Circle of Eight Modpack 5.9.x/5.9.xNC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Necroticpus, Aug 27, 2010.

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  1. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    I completed all 3 Scarlet Brotherhood quests and had "Member of the Scarlet Brotherhood" in my logbook, no auto attacks.

    I did FA, all 3 SB, Contract on Cannon, Slavers and Monster Mash, in that order. I had the same issue with reporting Contract on Cannon (probably fixed now), but I also had an issue reporting the completion of Monster Mash to Cannon Ramses. I didn't do dlg with Ramses for Monster Mash until after failed completion report of Contract on Cannon (the deed was done, the Verb Hextor preist had the right dialog). The only thing Ramses would do when trying to report the MM quest as complete would be, "ask more questions" and "I killed the Hextor preist next door." (which I didn't do). NE party, playing both ends against the middle here.

    Got dialog for 3 "Supervisors" from Dalia on accepting the 3rd SB quest, only 2 showed up when performing the deed. I kinda expected some bugbear looking wench to twist my head off with her thighs... In a Bathtub... NM, maybe I'll see her later. Niiice weapons btw.

    Warehouse has the yellow "rest" icon in the ingame menu. Return after quest completion and rest there, low level monsters show up (crayfish, pirates, etc). Didn't have the cahonnes to rest there immediately after, and didn't check before a quest sent me there.

    Completion of Fear of Ghosts did not remove quest items from my inventory. The logbook light flashed and the quest turned green in the logbook when I followed the final instructions of the quest and stepped outside.

    After all that^, my NE party remembered it had unresolved issues with preists. Killed Rameses, got the rep in the logbook, no hostile guards, even after resting and moving around the city. Went to Hommett to finish the preist issue, Killed Terjon, Calmert, etc and got the Butcher of Hommett rep. Went back Verb and was immediately given the fight/imprisonment options. ?? Killed Ramses and Hommett butcher were the only 2 bad reps aquired. I did teleport to the square immediately after killing Ramses and "establish my alibi", but the rep was there. The reason given for execution was Ramses. There was also a pause that allowed me to initate combat before the actual execution and escape punishment. Blashphemy is a helluva spell. Anyway, I thought killing Ramses would immediately get me thrown in the hoosegow. Not a big deal, I figured I was burning my bridge to Verb when I killed Ramses anyway, I just wanted to see how far I could push it until the local law decided to actually do something.

    Overall, much, much smoother playthrough for an evil party in 5.9.3NC vs 5.9.2NC. It was much easier to immerse myself in the game this time. Great job!
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    lol, that's because it was the third effect and until now only the first (the SB buddy effect) was working. That means no one ever had to deal with that effect even though it was meant to be ever since Allyx first did Verbomod.

    Okay, fixed both isuues (wrongly saying Hextor guy next door is dead and not acknowledging Monster Mash). Thanks.

    How many show up depends on if Wilfrick can summon them (literally, not magically) or not.

    Fixed. (Crayfish in Verbobonc is funny. ;) )


    Hopefully that's already fixed. It seems to work reliably in testing now anyway. Basically, the guards were setting the 'I have confronted you' flag on their heartbeats before they confronted you. Both were carried out in the same script, but now they're separated. I suspect that some scripts in Verbo are slow to fire because the map is so big.

    Those guys in the square always did it really reliably for some reason. :shrug:

    You may be thinking of Wilfrick with the alibi ... there's no way to kill Ramses and get away with it.

    I've noticed that, and while unintentional, I actually kind of like it. If you're really RPing all the way, you could use that moment to kill everybody, escape, and never return to Verbo again. Or just wait for them to kill you. ;)
  3. Oakheart

    Oakheart Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I think you ought to archive like the first half of this thread, it is getting realllllllllly long. :p
  4. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    Just had a computercrash so i was not able to try your suggestions Gaear.
    Will have to start over now :(.

    I will keep it in mind when i get there again.
  5. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Here's a minor bug:

    I was fooling around and leveled up an evil cleric to around 20. Then I dominated a bunch of skeletons at Emridy meadows, and returned to fight Terjon.

    In the fight, I summoned a Hezrou to keep Calmert busy, but I noticed that the stench sickened one of my skeletons. I don't think that should happen, since skeletons don't breathe. :)

    (And of course, the description of the power says that only living non-demons are affected.)
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay, I think I fixed that.
  7. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Here are some more:

    The cleaver descriptions are inconsistent. The short description says 1d10 damage, while the long description says 2d4 (I'm not sure which is right).

    I don't expect this to be possible to fix, but: weapon finesse is supposed to allow you to use your dexterity modifier instead of your strength modifier for certain weapons. However, in ToEE, if your strength modifier is negative, it gets added to your attack roll calculation even when finesse is in effect (I attached a screenshot, hopefully).

    When you click on your skills in the charater sheet, ToEE will show you how they're calculated. If you do this for perform, and you don't have an instrument equipped, you'll see a message like, "-2 due to lack of thieves' toolkit." And it's linked to the thieves' toolkit manual entry. I don't know of it's possible to make it say "instrument" instead, but that'd make more sense.

    Oh, and I picked up Zaxis not long ago, and got confused: what is his race? I was going to post a bug saying that he doesn't have elf weapon proficiencies, but then I noticed that his race appears to be "elf human," not just elf as I initially thought. Does that mean half-elf?

    Attached Files:

  8. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Zaxis is a half elf, that's how the race shows on a regular character as well. while a halforc shows as a halforc, some kind of racial prejudice I believe. As a bard, Zaxis can use a longsword, but cannot use a longbow, but can use a shortbow or the composite version as well.
  9. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Well, I actually made a half-elf PC to test out, and the character sheet says "half-elf" not "elf human." I'm not too worried about it if that means half-elf, though. I had just read it as "elf" initially, and elves get longbow proficiency (among others) for free.

    Zaxis also knows way too many spells for a 5th level bard (I think I counted 5 first level and 6 second level spells, instead of 4 and 3 for a bard PC). Not that I'm complaining of course. :) Gives me more excuse to keep him around, and hear him sing about how lovely all the swamps we visit are.
  10. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    I've been able to change out one spell one levelling up to 6th and 9th level with him, so you can change out some of his crappy spells, like sound burst replacing cause fear.
  11. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    One more, and I'm retiring for the evening:

    Is it intentional that monks don't have proficiency in monk spades by default? It seems like a natural thing for them to have.

    Edit: I remembered one more: gentle repose appears to have no in-game description. I even cast it on someone (and they failed their save) and I still don't know what it does. :)
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  12. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Double checking: Is there only 1 hotfix for 5.9.3 available now? Will others be made available here in this thread, or on the news thread? Or perhaps a 5.9.4 release for us to test out before 6.0?
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Assuming you mean the masterwork great cleaver, fixed. (Supposed to be 1d10 ... the regular cleaver is 2d4 and is correct in its long description.)

    Probably would require a .dll hack.

    Sadly, the mechanics of this are probably hidden away in some obscure corner of the .dll as well. However, we can at least say 'thieves' tools or bardic instrument' in the line that gets pointed to, being as that line was primarily meant to describe character skills with no thieves' tools equipped.


    Wow, that's sure a cludgy way to do it ... almost like the pulled the data straight from Same is true for other NPCs, but it looks to me like PCs display properly. (Devis the pre-gen bard is called a 'neutral good male half-elf,' for example.) At any rate, I don't think there's anything we can do about it.

    Let's see, he originally had 5-5-4 (level 0, level 1, level 2). He's supposed to have 6-4-3 straight, but gets 1 bonus level 1 and 1 bonus level 2 due to his 15 CHA. So he should have 6-5-4, shouldn't he? Somewhere along the line Co8 gave him 6 level 2 spells ... not sure why.

    Then there's the Zaxis who shows up in Nulb. He has 5-5-4 but should have 6-5-4.

    At any rate, both Zaxises (Zaxi? Zaxes?) have 6-5-4 now, unless you guys can show me that he shouldn't have bonus spells.

    I don't really know, but the limitation may be hardcoded (I can't figure out how to add it anyway).

    Apparently it makes it so that a mob won't decay after it's dead. I'll see about adding a long description and entry (bad Ted!).

    I think there's only the one atm. 6.0.0 is only like two weeks away so there won't be anymore releases before then.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2010
  14. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    That was it. The one brother Smyth sells in his masterwork inventory.

    I thought as much.

    The instrument solution sounds good, though.

    Are we talking about the same thing? I don't mean his spells-per-day (although those may have been off, too), I mean his spells known. A 5th level bard is supposed to know 6 0th level spells, 4 1st level spells, and 3 2nd level spells. You don't get to know extra spells for high charisma, though.

    What a high casting stat gives you is extra spells-per-day (or spell slots). A 5th level bard's spells per day should be 3/3/1, and with a 15 charisma, that increases to 3/4/2.
  15. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Zaxis shows up in Nulb, I've never seen that, but then again, I've been taking him rather frequently lately.

    But Co8 is able to add feats, as we now have greater weapon specialization and greater 2 weapon fighting. Is it possible to add a feat available to monks that adds all the new monk weapons as a group? Granted, it would not be core, but could solve the problem, otherwise a monk has to waste several Exotic weapon feats to use them all.
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