Co8 8.1.0 bugs

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by sirchet, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. The Overlord

    The Overlord Member

    May 24, 2008
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    Enemies caught in my web spell get an automatic +20 str bonus to escape, yes even a lowly goblin too! Essentially making the spell a minor speed-bump for enemies, however my party does not get that bonus when cast on them. Bug, or just another devious plot to thwart my party's ascension to godhood?
  2. silverd

    silverd Member

    Nov 9, 2014
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    I have the same exact problem. I deactivate CoE 8.1 CE, it's fine.
    Activate it again, all those boxes (and the box that shows stat modifier when assigning skill points) are always blue with no text.
  3. The Overlord

    The Overlord Member

    May 24, 2008
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    Not really a bug, more of an amusing oversight by Troika methinks. One of my chars got swallowed by the King Frog, which was then attacked by the Giant Gar while inside the frog! Would have been funny if the frog took damage from the gar, and then went hostile on the gar. Alas no, my poor barbarian got tag-teamed by a frog and a fish!

    Anyone else have similar amusing tales?
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    If you were to take advantage of the search feature of this forum you will find numerous threads discussing exactly what you have described and shown in your screenshot.

    The search feature is your friend folks, it will often give you answers to your questions much faster than relying on a person seeing your post and then answering your query.

    As a wiseman once said; May the search be with you young Skywalker .... or maybe I'm just confused again. ;)
  5. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    I collected some post 8.1 patches from this forum and zipped them together.

    Attached Files:

  6. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I read somewhere that holy swords don't add to damage. I have fought a Nightstalker and noticed something. I have upgraded the flaming sword from the fire temple to +3 and added mighty cleaving. I took the holy sword that I got when Meleny was added and upgraded it to +3, added axiomtic, and added mighty cleaving. When I attack the nightstalker (one can also be found in the Moathouse dungeon going through the the season of the witch quest), I noticed that the flaming sword only did fire damage but the holy sword did cleaving/slashing damage. If both are swords, shouldn't they do the same types of damage (cleaving or slashing). I also hit them with a +3 great cleaver that has flames and a +3 axiomatic holy great cleaver that I got in the temple and upgraded to what they are.
  7. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    I summoned a small and medium spider and a celestial dog during the fight with Lareth and his men. The two spiders were doing nothing, neither moving nor attacking, until the spell ended whereas the dog was fighting as expected.

    Is this a bug or did they not attack because he is worshipping Lolth ?
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
  8. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    Why do wolves get +20 strength save against frogs grapple ?
  9. LarkinVB

    LarkinVB Member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    The manual states that you can't mess with the inventory of NPC who joined but I can strip Lareth from his items, drop and take them. Bug ?
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Improvement, I'd say: Co8 changed that to prevent NPCs overburdening themselves, selling stuff you gave them etc.

    Strength bonuses against grapple / entangle / Web were, for memory, added to overcome certain bugs that made these overpowered. Haven't heard about this for the frog's grapple before though...
  11. Goshi3156

    Goshi3156 Dire Badger

    Oct 19, 2011
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    After spotting Dala pickpocketing and you pick the option to lay waste to Rentsch for his inappropriate name; sometimes Rentsch and pals don't turn hostile and shortly after the scene with Dala after the battle plays out.

    The barrier that's supposed to lock you in the Harpy room in the 1st floor of the temple doesn't seem to always drop. Admittedly, when they aggro'd me I was in the hallway as opposed to being in the room itself every time the barrier didn't show up.

    Also I seem to have random CTDs when I change maps, this mostly seems to occur in the Moathouse. But I've seen it happen in Hommlet and even before engaging random encounters.

    EDIT: IIRC this "bug" existed before in 6.0, but anyway. In Battle #2 in the Arena of Heroes the Hill Giants make no attempt to escape from the Entangle spell. instead they just sit there doing nothing. Entangle effectively makes that battle very trivial.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2014
  12. Fuffa69

    Fuffa69 Member

    Dec 3, 2014
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    Crippling Strike Bug: Crippling Strike (Rogue special ability) only does 1 strenght damage instead of the 2 it is supposed to do.

    Opportunist Bug: Opportunist (Rogue spacial ability) works only once and then stops forever.

    P.S. Co8 people, i want to thank you for the great work you are doing, you are great, keep going that way, luv :)

    Edit: I forgot to mention i have 8.1.0 NC edition
  13. Hallacar

    Hallacar Member

    Dec 3, 2014
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    I am not sure if this is a bug or if I am just missing something so obvious no one else had had a problem... I can not see an "options" button on 8.1.0 that lets me make all the adjustments people are talking about, like PC/NPC ratio and such. Once I actually start the game I have the options button to adjust audio, video, and preferences in game, but nothing for the meta-game. Help!
  14. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    The options you're looking for are set in the Front End, not in the game itself. There's a drop down menu there titled "Options".
  15. messedup

    messedup Crazy Warrior Supporter

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I just reactivated TOEE Co8 8.1.0 NC after playing a bit of KotB 1.0.1. I mentioned this problem in Kotb 1.0.1 and I thought I did here but I have all the changes I have seen and it is still happening in TOEE. I purchase the items that I want for the characters and I scribe scrolls. When one scroll fails, I load the game prior to trying again. This is done in the beginning shop. I then find that I have about 100 pp. I also notice that my Paladin doesn't have its sword. The good thing is that I have enough money to purchase a sword. I really don't know if the KotB fix will work in TOEE or it will send me to KotB.
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