Co8 8.1.0 bugs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sirchet, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Crossing files between KotB and ToEE is a very bad idea, but it's the same problem, that's true. (to emphasize: don't use that file on ToEE!)
  2. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I was never gonna. I was only telling you that it is in both versions (ToEE and KotB).
  3. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    1. I caught Dala trying to steal me. A combat seems to start but suddenly she is lying on the floor knocked out. Bug ?

    2. I had a boxing match with Tolub which I lost. Immediatly afterwards a combat with all pirates starts with no obvious reason. During this combat this girl and another man are attacking Skorn. Bug ?

    3. After the fight when I went to the house with the 'town elder' in Nulb I get attacked. My follower Elmo is also attacking me there too for no obvious reason. Bug ?

    4. After I killed Elmo in this fight I can go to Otis and recruit him with no dialog about his brother. Bug ?

    5. Sometimes when my wizard or sorcerer take a 5 foot step back at the start of their turn they can cast a spell but most of the time it is not allowed. Should a magic missile be possible ?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2014
  4. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I am going through TOEE Co8 NC again and I originally posted the Dala bug. I have gone through again after reactivating the game after a bit of playing KotB. I have had Dala try to pickpocket one of my characters. This time though, she tried the first time and failed. I then talked to Wat, Rentsch and Alira. Then I passed time until I caught Dala. This time, Dala disappeared like she has in the past and Rentsch started the fight and it actually went to combat. Then after the fight, Dala is knocked out. I don't see why you have to talk to the others to get the encounter to be completed with a fight.
  5. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    1. Dala should have a few words with you before she passes out.
    2. Did you fight the pirate fair and square without spells or buffs?
    3. It seems that that faction was hostile towards you from the boxing incident.
    4. Otis is in a different faction I believe.
    5. When your wizard takes his 5 foot step is the path green or red, if it is red it's not a 5 foot step.
  6. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    1. No conversation with Dala. Just lying here on the ground when a party member detected the steal attempt.
    2. I did buff the character.
    3. Would ne nice to get somelines because I lost the fight.
    4. I just did not understand why Elmo starting attacking. He could have started during 2. if he is a pirate fan.
    5. It is inconsistant but I'm talking about green 5 foot steps.

    New bug :

    I approached the harpy room when combat did start. The door was shut and jammed and could not been opened. The rangers animal was inside the room, the rest of the party was outside not being able to fight anyone. After several rounds some harpys and later ghouls moved through the door one by one and could be fought. Spells could be cast into the room though monsters could not be seen apart from their yellow circles. I finally could finish the fight by casting summon monster into the room to kill the remaining monsters. Fight stopped and only then the door could be selected and opened.
  7. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Dala should go on about "Oh how am I going to carry on without Rensh, or something similar to that.

    The pirate did say "No weapons or magic", I'm not sure if that would make everyone hostile but I think it might make the Pirates hostile and if you attack ANY non combatant Elmo will turn hostile.

    The Harpy issue I'll leave for the scripting guru that worked his magic to make that encounter, (one of my favorite fights).
  8. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Larkin, what version of the mod are you playing?

    3 is likely explained by indeed offending the Nulb faction somehow through the resulting pirate melee, and then I believe the old pirate guy is both a Nulb faction member but also good-aligned, so he attacks you for faction reasons, but Elmo is scripted to side with good NPCs if fights start with them (to prevent the unseemly outcome of Elmo participating in murders). So, it's working as intended technically but a bug from oversights that don't take into account all possibilities - pretty common in ToEE.
  9. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Can you post a save before the Dala fight?
  10. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    I'm playing 8.1NC and don't have a save just before the Dala (non)fight. Thanks all of you for your help.
  11. bariumdose19

    bariumdose19 Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    After the battle with Feldrin and his henchmen in the secret barracks behind the sliding wall panel in ToEE dungeon level 2, there is a Cloak of Resistance +2. I tried putting the cloak on one of my NPCs (Spugnoir actually) and I noticed that the +2 bonus to saves is applied only to the Will and Reflex Saves while only a +1 bonus is applied to the Fortitude save. I haven't tried putting the cloak on one of my non-NPC party members to see if the same bug occurs. Has anyone else encountered this problem?
  12. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Is he already wearing something that affects his save?
  13. bariumdose19

    bariumdose19 Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    No, he's only wearing a ring of invisibility and a ring of Protection +2 and Hands of Life. None of these should be affecting his Fort Save. I think the Cloak of Resistance +2 is bugged when it comes to adding the +2 to the Fort Save. It adds the +2 to Will and Reflex Saves correctly.
  14. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I would try unequiping everything from him and then equip the cloak and see if it grants the +2 as it should, if it does you could start re-equipping things back until you see the item that nerfs the cloak.
  15. CarlosC77

    CarlosC77 Member

    Oct 7, 2007
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    Does the spyglass work correctly?

    I was looking through the script and noticed that an inventory check for the spyglass is present, but it seems to be in a portion of code that is not called by any other procedure.

    By the way, this is my first post and I just wanted to thank everyone in the Co8 community for the amazing job you've done making ToEE as great as it is.
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