Circle of Eight Modpack v8 Final General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Pygmy, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack v8 / v8 NC Bug Report Thread

    I've noticed that using the Wand of identify you find while playing doesn't cost you anything- so would you still have to pay 100 gold for each use if you crafted a Wand of Identify? (Craft Wand is a feat I've never taken- is it worth it?...)
  2. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    OK, here's a new one.

    When leveling up I chose a feat, (Lev 6 Cleric) and it stuck to my courser, literally!

    Normally I just right click on the feat and it moves to the right assigning itself, some feats I require that I left click and drag them over but this one when I dragged it over it just would not let go.

    It is even persistent across saves, I had to completely exit the game for it to go away.

    Here's a picture.

    Attached Files:

  3. Prologue

    Prologue Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack v8 / v8 NC Bug Report Thread

    But casting from a scroll shouldn't cost money from rules as written, since the cost should be incorporated during the scribing. Well, since you do need money for Extraplanar Chest, maybe there should be that message. Instead, the scroll just disappears.

    In the pen and paper game, yes you have to pay for each use (but your wand also has 50 charges, not 20ish). In ToEE, nope, which makes Wands of Identify and Wands of Stoneskin very beloved by the community.
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    The idea of an identify spell costing 100gp is to pay for the pearl that you crush and then mix with wine and drink before attempting the spell.

    And also when creating a wand of identify it should require 50 pearls of 100gp quality or better, although this would be quite a lot of pearl dust for one person to drink in his wine.
  5. Metathiax

    Metathiax Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    It might have been mentioned before but can I safely patch from 8.0.0 to 8.0.1 with an existing save game?

    I'm having a blast with the new modpack and I wouldn't want to mess up my game.

    I'm now on the Temple's first floor and I've completed all of Hommlet's (except for the religion- and romance-related quests) and Nulb's side quests.

    So far, I've noticed three glitches which might or might not be bugs :

    - In the Chaotic Neutral introduction quest; opening the "treasure-map"-containing chest with the Open/Close cantrip (I tend to open chests with this spell after having unlocked them to avoid traps) will make for a very short adventure, as you won't be able to complete the quest and exit the crypt.
    - For the new improved harpy encounter (thanks for that, I remember how disappointed I was on my first playthrough that it was not included in the original game); none of the dialog choices (bend, lift, etc.) allowed me to interact with the portcullis, I had to strike it down (had party members on both sides). The combat with the portcullis was somewhat odd, I had to fight off two gates which were side by side, one of them standing inside the harpies' lair instead than in the doorway. I wish I had taken a print-screen... :shy:
    EDIT: - Although Wonnilon's hideout appears to be a safe resting place (I've had no random encounters so far), it still shows a yellow tent.

    By the way, kudos to the development team for making ToEE so awesome after all these years. :thumbsup:

    Back to lurking mode now. :ninja:
  6. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Before you patch with a saved game you certainly need to load up your last saved game and empty ANYTHING you'd miss from your extraplanar chests that will be COMPLETELY EMPTY when you re-load after activating the patch.
  7. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    That was indeed fixed in the patch. (at least the dialog... I had thought the script handled the case where the door was displaced during combat, but maybe sometimes it doesn't work? also odd that you had two fighting grates... hmmm)

    It has indeed been made safe to rest there. I had considered scripting for it to become green tent, but decided against it because that would allow you to craft items, which seems a bit of a stretch.

    Regarding the Extraplanar chest, I think you need to back up the file bag_of_holding.mes, which is found inside [ToEE main folder]\modules\ToEE.
  8. Prologue

    Prologue Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Oh! New patch! *goes get*
    In case it wasn't mentioned/fixed, in 8.0.0, my wizard just reached level 4... and has access to one level 3 spell. A 25 INT gives 2 bonus level 3 spells, which might be the cause?

    EDIT: ps, on the download page, it's still at 8.0.0.
    EDIT2: My 25 INT level 4 cleric also has one level 3 spell slot (but no level 3 spell in spell list). My 19 INT level 4 cleric, on the other hand, has no level 3 spell slot.

    EDIT 3: The level 3 spell slots appear in the inventory, but not in the radial menu. So they can't actually cast level 3 spells at level 4. It all works out I guess?
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2013
  9. Borsook

    Borsook Established Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    I have a question about the patch install, should I activate 8.0 before applying the patch? I've just done a clean install and run 8.01 before activating the module, and it's still called 8.0.0 and not 8.0.1?
  10. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Being that 8.0 is the final version we won't be seeing an 8.01 or so display showing your version on the main screen.

    You can go to the HELP icon in game to see the version you are currently playing.

    Oh, and certainly activate the 8.0 first, it's the modpack. The patch is handled as an add on and after you've extracted it to your TOEE directory you will need to implement via the front end, (like portrait packs).
  11. Prologue

    Prologue Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    I received a Stinking Cloud for the first time today. Some of my PCs succeeded their saves, left the cloud (and moved beyond the edge), but were still making fort saves every turn. One of them failed after being out for 3 rounds and was Sickened.

    They should only have to make saves every turn if they remain inside the cloud. I think something mixed up with the "This condition lasts as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves." when they fail.
  12. Borsook

    Borsook Established Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    Oh it's an add-on! The 0.8.01 installer does not mention this anywhere... thanks
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It's called 'Circle of Eight Add-On 8.0.1,' the news release says 'Circle of Eight Add-On Module Version 8.0.1 Released,' etc.
  14. Prologue

    Prologue Member

    Oct 4, 2013
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    Just made it to the temple. Many many many thanks for the map!! And lols my paladin fell after killing the snake in the kitchen xD

    A few more issues I've encountered:

    - That wight still gets a bajillion temporary HPs
    - Cast Web, burn it, move PCs in, and some couldn't move the next turn. No icon of being entangled though
    - Is there a use to the Freedom of Movement ring? Doesn't work with Grease and doesn't work with Web.
    - My rogue has a reach of 10 ft., probably a left-over from an Enlarge Person
    - Reach weapon and AoOs for approaching enemies is inconsistent. Though reach weapons are already really powerful anyway.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2013
  15. Corwyn

    Corwyn Gnoll Pincushion

    Jul 5, 2011
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    Crash issue

    Playing 8.0.1 and I really like many of the changes, especially the area description pages before entering hommlet, moathouse, welkwood, temple, etc. Looks good. And the new Shift-click description boxes are soooo much better. Great work guys.

    Just one issue though. I've made it to the temple and began exploring. Upon entering the temple, I get the Cartographer explanation and Shortcut map in my inventory.
    Descended to Earth Temple level. (Also the 2nd level down.) But upon attempting to ascend the staircase from the earth temple level back up to the Temple entry level, the game crashes. Luckily I had a recent save. Tried both stair cases. Game crashed -- or rather the screen went black (sometimes it takes a few seconds to load the new screen) and never loaded the entry level. Waited several minutes. Pulling up the task manager, it says "ToEE not responding". Twice in a row.

    However, if I use the Shortcut map, I can 'appear' on the entry level.

    Okay, reloaded and tried again with a different save than the one above. I put the Shortcut map in the Extraplanar chest, and upon climbing the staircase from level one/earth temple level to Temple entry level, I again received the 'cartographer' explanation, and another copy of the Shortcut map. So, now I have two -- one in my inventory and one in the Chest.

    Has anyone else seen this? Maybe I'll just place the extra maps in all the barrels in the rooms under the staircases ...

    Edit: Okay, so now it seems that once I've descended then ascended successfully using the Shortcut map, I can now descend and ascend using the staircase(s) without issue, but only if the Shortcut map is still in my possession.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
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