Circle of Eight Modpack v8 Final General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Pygmy, Sep 16, 2013.

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  1. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    I think we need a ver 8 bug thread too, unfortunately.
  2. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    To everybody who is getting the "Invalid CEN header" error when trying to activate the Co8 mod v8.0.0: what Java version do you have? Co8 mod 8.0.0 might have a much bigger size of the archive compared to the previous version which might theoretically break Java 6 compatibility. Try upgrading to Java 7 (the latest update from Oracle) and see if that solves the problem for you.

    EDIT: The only log file attached above indeed indicates an outdated Java 6 version. While TFE-X itself is compatible with it, Co8 Mod v8.0.0 apparently isn't due to the large file of the archive. Please upgrade to Java 7 (make sure you uninstall Java 6 first) and try activating the mod again.

    - Agetian
  3. BenWH

    BenWH BGPHughes

    Jun 12, 2013
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    Love the new opening slides - though I did notice the story was told somewhat from a good slant 'valiant prince Thrommel...' etc, but very nice. There is a spelling mistake though - it says 'least' instead of 'last'.

    I sadly had my first crash in Hommlet but I think it was just standard TOEE instability...
  4. Arthandas

    Arthandas Witch Hunter

    Sep 16, 2013
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    Is it normal that each time I launch the game I must wait for "loading sector data" bar for about 3 min?
  5. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Sorry Gaear, been away for a while ( work calls ). Problem solved. It WAS damn antivirus. Tried to add ToEE to exceptions, but darn antivirus would say that every single file was a trojan. Had to simply shut down Kaspersky. Ready to start now. Party created already. Happy me :) :) :)
    PS. The only strange thing is that I never had this problem so far.....
  6. Obadiah

    Obadiah Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    Re: TFE-X4 issue loading 8.0 mod

    I keep getting an exception error for delayed blast fireball. It happened on 7.9 nc, and now on 8.0 nc and I cannot play the game. I have a picture of it but don't know where to host it to link the url. Anyway, I'm guessing there must be a fix for it. I tried changing the value, deleting it. nothing seems to work.
  7. tom

    tom Established Member

    May 8, 2007
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    Still getting crashes on initializing screen

    am using windows 7 on a screen with 1366 x786 resolution.

    What compatibility mode should I use for

    the gog. download of toe install?
    The co8 modpack install?
    The co8 front end?

    What resolution should I set in the co8 front end?
  8. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Temple Shortcut Mod

    Continuing the tradition of time-saving utilities, this mod lets you get back to where you left off within Temple, saving you some tedious walking back and forth.

    What it does:

    As soon as you enter the Temple, you will get a dialogue popup that informs you that your party has started drawing a map of the Temple. A new Temple Map item will appear in your inventory, which will allow you to fast-travel to locations within the Temple grounds and dungeon.

    At first, the Temple Map will only include the Temple Entrance (basically, where you stand), but as you descend deeper into the Temple, it will record your progress and open up new options for fast travel.

    To make use of it, just drag the map into the use button from within your inventory, and the shortcut dialog will appear again, letting you quickly navigate through the Temple. I recommend placing the Temple Map object close to the Use button in your inventory for maximum convenience.

    Some further notes:
    - The Temple Map will exclude the level you are currently on from the list. If you still wish to use it to hop around the current level, you can move to a third destination (e.g. the Temple Entrance) and then back to the current level.
    - You can get a shortcut to the Elemental Temple Clerics by becoming a member of their faction.
    - You can only use the map within the Temple grounds (i.e., you can't teleport from Hommlet using this method, you still have to trek the worldmap and risk random encounters)
    - You can't use it to get out of the Nodes (but you can use it to get IN the nodes; the ones you have visited, of course).
    - The underlying assumption is that if you can get somewhere once, you can do it again. On the rare occasion where you might otherwise be blocked - e.g. have run away from monsters, got trapped by the harpy grating, etc. - well, it's up to you to contain yourself.
    - I made a new icon, inspired by P&P graphs - hope you like it :)

    Under the hood:
    Every time you enter a new map, the game runs a script that checks where you landed, and if it is within a certain distance of a predefined set of locations, it sets a corresponding flag indicating you have been at that location. That location will as a result become available in the shortcut dialog.

    Attached Files:

  9. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    That slamming grate idea is awesome!

    My fighter got separated from the rest of the group, (he's kind of dumb and runs ahead and starts fights) if he didn't have a butt load of potions from bugbear swatt'n he would have died.
  10. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    The credit for the idea goes to Gygax :) glad you enjoyed it! I had fun scripting it too.
  11. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Really, the grate was in the original module?

    My PnP group just finished up the broken tower and plan on heading to the Temple proper next session, it's soooooooo hard to keep my mouth shut when we're creeping along exploring. ;)
  12. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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  13. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Hmmmm, after killing Zuggy I'm whisked off to the big city ... weeeeeee!

    Now if only the same big city would show up on my map so I can return there.

    In short: Verbo is not showing up on the world map list of locations.

    EDIT: If anyone else is experiencing this issue you can solve it by entering into the console the following code;

    game.areas[14] = 1

    This will make Verbo appear in the list.

    Much thanks to gazra's handy dandy guide and walk-thru. ;)

    Also, I seem to get a new retirement notice every time I visit the board in Verbo, I have 6 now. :)
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2013
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Ouch. Yeah, please do use the console code. :blush:
  15. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Ouch indeed... I'd say that warrants a hotfix.

    Also submitting: Vignette Loot mod

    It's always peeved me when, in the NG and LG vignettes, you are whisked away to Hommlet before you can loot the thief / bandits. This mod allows you to do just that via the dialog. (and specifically for the caravan, you can decide to leave the coins for the poor survivor)

    Attached Files:

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