Circle of Eight Modpack v8 Final General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Pygmy, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I finally beat Iuz in the Temple under v8.0.1. It's much harder having to do it around 11-12th level than leaving it for near last like I used to. Having done so, though, I now notice Hedrack's Hammer only sells for the price of a +2 weapon, despite being a +2 Unholy weapon.
  2. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Under v8.0.1, I've noticed a problem with Fear of Ghosts. As previously reported by another poster, the principal foe appears to be missing, despite my doing everything that usually spawns said foe. I headed straight to the second quest location from the first, so could it be a time problem?
  3. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I worked on the basis that Moathouse re-spawn only occurred once and that you need to initiate the witch quest before the beasty with the arms and legs is even formed

    If you remember from the old sequence you had to get the Moathouse respawn quest from Kent BEFORE you heard about Verbobonc

    I now do Fear of Ghosts and Witch quests at same time.
  4. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    Thanks! I'll give that a shot.
  5. son_of_liberty

    son_of_liberty Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    How do I get the moathouse quest now? I already captured the criminals, completed "frozen assets" and took care of zooks' problem, defeated the slavers, and found the children. WOTGS is available, but I want to do the orc hunt and season of the witch first since my pc's are only lvl 13-14. Neither show up on the message board.
  6. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    You need to return at least one of the fugitives from justice back to the town jail in order to get the Witch quest

    The orcs appeared shortly after I completed the Witch and Fear of Ghosts quests but I found myself doing the Slavers relatively early - about 13th level

    The walkthrough guide gives you the trigger conditions for every quest
  7. son_of_liberty

    son_of_liberty Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    Unfortunately all three fugitives died from injuries sustained while resisting arrest.
  8. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Have you reported your success to the town jail? I think what you did is OK

    The only way of getting them back alive is

    1. cast dominate person on fugitive and teleport whole party to somewhere quiet

    2. Beat fugitive to between -1 and -9 hps

    3. Enter jail - the fugitive escapes but only as far as an unconscious body on the floor and so may be handed over alive.

    I am sure Gaear did not intend you to have to do the above as it relies on being able to "mortally wound" a dominatee without them even getting a new saving throw with a huge cumulative bonus everytime you hit them.
  9. Daryk

    Daryk Veteran Member

    Jan 14, 2012
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    I'm doing the Witch quest now, but the
    water snake
    is still missing. Any other ideas, or do I need to complete the Witch quest and come back to the Moathouse?
  10. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Sorry I was writing you a reply this morning but had to go out

    I think that you are experiencing a timing issue that results from the law of unintended consequences affecting the moving of the Moathouse respawn - something in the way the Fear of Ghosts is coded means that it only triggers successfully if the Moathouse respawn has occurred already

    My immediate reaction was - how come no one else has complained of this already? Then I found this post:

    People had (unrelated) problems with Fear of Ghosts triggering when it was first introduced


    was suggested as a means of being able to sleep in your castle - I must stress I haven't tried it as I spend so much time re-designing parties I hardly ever reach the end of ToEE
  11. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Just finished a couple of runs of the v8.01. Very good modding work and thx for great fun -- very fun, in spite of some bugs I ran into below. I want to say the new content always has been enjoyable.

    1. Risky areas/times for game save corruption:

    There are specific areas that (for me) always introduce some corruption into the saves.

    The reactive temple mod (which is awesome) seems to introduce this when it goes into effect. Before the reaction occurs, game seems flawless. After, trying to leave those floors crashes the game a LOT. I noticed this behavior a bit with v7 but it's really pronounced with v8.

    First run ended up with a save that was slowly becoming too corrupted and any transitional screen would crash frequently. Started with the reactive temple and snowballed, it seemed. Eventually it would simply crash 100% on transition to a new area. I could use area teleport console commands to avoid transition crashes for a while, but eventually this crashed 100% as well. Note: did not use console before this.

    The second game went better as I avoided the reactive mod on the second floor by doing it first and in one go. Next the earth temple. It crashed many times trying to get off 1st floor. It seemed to correct itself after verbonc. But any return to the 1st or 2nd temple floor would almost guarantee a crash upon trying to leave, even with many attempts at different exits and using the new map feature.

    Fourth floor area near Hedrick can introduce bad behavior too.

    New mapping feature is great, btw!

    2. Fear of Ghosts - snake

    Second run I did fear of ghosts before the moathouse respawn and no snake, so it's a timing thing.
    First run I did it after and snake was there (but I had to add the 3rd ghost patch).

    3. Hickory Branch (Absolutely loved the new content, fits much nicer in progression that v7) but:

    I Dominated Lord Hungous. Obviously his death is trigger for outside ambush and lich. So went back to cave and killed him, and he said his bit. Everything ok after that. Maybe he should be immune to charm or domination since he's a state trigger. He's really easy to dominate. It was >50% iirc. Btw also charmed many Stone giants at >50% chance with sorceress. Charm has another side effect on game play, see below.

    4. Narcing on Brotherhood did not activate.

    Darlia wants you to kill Wilfrick. You say have to think about it. Then tell the guard captain about the plot and he takes you to Wilfrick. You tell Wilfrick that you don't want to get involved and then can talk to Darlia in jail where he threatens you. But NO quest.

    Added quest by console to see and it works fine except the poison doesn't work on a dominated party member. So had to run dominated member out to edge of screen for sequence to happen correctly. All normal pc's and npcs are poisoned. Dominated guy is ignored.

    5. Charm person/Charm monster

    It's so fun but I think it's way OP. It's the easiest way to take out tough enemies. IMHO should add +5 to save or more- would still give 25% chance to have better fighter than u could be, especially at low levels. Enemy saves are really bad currently, even without heighten metamagic.

    The other effect of charm (and summons) is on the maximum number of active battle combatants that the AI can control at any one time. Summons and charms count into this; at one point with 10 monsters charmed, there were sometimes very few active enemies fighting. In huge battles you could simply shoot inactive enemies without danger. I'm not sure how the AI picks who is active for the battle, though.

    If possible, I would suggest few charms/summons to avoid this. Maybe an coded cap? I'm going to to try next run with max 2 summons and no charm to compare.

    6. Visual arua bugs.

    Once got the vrock spores lingering graphic bug. Reloaded the battle. Nothing fixes this, including Jaroo.
    Same with herzou stench. Reloaded the battle. Although the cheese guy fix did work.

    Casting double protection from element(same kind) on one pc seems to give permanent visual as well.

    Jaroo did cure my permanent minor globe of invun on the sorc.

    7. Spot and Blind fight don't seem to work in combat.

    Retested: Spot does not work, but

    **Blindsight DOES work:

    Very rarely the rolls window will report a reroll on concealment, but out of 200 rolls a character with blindsight feat in 50% concealment hit 162 times, which is a little better than one would expect statistically (around 75 % hits). So I think the rolls window does not report the reroll, but it actually seems to happen in the code.

    I'm guessing spot doesn't help as the rolls window shows 50 - x. To prove/disprove would take 1000s of rolls.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks for the feedback. :thumbsup:
  13. Ossie

    Ossie Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    Guys coming back to this after some time. Previous mods had an option to increase the level cap, and number of PCs allowed in a party. I no longer see these options in the front end - are they now automaticclly set to 20 and 8 respectively?

    EDIT: no matter - found the options
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
  14. Dhoom

    Dhoom BIG Troll Berserker

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Congrats on putting out v8, guys. Awesome stuff. It's come a long, long way.
  15. bubbyman

    bubbyman Member

    Feb 12, 2014
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    Hey guys absolutely awesome mod!!! I cant tell you how much I enjoyed it. I have had a recent problem though. I went to play and it had an unknown error saying a few saves were corrupted. I was able to play an older save. When I go to start it now it runs fine till I get to the "load game screen. the background music plays and the screen is black except for the very upper left corner. I can hear the cursor move across the options.

    The game seems fine in windows mode. I have changed monitor settings and will still only work in windows mode. I tried changing the .cfg numbers and turning on and off the intro movies They all work fine it all happens on that load game screen.

    I am sooo close to the end of the game so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I have to say again WOTGS, HICKORY BRANCH!! SLAVERS !! absolutely wonderfull Thank you guys.
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