Co8 4.1.0

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Shiningted, Dec 14, 2005.

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  1. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Well, if 4.1 is ready to go, I would say don't wait on me. Even if I finish as soon as I'm expecting, I'd like to run through the entire game once using the updated protos (and if others would like to do so, I'd appreciate it) to make sure everything works as it should, since all my testing so far has involved spawning all the creatures I've changed in the moathouse. There might be some wierdness when they're in their native environment. (I know one of the Water Clerics has a heartbeat script that outside of the Water temple causes him and any other NPCs in combat with him to skip their actions. I have no idea why.)
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Darmagon said in his spells thread that his new spell package would likely be out today, so there's not much waiting there. However, they should be tested a bit more widely first, I think, as should Kal's protos, as he indicated above.

    Personally I like the idea of having them both, decently tested, in 4.1.0, as opposed to releasing a 4.1.0 now with the renegade mods, et al, and then a 4.2.0 a month from now or whatever.

    I realize you've already signed off on this Morph, but is/was there any particular impetus for getting something out right now? (Honest question)
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well, as long as we have a consensus on, ummm, holding off... thanks again for your efforts Morpheus, actually it took me by surprise a bit too but at least we all know where we stand and we're making some progress.

    Endarire's NPC should be done by tomorrow, I'll send it back to him and we willl do some testing of it. My other stuff might take a day or two longer as I am tied up all day tomorrow.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ok, I see Kalshane's stuff is up and needs testing. Hopefully some of us will get a chance.

    However, such a massive change will most likely have far-reaching consequences anyways. So my way of thinking is, we just throw it straight in, call the next release a beta, and get feedback that way.

    Just an idea.
  5. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    If you want to do it that way, that's cool by me. But we need to know if the inventory fix script that CB and Darmagon are working works. (Of course, I have to get CB the info he wanted first...) If not, I'll need to rework a bunch of NPCs before we have anything releasable.
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Darmagon's new spells are up now too. The BETA idea sounds rather clever to me, as we don't really have a beta testing crew. (I see that so far Kal's new protos has been DLed all of twice.) Where's Morpheus?
  7. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Could we wait to get the current (4.0.1) and Kalshane's (both of them) numberized by darmagon's numberizer, and file compared together first?

    (Do we need a poll to decide which of Kalshanes protos to use?)
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well we don't have to hurry that much. I would like to see Darmagon's stuff go in too.

    Endarire's character I have been puttiing together has had the hard yards done in scripting, now for some testing.
  9. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    i volunteer to be beta test crew.. unfortunatley my stuff isnt going to be beta testabale for a few weeks yet .. (lack of solid programming time and plentey of hex to go thru..)especially with the request from the dll fix thread..

    but maybe it will be finished before the proper release of 4.1
  10. Revord

    Revord Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    I dont know if it will help, but Im new to this community, and just yesterday got toffee 4.0.0 loaded in and started playing. For that matter, I just got the game last month(bargain bin, saw d&d, brought back memories from games played 20 years ago.) I would like to help test it out. Dont know what I can do other than play it. Anything else a rookie could do?
  11. darmagon

    darmagon stumbler in the dark

    Mar 22, 2005
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    Okay, I have been spending an inordinate amount of time testing my spells before they actually get officially released. The release here in the modder's forum was in hopes that some few of you could find some time to test this stuff. Apparently not many have had the time, which I totally understand. In any case, I guess that at some point soon I am going to have to go out on a limb and say it is done. Mordenkainen's Sword was my most recent venue and I found some stuff there that needed to be fixed. And then there is the fact that Disintegrate should destroy the Sword, but what should it's saving throw be, or should it even get one? The spell interactions, like this, are what really is getting to me. And the fact that conditions added upon objects in inventory react to spells differently than do conditions on the critter itself (cf. my fix to heal to allow it's effects when Tenser's Transformation is in effect, and avoid a CTD)

    In any case, I think that what I have now should be safe enough to release. I haven't crawled into all of the crannies possible, but I have done as much as I could think of to test and fix this. So, along with, the mass heal sounds that Gaear has provided me and a major fix to Disintegrate to get it working properly, tomorrow will see the first official release of all Darmagon's (with major additions by Gaear) spells to date. I will include the paladin/ranger stuff as, AFAIK, they are only available with Ted's mod. Since we have no other way yet to include those spells for paladins and rangers I think they should be included. I am also going to include a fix for Ray of Clumsiness to take into account critical hits As I read the rules, all ray spells that require a die roll to determine damage of any sort, have a potential for scoring a critical hit and doing double damage. I have already taken this into account with Disintegrate and will be changing Ray of Clumsiness as well. The already in game ray spells I will not touch for now as they are not mine....

    EDIT: none of the spells I am working on that have not had any kind of release yet will be included. So: Time Stop, Warp Wood, Iron Body, The Bigby's Hand spells, The Wall Spells, The Power Word spells, the Summon Nature's Ally/Summon Monster spells, etc. (as I have said I have the basics roughed out for most of the spells I think could be included in the game.) will not be included. Oh, I might be able to do Polar Ray and Mass Harm before tomorrow but I think that Gaear deserves more time, if he is interested, to develop sounds for those spells. And I would need more time to develop eye-candy for them.. (Speaking of which, I have not done the eye-candy for some of my own spells yet, that would have to come later.)
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2006
  12. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Reading the description of Disintigrate and M. Sword, I would say there is no saving throw. If someone hits it with Disintigrate, it's gone.

    Some minor quibbles:

    Ray of Enfeeblement doesn't do Strength damage, it applies a Strength penalty. As such, its effects would not be doubled by a critical hit. (So neither should Ray of Clumsiness.)

    There is no Mass Harm in the 3.5 rules. I'd be hesitant to include such a spell as it would be really, really powerful. It's the equivalent of a Maximized and Empowered Horrid Wilting, but only at 1 spell level higher.

    Looking forward to checking out your new spells.
  13. darmagon

    darmagon stumbler in the dark

    Mar 22, 2005
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    Glad you pointed out the lack of Mass harm in the game. And also glad you made the distinction for ray of enfeeblement. I think you are right and ray of clumsiness should also not have a critical hit. Disintegrate is more problematic as it does straight damage, but unlike most ray spells, it allows a saving throw. The rules state that any ray spell that requires a roll for damage will do double damage on a confirmed critical. However, most ray spells do not have any saving throw, Disintegrate does. However I am inclined to go with the regular ray damage and double the damage regardless of save status for Disintegrate because it does straight hp damage, on a critical hit.

  14. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    I agree about disintigrate. It does damage, so that damage should double on a crit. It should do double normal damage if the save fails (which should kill just about anything) and double the 5d6 on a critical if the save succeeds. I'm not sure if that's what you said you were going to do or not.
  15. Nerik

    Nerik Established Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    Ok, I have tried out some of Damagon's spells...

    ToEE with Patch 1 & 2, Co8 4.0.0 with the 4.0.1 patch applied, Damagon's spells.

    Prismatic Spray - used multiple times, very pretty, seems to work is it should (and if you send a victim to another plane you don't get to loot their stuff :D which is as it should be).
    Disintegrate - used lots, works fine - nice effect!
    Mordenkainan's Sword - so far I've used it once, as the game CTD's when the spell expires. It looks nice, but I've noticed a small graphic glitch just between it and its circle (just a few pixels in size).

    I hope this helps.

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