Circle of Eight Modpack v8 Final General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Pygmy, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    Is that from the P&P Dungeon Master's Guide, or from the TOEE computer game? The DMG says exactly what you have quoted, but I don't know if the computer game requirements differ from the DMG. I don't suppose the option to add Holy would not show up unless the CL requirement is also high enough for the weapon in question? It could also be that the CL requirement for the TOEE game is higher than in the P&P game.
  2. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    Just checked the in game help menu, and it gives the same requirements as you quoted to craft holy onto a weapon. So, I dunno.
  3. florian1

    florian1 Established Member

    Mar 15, 2010
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    I just checked with a 12th level cleric of Pelor with good domain, and successfully enchanted a masterwork saber into a +1 holy weapon. So, it seems you are correct, and it should be working for you too.
  4. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Sometimes TOEE decides not to show you half the enchantments you can do.

    When I don't see the enchantment that I think should be present I go upstairs in the Welcome Wench and open the craft magic arms and armor menu a few times, eventually it shows what I'm looking for, this is most obvious when the enchantment list is very short but when I close and reopen it I have a full list then.

    I tend to do most of my crafting upstairs. ;)
  5. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Thanks- I'll give it a try after work (I tend to stay in Nulb so I can store stuff at the house you buy there).

    Edit at 4:51 pm- That worked, thanks! Seems that in order to craft something holy you need to be a little closer to the heavens- like on the second floor of an inn... :)
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2015
  6. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    A question: why does the Glabrezu guardian get the -10/Damage Reduction: Good vs. my CE party?
  7. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    D&D damage resistance for demons, devils and such has always been back to front
    Demons always get DR/Good when DR/Evil would be useful

    ToEE is true to paper D&D and I don't believe WotC took the opportunity presented by the premium editions to correct this nonsense.....

    Hint if you are fighting Iuz would you rather have DR/50 Good or DR/50 Evil?
  8. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    I understand what you mean- being an evil party I'd rather that Iuz have DR vs. Good. I'm just curious why the guardian gets DR Good vs. my Evil party. I'd understand if they have DR vs Good regardless of if a party is evil or not (maybe they just assumed that a lot of folks wouldn't play the evil alignments?). If it's hard coded that way, fine- but if not why do they get it? It makes no sense- and as you suggest, allowing the guardians to have it against both good and evil parties would have made more sense, at least from the viewpoint of the evil creature being attacked. Long question short: have the guardians ALWAYS gotten DR vs Good, regardless of the actual alignment of the party they face?
  9. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I don't think you understand DR 50/Good......

    This means the creature has 50 points of damage resistance that is by-passed by good aligned attacks

    This is the form of DR possessed by devils and demons which is completely useless when the fiend is attacked by a paladin but most effective vs your evil party (as you noticed)

    My complaint is that Iuz should possess DR 50/Evil which is effective against paladins as ToEE is a titanic struggle of good versus evil.
  10. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Ah, OK then- they have DR against everything EXCEPT vs. Good- that makes a bit more sense (and is the clearer explanation, at least for me). Thanks...:thumbsup:
  11. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I am not familiar with any DR that is set up to take the alignment of your party into consideration. When a creature has DR good it means the creature has a set resistance against any weapon that is not good aligned, (holy weapons are good aligned). There are weapons that take alignment into consideration when attempting to equip or use them though.

    An example is Zuggy, she has a high damage resistance against any weapon that is not good, or lawful.
  12. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    When I take on Zuggy with an evil or neutral party I tend to use the Frostbrand- and lots of Magic Missiles...;)
  13. Forgalz

    Forgalz Established Member

    Dec 28, 2010
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    Also, let us not confuse damage REDUCTION with damage RESISTANCE, which are two different things in D&D. Damage reduction is basically universal, but there are usually one or two alchemical, magical, or divine tricks to pierce it still (alchemical silver, cold iron, magic, aligned attacks etc.) Damage resistance is against one specific type of attack (e.g., slashing, fire), while everything else will hit normally. Because this is not convoluted enough, there is also damage IMMUNITY, which negates a certain percentage of the damage, as opposed to a fixed number of points. This is never negated, but it often comes with a corresponding VULNERABILITY to some other - often opposed in some sense - form of damage (e.g., certain critters take only 50 % damage from fire attacks, but double damage from cold attacks; certain armors may confer 10 % bludgeoning immunity, but also piercing vulnerability etc).
  14. Gehennis

    Gehennis Established Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Started a NG party and couldn't find secret doors at the Moathouse so I visited Jaroo- I can now see the formerly secret doors in the room where the barbarian chief and his cohorts were but the secret door where the zombies gather still remains nonfunctional. I can get it to open when the hand cursor is over it but when I actively search with a character they find nothing. Do I need to raise my Search skill or just start over (am at second level with this party BTW...).
  15. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    Hey Gaear, U rule! I just reinstalled TOEE after years of not playing it. I can remember posting when Atari took TOEE off their website. The Cof8 has been here the whole time. Dedication and my thanx.
    btw, doesn't Ash vs the evil dead rule?
    Also, I remember having a program that would allow me to modify the characters I've rolled in the game. including adding pics, changing religions etc. can't seem to find it on the web site.
    any ideas how I can get my hands on that program?

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