Cleaning Up Hommlet

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Jun 18, 2008.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Those lines wouldn't neccesarily have to be silenced as long as there was something else workable among his audio. Let me know what you'd like him to say and I might be able to help you out with it.

    (I agree that being "on board" sounds oddly 21st century earth. ;))

    Also, be aware that a great deal of consideration went into making Terjon what he is now, though it may seem like it was merely some dismissive effort to toughen him up. I wasn't a big part of that movement, from memory, but I'm sure you can find some pertinent threads if you search for "Terjon" in posts by Kalshane.


    Here's a link to a poll about that very thing:

    The people have spoken. ;)

    It seems Terjon was actually 'toughened down' from his original not-by-the-rules level 30; and people like him hard to kill but legal.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Question: as you all know, most of the Hommlet quests (in their current state anyway) are geared toward good or neutral alignments. Do you think that it would be preferable for evil alignments to not even get the dialogue options to undertake these quests? That wouldn't be too hard to do. Bear in mind also that the HB makeover (and other developments) will be catered toward evil, so removing the conversion/good deeds fedexing etc. wouldn't neccesarily mean there's nothing for evil to do in the future.
  3. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Didn't we all agree that alignments shouldn't constrain your choices?

    As for the other Hommlet modifications, I like that Furnok will now be hustling outside, and the Church/Grove/Town Hall always did seem too empty.
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I guess; I'm just trying to think of an easy way out of the problem of evil types not being acknowledged. It seems that in order to really bring Hommlet into shape we'd have to either do something like that or write evil angles for everything, particularly if you've amassed negative reputation points.

    Case in point: I was going over Tarim's dialogue today (got rid of the Excaliber reward, btw), and it struck me as unlikely that he'd enlist known bad guys to help him with Amii or even the spiders. At the very least there should be evil oriented responses there - "Why should I help you with your rotten daughter?" type stuff instead of "I'll go see Jaroo and find the Swamp Lotus at once! We haven't a second to lose!" ;)
  5. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Humm, i see that the general thinking it's: evil equals slay/threaten.
    A LE charcter would probably help Calmert and Terjon, a NE would probably help Bing, to get benefits (masterwork items), maybe all the "marriying" quests would be ignored.
    Over all, evil charcters would do things for interest.

    I know it could be a pain, but what if instead removing MORE options for evil players, a dialog option to claim a reward it's added?

    "I've got the lotus, Jaroo...but it was difficult to find..." something like that could suit neutral PCs too.

    Or be autentically devilish, and make the illness of Bing and Amii treated with the same stuff which can be found only once thru the game...
    what would you do? Save the merchant cos he could make masterwork items? or save the little poor girl cos you're good? :transform
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    What I'm really getting at here (well partly) is that most everything is worded as though a noble or virtuous person is saying it. Given this, I can see why people who play evil would be put off. "Will you help me convert Jakk Borton?" "Yes! I would love nothing more!" So regardless of whether evil types want to actually do that stuff or not, and despite whether LE would help St. Cuthbert or CE would have some peculiar sympathy for Black Jay based on a subjective real-world interpretation of 'evil,' etc., etc., it still doesn't sound like that evil character is speaking in voice - unless we assume that all evil alignments are automatically con men. There are exceptions, but from what I've seen, this is the way it is for the most part.

    If we run with your self interest evil definition, for example, we still see this problem. Unless, again, they were running a con, a person who puts self-interest first wouldn't say "We must help Bing!" They would say "What's in it for me?" or "I don't give a damn about Bing." And yet, evil types rarely get these options.

    So, we either add evil-leaning dialogue for the entirety of Hommlet, or we think of some other measure to get around it. Or we leave it, and when people play the next modpack, they think "same old same old." :shrug:
  7. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    i thought you where changing the options...what you're doing is a "cosmetic" change, then. That's ok and cool :)

    But don't get too concerned about evil people having little to do in Hommlet, after all, when you leave it, the game become more richer in details for evil than good, with all the Nulb n Temple quests.
    I usually play neutral/chaotic good charcters (and not because of damned Fragarach), those two alignments get the better of the game, cos you can do almost all the quests without failing to roleplay your party...but a LG party would have problems in Nulb/Temple; maybe something could be done about that. Better treatment than average in Hommlet? Better prices? Calmert joining to ask for donations in the temple? :p
  8. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I think what you're offering would take a lot of work to facilitate properly and uniformly. Particularly, spacing out all the dialogue nodes so that there's enough room to add new lines that check for alignment in the first place. But if you have the time for it, then go ahead. Anything that makes the game recognize and react to your characters' attributes and choices is for the best.
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It wouldn't be simply cosmetic if the evils didn't get the dialogue though.

    Indeed it would be a very large effort, which is why I would prefer to just limit the evil stuff. Adding an alignment check wouldn't be that tough compared to writing new lines for every dialogue in town.

    I think the question is, if evils don't undertake the good quests anyway, would there be anything lost by removing the options for them?
  10. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    If I had to choose between not being able to take on the quests and being able to take the quests with good guy dialogue, I'd choose the latter.
  11. Jesse Heinig

    Jesse Heinig Established Member

    Jun 26, 2005
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    Ideally, evil characters would do different quests from good ones. It's like an evil party joining the Temple - this is something that good characters ostensibly wouldn't do (unless it's just a cover), but evil characters could stand to make some real money and power from it.

    The problem with this is that most of the quests in Hommlet are FedEx quests that presume that the party will step in helpfully because some random townsperson has some random problem that needs an outside touch, and they're designed to get the party to second level without throwing the group into dangerous combats for 1st-level characters (until the Deklo Grove).

    To address this, evil characters need:
    * Their own motivation for doing various quests around town in certain ways. For instance, an evil character will blackmail the thieving farmer, and will keep Black Jay's wedding ring unless Black Jay offers to cough up something valuable in return. Evil characters will gladly blackmail the traders if they can get something good out of it. They are unlikely to become involved in domestic disputes unless they are either paid or promised some sort of worthwhile recompense. The entire focus of the marriage subplot with Meleny needs a new set of dialogs for an evil character.
    * Evil characters should be able to work into the confidence of the various spy groups in the village. In the original module, the village of Hommlet is interesting to adventurers not just because of the shops and the history, but because it becomes clear with some digging that there are spies in the town who are working for some greater evil power. Evil characters would be interested in digging up spies not to expose them and protect the community, but to see if they can find a better offer for makin' money and power.
    * Since Hommlet is primarily a good community, it has little in the way of services for evil characters. They are unlikely to visit the temple, interact meaningfully with the druid, or fit in with the locals.

    All that said, if I were really to overhaul the game to accommodate evil characters from the get-go, my solution would be fairly labor intensive: I'd turn Nulb into the starting entry point for evil characters, expand its quests and material to allow evil characters some first-level work, and make Hommlet their second stop (unless they make friends and ally with the temple). In this fashion, Nulb serves as an evil-party counterpart to Hommlet, a starting point where they can rub shoulders with people of similar (im)moral character.
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Wow, that's one hell of a novel idea. I like it. :)
  13. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Hmm... Nulb as a starting area idea is brilliant! It'll surely
    add a RP flavour as well as some novelty into the game. :D
    Honestly, I can't wait for the new version of Co8. If you need
    me to do any inventory icons or armour just ask. :p
  14. thearioch

    thearioch Need More Cowbell

    Sep 16, 2007
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    Hm, I guess I forgot to keep an Eye on this thread :)

    Anyway, my 2cp would be that we need to determine what we think Party and Character alignment mean to us before we start editing.

    Certain things (certain quest acceptances and solutions) should be heavier on Party alignment (after all, the whole party has to go along with it). While one character may be interacting with the NPCs, that character to some degree represents the party as a whole.

    Other things, like class combinations, specific use of items and spells, specific dialogs, etc. would be best focused on Character alignment. After all, some parts of the quest may require a certain set of Skills, and the use of them should be governed by the character's alignment.

    And, of course, we should define what *we* mean the different alignments to mean. And publish that "code." No need to be overly specific, just enough so that Paladins falling and characters able/unable to take certain dialog paths or actions makes sense *without* having to post-justify or debate endlessly.

    Again, just my take on the situation.

    No thoughts on Nulb right now; it sounds interesting. Of course, anything that promises the next play-through can be different is interesting. It might be fun starting good characters in Nulb and making them get frustrated enough to just leave for ommlet.

  15. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    Any evil changes would have to start/involve Lareth and how he is handled. Expanding Nulb and the brothel, Mona, waterside inn, etc is the way to go. But, I think this would be a massive effort involving several people and a lot of dlg changes. I got Lareth to join and got to level 3 and got Smigmail to join, but it pretty much ended there. The goal was to make Lareth the highpriest, but it didn't work out. But, it can be done.

    By the way, Lodriss is lawful evil and the tavern would be a good place for evil doings. After all, she owns the joint.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2008
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