrong.

    What is meant to happen is that if you buy Merchant's Scales when you already have the eyeglasses, you should get a floatline saying the weights on the scales broke your glasses and they disappear - you don't get both. I didn't approve of the scales, as they work from the backpack and can be stacked (ie buy 5 Scales and get +10, if you really want to cheat) and added that to prevent them working together. But then the guy who made them didn't approve of my glasses, so you get the option either way.
  12. Anthropoid

    Anthropoid Established Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    I hear ya Ted, but I don't think there is any real concern about "OP" as far as cash flow goes in this game. After all, if someone REALLY wants to bilk the existing game engine, there are legitimate ways to do it that do not even technically count as exploits, even though they do count as tedium.

    For example: Druid: cast Goodberry, sell to Calmert, repeat ad infinitum, you can have as much gold as you want (although obviously very tedious and time consuming) and it doesn't even cost XP. There are similar "exploits" all over the place.

    Given that, allowing players a relatively expensive (a couple hundred gp is a lot in early game) way to boost their cash flow by even 50% doesn't seem out of line to me.

    Lets put it in to perspective: I have a 2nd level Wizard, Int 18. He has invested 2.5 (FIVE skill points!) into Appraise. None of my other toons for whom Appraise was a favored skill could be bothered, nor did they have the Int to properly take advantage of it.

    He has a Raven familiar. He has eyeglasses. His Appraise is a mere 11.5. The price to buy the merchant's scale from Ramnos is 63gp 5sp (same for eyeglasses and the other New Content items). This is not that big of a discount compared to what I recall these items costing in the ShopMap (either 71 or 72gp . . . 8 out of 71 is not even 15% . . . so going from like 4 appraise to 11.5 appraise has barely netted him a 10 or 12% discount!).

    So FIVE skill points, Raven familiar (as opposed to getting +3hp from Toad or something more existentially "useful!" AND expended 72 gp to get the eyglasses in the ShopMap . . . AND he has to wear these birth control devices on his face, I mean come on, he's a fricking Wizard, MORE handicaps at wooing the party's busty, lusty, bard lass is NOT what he needs! . . . ) I don't think an additional +2 or +3 on top of that from also having the scales would be out of line.

    Now Stacking them does seem out of line.

    In any event, the scale does not seem to be working "properly."

    When I buy it from Ramnol (while wearing the eyeglasses and with the sum of Appraise skills noted above) it does nothing. I cannot equip it. Appraise doesn't go up. When I select it and move it to "Use Item" it casts an Obscuring Mist spell and Ramnos and his boys go into combat mode ;)

    So something is clearly not quite right.

    If the thing is not going to have any use and is in fact going to have bogus effects, I'd suggest a patch to just remove it from the mod.
  13. Goshi3156

    Goshi3156 Dire Badger

    Oct 19, 2011
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    I had this awesome animal companion, the black bear known as Bearmageddon. He was awesome and wasn't afraid of anything.

    However, one day, whilst adventuring the first floor of the temple, we encountered some terrible Bugbears. I threw up Spike Growth and fled, however Bearmageddon unfortunately got to cocky and ran through the growth, killing him instantly. I regret that day... if only I hadn't used Spike Growth... if only I wasn't tempted by the thoughts of Bugbears killing themselves...

    Now I see his ghost haunting the first floor of the temple. He seems harmless, but he would teleport right next to me when I would try to get away from him. His spirit now haunts my nightmares!


    In other words. My animal companion died from Spike Growth. I didn't create a new Animal Companion at the time. When I re-entered the first floor (Using the map of course), there he was again in full HP as a NPC. When I would move around in the floor he would occasionally teleport to my party. It doesn't seem to be a harmful problem but its a little creepy. I killed him, and he was treated like any other NPC gone hostile, except that he didn't give any EXP.
  14. Corwyn

    Corwyn Gnoll Pincushion

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Fixed some of the strange glitches (Tolub not fighting, repetitive AoOs)by reinitializing 8.1.

    Miscast spell (whether due to armor or failed Concentration check) costs the Sorcerer (haven't checked other spell casters) 2 spells, instead of just losing the one.
    It seems like I read in another post -- back in version 6 or something-- of the same loss happening.

    Free Action/Movement doesn't seem to work with Entangle the same as with Web. For example, wearing Ring of Free Movement and standing within a Web area, the little icon on the bottom of the character portraits indicates 'webbed', but character is able to move freely, including 5 foot step. Not so much with Entangle. Character is able to move about, but cannot take a 5 foot step due to being 'entangled'. I know they are different spells (Transmutation vs Conjuration), only with similar effects, but shouldn't Free Movement work same with both?

    I also noticed that DC against Web is a 15, no matter what the Conjurers level or stats/bonuses. The DC against Entangle, however, seems to be 10 +(spell level of spell)+(spellcaster Wisdom bonus), as the rules describe for Spell DC's. I suppose the difference is because of the nature of the Web/Conjuration ... the 'save' is against the effect of the magic, not the magic itself??

    Spike Growth/Spike Stones description specifically says they are limited to 'outdoors' on natural terrain, but both will work inside buildings and hallways -- as Bearmeggedon found out. Seems to me, the early releases (version 3 or so) allowed Entangle (which is an outdoor only spell) to be cast indoors; but not anymore. Seems Entangle got corrrected, but not yet Spike Growth/Stones.

    Just found in the help screens a whole bunch of new pages with weapon and magic item descriptions. No longer do we have to guess what 'pale blue' ioun stone does before crafting or purchasing. Excellent work! Thank you. Especially thank you for the fixed/upgraded Periapt of Proof against Poisen. Imeryds Run is much more manageable now.
  15. Goshi3156

    Goshi3156 Dire Badger

    Oct 19, 2011
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    Spike Stones works as intended. Spike Stones can be used in any area with a stone surface... which the Temple is obviously made of.

    Spike Growth is not limited to outdoors, it only says it works in most outdoor areas. Spike Growth cannot be used on ice, heavy snow, sand or bare stone. As for whether it can used in the Temple or not, its really up to debate.
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