Circle of Eight Modpack v5.5 Bug Report Thread

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Nov 18, 2008.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Can I just say I finally got around to testing my 1-line bug-fix for san_resurrect, and it worked. Below you will see the brave adventurer Korrac who, having been killed in combat with minions of Hextor, is resurrected by his companions and, in accord with his san_resurrect script, thanks them appropriately. (It must be true what they say about shock therapy ruining short-term memory, because he has apparently forgotten that the lightening bolt that fried him was friendly fire).

    I will try to release the fix when I have figured out the whole 'add-on pack' thing. Its only one line, so I could just tell you all, but its THE MOST POWERFUL LINE IN THE GAME. So I won't :cool:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008
  2. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Hi Folks
    I have a new bug and 2 observations to report.
    My setup is XP SP 1, with Norton AV '07. My game setup is Vanilla + Sp1 + SP2 + CO8 5.5
    ( Barebones ) . My Vanilla is the US English version.

    1.) I can't get the Teamster to talk to me about the Traders.

    2.) Not a bug Per Se, but it seems that in Emridy Meadow, the Skeletons armed with crossbows charge my party more than they used too.

    3.) Not a bug, but after killing the Assassin that was sent from the Temple to avenge the slaying of Lareth, I read the note form Smigmal Redhand. It says, " Our Trader Agents .... ", unfortunately there is no dialogue option for confronting the Traders with the note.


    Bug Tracker Update
    #0047a - [v5.5.0] The teamster won't talk about the traders - Rejected (Can't replicate)
    #0047b - [v5.5.0] The skeletons at Emridy Meadows charge the party - Rejected (Would seem to be an AI thing - wasn't modded)
    #0047c - [v5.5.0] Can't confront the traders with the assassin's note - Confirmed
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2009
  3. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    This bug is basically:

    Arriving at HB with a brief screen of the party frozen in combat stances; followed, after a second, by a CTD.

    I've played two games, and they both had this problem. It seems to come after a fight at the north end of the north/south ravine on the west side of the map. (Great Map, Great Fight, BTW)

    I remember there was a kobold or something I looted, that had a spear and the frontier leather. When I looted it, the stuff appeared in my inventory, but did not disappear from the body. The stuff could be looted again, but the items already taken would disappear. The inventory on the body would move around each time. This may have nothing to do with the bug I'm reporting, though.

    I've isolated one of my saves where if I go from Homlett to HB without an encounter, there is no problem. If I have an encounter, then continue to HB, there is a CTD.

    If I try to save on the encounter map, it crashes. The save is a CTD after a brief frozen interlude, similar to HB. This may not always be occurrring, but it occurs in this case.

    More on this as I encounter it... ;)


    Got it! There is a kobold at the north end of the ravine, where it can be crossed. It is the only kobold that has sling stones in its inventory. DO NOT LOOT THIS ONE: GAME BREAKER! If you want to try it, just save before looting. :)

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0048 - [v5.5.0] Stacked items bug occurs at Hickory Branch with Kobold Sergeant - Confirmed
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2009
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Its the freakin' 'stacked items' bug yet again. Hmmm...
  5. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Running XP, SP2 and 3 (I think), Dual Processor.

    Loaded game properly, no problems with that. Running ToEE, patch 1 and 2, Modpack 5.5. and front end X.2.

    Upstairs in the Verbobonc Inn, there is an Assassin Leader in the bedroom (with another character who doesn't believe the gnomes are truthful). If you talk to the Assassin Leader, you get an enpty 1. (no response) and once there, there is no way out of the conversation box. You have to control/alt/delete out of the game.

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0050 - [v5.5.0] Errors in assassin leader dialogue in Verbobonc - Confirmed
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2009
  6. tejón

    tejón Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    XP64, Service Pack 2 (equivalent to 32-bit SP3).

    Started a game and saved on the store map. Reloaded successfully, but any subsequent saves caused CTD on reload.

    Fresh game, went straight to Burne to pick up scrolls, and had access to the "Now that the moathouse is clear..." dialog. (It wasn't, of course.)

    Meleny hangs out in the deklo grove at night, that's neat and appropriate, but is it possible to change her dialog so that when she's there, she doesn't furtively mention that sometimes she sneaks out to the deklo grove?

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0051a - [v5.5.0] Burne gives access to Moathouse too early - Rejected (Cannot reproduce)
    #0051b - [v5.5.0] Meleny is in the Deklo Grove by night - Confirmed
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2009
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Heh, Meleny in the Deklo Grove by night is a holdover from the scuttled Meleny Mod where she was supposed to be available there for late-night trysts. ;)

    It shouldn't be that way, so she'll be made to not go there in the non-beta. Too bad for all of you who had hopes for more from the lass. :eyebrow:

    Will examine the other intervening bug reports soon, thanks.
  8. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.0 General Commentary and Discussion Thread

    Another BUG report- I believe-

    When in Verbobonc, I cannot buy Scrolls at all- is this a known bug with ToEE-X?

    @Enlino- brains brains brains is wehre it still should be.. no probs last time I got it there...

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0053 - [v5.5.0] Can't buy scrolls in Verbobonc - Rejected (Already reported as bug #0024b)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2009
  9. windmillcrusadeR

    windmillcrusadeR Windmillcrusader

    Nov 22, 2004
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    Minor Bug updates

    When i part ways with Prince Thromel, he remains at the exit door.
    If i talk to him it plays the waking up from deep sleep lines and he joins my group if asked.

    I've noticed a few hang ups now and again.

    my graphics card did not initially work with the beta, but it's fine now at higher settings of graphics.

    Everything else i've seen seems ok.

    except for the things noted in earlier posts

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0054 - [v5.5.0] Prince Thrommel doesn't go away properly when dismissded and may rejoin - Acknowledged
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
  10. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Hi Folks
    I have another bug to report (sigh). My setup is still the same (XP SP1, Atari Patch 1 + 2, ToEEFE-X and 5.5.0 Barebones). My bug is as follows: I was attacking the Priests in the Water Temple when Belsonring hit my party with "Unholy Blight". Ouch !! Not wanting to go through that again, I had my 9th Level Cleric drop a Silence spell on him. Unfortunately (??) Elmo happened to be in the area of effect and is now silent (except for the usual chatter that he makes: He can't cast any spells, but he can somehow vocalize "Let's go get a beer. I'm buyin'. ). I have tried every trick I can think of, but Elmo still shows that he has 89 rounds of Silence (out of 90) left. I have tried having the cleric cancel all spells, had my 10th Level Wizard cast Dispel Magic on him, I even made a 100GP donation to Jaroo to see if he could do something about the "Semi-Permanent" Silence on Elmo. I just loaded my most recent save and tried a few other ideas. I moved Elmo off to one side and had the cleric walk up next to Elmo before she "Dismissed All Spells", nothing happened. I then had the Cleric cast Dispel Magic on Elmo, with the same results. Then I had the Cleric cast Silence on Elmo, just to see what would happen. For a second Elmo went into his combat stance, then I saw the message "A spell (the recently cast Silence Spell) has expired" and everyone returned to the "chillin' out" mode, but Elmo is still Silenced.

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0055 - [v5.5.0] Spell permanency bug applies to NPCs - Rejected (Known engine bug)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
  11. Tsort

    Tsort Member

    Dec 23, 2008
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    First of all, KUDOS to everybody modding and helping, you make this game not only playable, but also very enjoyable !

    *message edited to be more precise*

    - I use xp sp3, an European version of the game with a No-CD (if not, the game dosen't work), Atari patch 2 and Co8 beta 5.5 without any other add-on.
    - I have no idea if these bugs are part of the mod or the original game, since I never played the game without the mod (it is not working without it :roll:).

    Already acknowledged
    - If you Lareth join your group, then ask him to guide you to the temple, the party goes to the orcish Cave Lair instead.
    - When a druid summons an owl (ally level 1), it has the portrait of a child.

    Assorted bugs (contains spoilers of course) :
    Lareth the beautifully bugged : When you go to Hommlet with Lareth, and after he flees, Hommlet "lags". This never stops, even if you quit the game, or spend some time elsewhere, etc.

    Brother Smyth : I brought him the head of the giant. Now he has two instances of "let us trade" or something like that in the dialog box, each linking to the usual trade items. Shouldn't they be a normal trade option, and a masterwork option ?

    The game crashes occasionnally, most of the time when zoning. But more alarming, the last time it crashed was just after I saved the game, and now it crashes everytime I load my save. And yes, it was my only save... so beware, double-save it or suffer the wrath of the Temple !!

    Sometimes at the beginning of a fight, a blue portrait appears with the caption "Time to flee". It happened at the beggining of Hickory Branch for example. I had Riana and Serana in the party, my other characters were lvl4. Hope this helps. :)

    Lubash rarely triggers the eye of flame cloak dialog. Most of the time, he attacks without even speaking. Spugnoir doesn't provoke a combat phase with him... I never tried to see if this was always the case for NPCs since I rarely use them.

    Thing to fix ?

    Getting up from a prone position provokes an attack of opportunity (which is not the case in the paper game) and makes it very difficult to heal fallen partners, since they will automatically get up on their turn after being heal above 0 and get smashed.

    On the other hand, healers sometimes need contact, and at other times heal from a distance, without any apparent logic.

    Thanks again guys !!

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0056a - [v5.5.0] Game lags in Hommlet - Rejected (Not specific, general game lag is known)
    #0056b - [v5.5.0] Brother Smyth's masterwork barter dialogue bugged - Acknowledged
    #0056c - [v5.5.0] Game sometimes crashes - Rejected (Not specific)
    #0056d - [v5.5.0] Boba Fett sometimes appears during intial combat at Hickory Branch - Confirmed
    #0056e - [v5.5.0] Lubash often doesn't talk to players with eye of flame cloak, attacks instead - Rejected (Known problem with older mod)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2009
  12. NewbieUser

    NewbieUser Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Windows XP SP2
    American Version
    Clean Install
    Patch 2
    TOEE Front-End X

    Not sure if this is a bug, but it seems wierd. If i cast identify from a mage in my party it still takes 100 GP for the spell. now in my experience, I played until edition 2, this should not be the case. I also dont know if this is the case in the actual game because i never played it...found your mod when i was searching for patches from a game i borrowed from my brother and i have no manual just the discs.

    BTW so far awesome mod. And yeah Jayfie is bugged for me but everything else seems to be working so far.


    Bug Tracker Update
    #0057 - [v5.5.0] Casting Identify costs 100 GP - Rejected (Not a bug)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
  13. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Hello. I have some crafting bugs, I believe.

    If it matters:

    Windows XP service pack 3
    AVG Antivirus 7.5
    ToEE US
    TFE-X 2.2
    Barebones 5.5.0-Beta (that is the latest right?)

    Here are the discrepancies I've found:

    1) The helm of telepathy has as prerequisites: Level 5, dominate monster. The latter is a 9th level spell, so no one will be crafting it until at least level 17. The actual helm does hold person, so I assume that should be the prerequisite.

    2) The following items have no prerequisites at all (aside from gold, experience, and the relevant feat): wand of animate dead, wand of good hope, wand of negative energy protection, necklace of adaptation. I'm not sure what the prereqs for the last should be, but the wands should clearly require the corresponding spell.

    That's all for now. Hope I've provided all the necessary information.

    If I may make an addendum to my previous report:

    Mandolin of Charming also requires dominate monster (and level 5). Its effect is suggestion, so I imagine that's what it should be requiring. The harp of charming in the SRD has roughly the same effect and that's its requirement. (On a side note, helm of telepathy also requires suggestion according to the SRD. Did suggestion get changed to dominate monster in a patch, perhaps?)

    The black robe of the archmagi has a prereq of "@-6Alignment: Evil". Although it probably works fine, it's kind of unsightly.

    Also, this is probably known, but the monk's belt still has a prereq that says "(null)" instead of Tenser's Transformation/whatever.

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0058 - [v5.5.0] Various crafting prerequisites bugs - Acknowledged
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    Got it in one :)
  15. Enilno

    Enilno Quicksword

    Dec 14, 2005
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    Re: Circle of Eight Modpack 5.5.x + CMF Bug Reports and Discussion Thread

    New install on Vista system, Atari patch 1 & 2, Co8 5.5.0.

    I haven't finished a game in well over a year, so this may not be new, but monster behavior with respect to the Spiritual Weapon spell has been more beneficial to my party than I recall.

    Several times, I've had monsters (most recently the bugbear leaders south of Scorp) just run around the Spiritual Weapon (in a circle more or less) and not attack anyone. This behavior often exposes the monster to deadly AoO's from my characters, so it has been most helpful.

    But it seems weird, and, while I've always like the spell, I don't remember it being this 'effective' in the past.

    Bug Tracker Update
    #0060 - [v5.5.0] Monsters respond to Spiritual Weapon in different ways - Rejected (AI not modded for this)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2009
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