Circle of Eight Modpack 5.9.x/5.9.xNC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Necroticpus, Aug 27, 2010.

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  1. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Does anyone know if there is a masterwork trident available in the game? Smythe does not seem to have one after several visits. Is there one in the temple barrels?
  2. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    The barrels on level 1 of the Temple of Elemental Evil contain the following weapons:

    Masterwork Glaive
    Masterwork Maul
    Masterwork Ranseur
    Masterwork Warhammer
    2x Spear +1

    The following are the masterwork items (in order) that I have seen Brother Smyth have for sale (if the item you're after is not on the list in your game, then you will need to pass time until Brother Smyth refreshes his items for sale and he randomly has the item for sale):

    Large Masterwork Steel Shield
    Masterwork Metal Tower Shield
    Masterwork Full Plate Armor
    Masterwork Scale Mail
    Masterwork Chain Shirt
    Masterwork Red Chainmail
    Masterwork Silver Breastplate
    Masterwork Splint Mail
    Masterwork Full Plate Armor
    Masterwork Silver Banded Armor
    Masterwork Half-Plate
    Masterwork Buckler
    Large Mithral Shield
    Masterwork Gladiator Armor
    Masterwork Marauder Armor
    Masterwork Greatsword
    Masterwork Katana
    Masterwork Scimitar
    Masterwork Greataxe
    Masterwork Longsword
    Masterwork Dagger
    Masterwork Rapier
    Masterwork Bastard Sword
    Masterwork Falchion
    Masterwork Shortsword
    Masterwork Throwing Dagger
    Masterwork Dwarven War Axe
    Masterwork Greatclub
    Masterwork Handaxe
    Masterwork Heavy Mace
    Masterwork Heavy Pick
    Masterwork Light Mace
    Masterwork Morningstar
    Masterwork Scythe
    Masterwork Single Axe
    Masterwork Gnome Hooked Hammer
    Masterwork Light Mammer
    Masterwork Warhammer
    Masterwork Light Crossbow
    Masterwork Heavy Crossbow
    Masterwork Guisarme
    Masterwork Battleaxe
    Masterwork Shortspear
    Masterwork Spear
    Masterwork Glaive
    Masterwork Ranseur
    Masterwork Javelin
    Masterwork Dart
    Masterwork Cutlass
    Masterwork Longspear
    Masterwork Greathammer
    Masterwork Maul
    Masterwork Heavy Flail
    Masterwork Spiked Chain
    Masterwork Shuriken
    Masterwork Halfling Siangham
    Masterwork Great Cleaver
    Masterwork Kukri
    Masterwork Sickle
    Masterwork Main Gauche
    Masterwork Tiny Rapier
    Masterwork Small Quarterstaff
    Masterwork Halfling Siangham
    Mithral Buckler
    Masterwork Spiked Gauntlets
    Masterwork Trident
    Masterwork Halberd

    Otis has a much smaller selection of masterwork items for sale than Brother Smyth. The only masterwork item that I have seen Otis have for sale that Brother Smyth doesn't is:

    Small Masterwork Steel Shield
  3. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Ah Fong has a Masterwork Trident in my 5.9.2 game right next to a Masterwork Halberd. I think his inventory is one of the ones he left static with the new merchant refresh update. Checked from saves before and after Verbonc, so quite a bit of time had passed and his inventory is the same in my game.
  4. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Got one, thanks!
  5. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    The Green Elven Chain, Purple Elven Chain, and Blue Elven Chain are all worth the same amount of GP. The Green Elven Chain is +1 armour. The Purple Elven Chain is +2 armour. The Blue Elven Chain is +3 armour. The Green Elven Chain is supposed to be worth the least, while the Blue Elven Chain is supposed to be worth the most.

    Senshock's Robes are only worth approximately 9 SP (see screenshot below).

    Senshock has 2 Bracers of Armor when you loot his corpse. I don't know whether this is authentic with the PnP module. If it isn't, then you might want to get rid of one of them because Senshock is only able to wear one of the Bracers of Armor - he can't wear both at the same time.

    The Staff of Striking (on Barkinar's (Commander of the Temple Troops) corpse), Helm of Midnight (Fiendish Minotaur's Chest), Robes of Midnight (Fiendish Minotaur's Chest), Quiver of Arrows +1, Green Elven Chain, Purple Elven Chain, and Blue Elven Chain are already identified when you loot them.

    The Masterwork Heavy Saber is only worth approximately 29 GP (see screenshot below). Masterwork weapons are supposed to be worth the price of the normal weapon plus 300 GP.

    The D&D 3.5 SRD states:
    The long description for the Unholy Orc Double Axe +1 states that the weapon's damage is 1d8 and the weapon's critical range is 19-20/x3, but when you hold the mouse pointer over the weapon while it is in a character's inventory, the game displays the weapon's damage as being 2d6 and the weapon's critical range as being 18-20x2 (see screenshot below). The weapon is supposed to do 1d8/1d8 damage and have a critical range of 20/x3.

    Lord Hungous isn't using his Unholy Orc Double Axe +1 properly. He is currently not two weapon fighting with it and the weapon is doing 2d6 damage instead of 1d8. In one round, when Lord Hungous moved adjacent to and made a single (non-two weapon fighting) attack against one of my Lawful Good characters, he did the following damage:
    2d6 Weapon: Magic Double Axe (Slashing)
    2d6 Item: Magic Double Axe (Slashing)
    When I analysed the Rolls History for his attack total, Lord Hungous did not have any entries for two weapon fighting. This means that his damage should be:
    1d8 Weapon: Magic Double Axe (Slashing)
    It is not clear whether the "2d6 Item: Magic Double Axe (Slashing)" damage is because he hit a Good-aligned opponent or whether it is the damage from the other axe-head of the weapon. Is it possible to make this information more clear in the Rolls History for the damage analysis?

    I saw the extra animated fire amongst the black above the random map with the campfire again on another occasion, but the animated fire wasn't there the last time that I had a random encounter on the random map with the campfire. The extra animated fire seems to appear half the time that I have random encounters on the random map with the campfire.

    I believe that somebody else has already stated the following bug before, but I will reiterate it just to make sure that it is fixed for the next version of the modpack. When you hold the mouse pointer over the Acid Fog spell in the inventory interface, the following message is displayed (see screenshot below):
    [Enchantment] Acid Fog in Spell.mes

    Boy, what a difference it makes fighting Lord Hungous and his allies, and the Fiendish Minotaur, and the Seahag and Behemoth Kingfrog when my PCs are level 11 instead of level 5 or 6! My level 11 PCs took no damage at all when I fought and killed the Fiendish Minotaur, Lord Hungous and his allies, the Seahag and the Behemoth Kingfrog and the Giant Gar without cheating or using the Stoneskin spell!

    Is it possible to modify the game so that when the mouse pointer is held over a summoned creature (or the summoned creature's portrait), the game displays the number of rounds remaining before the summoned creature will disappear? This would be invaluable information for the player to have.

    What are the functions (if any) of Belsornig's Poison Vial, the Vial of Orc Blood (from Lord Ruff's corpse in Hickory Branch), and the Black TZGY Scarabs that you loot from people in the Greater Temple of Elemental Evil? Any of these items that have no purpose may as well be removed from the game.

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    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Okay, the SRD only defines 'elven chain' and values it as 4150 gp, like all of ToEE's. 4000 is supposed to be a base price for a +2 armor, however, so we can deduce that purple (+2) should be 4150 if we assume that the 150 is from the chain itself (doubtful - that's low according to the SRD, and elven chain has lightweight properties that should make it more valuable, but I don't really care) and that the SRD assumes all elven chain to be +2 (they don't say actually). From there we can make green (+1) 1150 gp (as 1000 is the base price for +1 armor), and blue 9150 (as 9000 is the base price for +3 armor). I agree that the prices should be scaled due to the drastic + differences.

    The SRD says elven chain is non-magical.


    Already fixed.


    Already fixed / fixed. All magic arrows and bolts in ToEE seem to be pre-identified, which makes me uneasy about changing them (projectiles are buggy), so that will stay as-is.


    It wouldn't surprise me if Hungous is illegal in some way, being a krunch creation. Whatever he's doing, he's apparently always been doing it, and I'm not really inclined to delve into a sea of stats to 'fix' him at this late stage.

    I don't think so.

    The scarabs were supposed to control a fungus curtain or something that doesn't actually exist in the CRPG. The orc blood used to be for the Bing quest but isn't anymore. Belsornig's poison is for poisoning someone, I thought.
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Acid Fog is a WIP.
    Interesting way of mimicing a double weapon. 0rion said he had come up with a way of doing them, but I know I didn't bother looking into it - I wonder if Krunch did, and this was it?

    Still sidesteps the second roll at -6, so hardly a 'fix' or anything other than an overpowered hack. Interesting, though.

    Gazra - could you be bothered to equip the weapon yourself and see what happens when you whack someone with it? O and no, we can't influence what appears in the rolls history.
  8. Azured

    Azured Lethal but deadly.

    Dec 7, 2009
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    Elven chain actually means chainmail made of mithral links, as defined by the SRD. Only the basic version is non-magical, and it gives an AC bonus of +5 as a common chainmail, but is a light armour with reduced penalties and improved max Dex as per mithral armor. All of the coloured elven chains are magical, with green being +1, purple +2 and blue +3. Therefore they should not appear as pre-identified items.

    As for their costs, chainmail armor costs 150gp. Chainmail is categorised as a medium armor, so its cost to be a mithral item is 4000gp. Therefore a non-magical elven chainmail would cost 4150gp, with magical enhancements added according to the direct cost of the enhancement, as mithral already includes masterwork costs.

    From this we can deduct the correct prices for the in-game elven chains: Green 4150+1000=5150gp, Purple 4150+4000=8150gp and Blue 4150+9000gp=13150gp.

    (And yes, I do a lot of magical items in D&D PnP.) :yes:

    Maybe the scarabs' description could be altered accordingly or give them some other function (like Wonnilon's scroll's ability?) - I've always found these scarabs to be highly confusing as there are no hints in the game about their real purpose.
    The same now applies to the vial of orc blood; there is no purpose for it, and it seems illogical to sell it to anyone (who would be interested in buying such stuff?). I suppose it would be easiest to just get rid of it altogether.
    And Belsornig's poison vial is used in his quest #2: Blame Game.
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Does it say that in the SRD? All I saw was the one mention of it.
  10. Azured

    Azured Lethal but deadly.

    Dec 7, 2009
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    You probably mean this. It and the special materials section combined with the basic armor data give the stats on the basic non-magical version. The coloured, magical versions of elven chain are from someplace else, but their stats reveal them to be nothing else than just +1 to +3 versions of the original - their origins probably lie in Greyhawk or the modernised adventure module. Can't find them in the AD&D version, though.

    Anyways, what's the big deal? Elven chains' stats and prices can be gathered from the SRD and ToEE is full of even stranger stuff like Troll Bone Armor and Ah Fong's inventory, which don't come from the SRD either.
  11. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    It matters because it's original content as opposed to a Co8 creation, and the ethos has always been to stay RAW with that. But I'm convinced by your case though, thanks.
  12. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    I thought the scarabs were sort of ID badges for the high level temple people who could consult personally with Demoness Z. Nothing like that was ever implemented in the game. No reason to increase the GP values as there's over a million GP in loot in the game already.
    The elven chainmail should be expensive as rare as it is. The blue is hard to get, especially from Smigmal Redhand. Green and you have to fight a hill giant and bear. Purple a behemoth frog and seahag. Not easy to aquire.
  13. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    In this computer game, when you examine the coloured elven chain armours with the Craft Magic Arms & Armor feat, the Green Elven Chain has a +1 enhancement bonus, the Purple Elven Chain has a +2 enhancement bonus, and the Blue Elven Chain has a +3 enhancement bonus.

    You can't SHIFT-click on the Lamia Figurine (Child's Toy) found in Imeryds Run.

    The long description for the Heavy Crossbow has the wrong critical multiplier (see screenshot below):
    "Critical Range: 19-20/x3"
    It should be 19-20/x2

    Mother (Swamp Denizen) has a typo in two of her dialogue options (see screenshots below):
    "Wait a minute, that sounds like more than potons can normally do."

    "If one sssuch asss Mother focussess on sssuch thingsss, we may eventally create concoctionsss far beyond what can normally be brewed."

    The Witch in the Gnarley Forest has an obsolete line of dialogue (see screenshot below):
    "I would be willing to accept some of that elven armour."
    This line should be removed because the player is no longer able to loot the Drow armour.

    In 5.9.2 NC, in the moathouse courtyard during the moathouse respawn, the 2 Morghs and a zombie each have an Amulet of Resistance to Turning when you loot their corpses.

    When you use the Letter from Witch, the item is called a (Letter Critter) in the text option interface (see screenshot below). What is a Letter Critter?

    In 5.9.2 NC, in the Gnarley Forest, the Drow Fighter did nothing in the first round of combat. He only moved and attacked in the second round of the combat. The Drow Wizard and Drow Cleric are positioned in the front line of their party's formation, while the Drow Fighter is positioned at the rear. I think that the Drow party would be MUCH more effective if the Drow Wizard and Drow Cleric were positioned behind the other Drow. If you repositioned that useless Drow Fighter to the front of their party's formation, then the Drow Fighter would be much more effective - even if the Drow Fighter continued to do nothing in the first round of the combat, he would at least be a bodyguard for the Drow Wizard and Drow Cleric behind him.

    After you rescue the prisoners in the moathouse dungeon, you hear the sound effect of walking footsteps on a stone floor to represent the sound of the prisoners walking away. But when you enter Lubash's room during the moathouse respawn, the sound effect of walking footsteps (on a stone floor) is still heard. I think that the game would be more atmospheric if this footsteps ambient sound effect wasn't played in the first place.

    I think that the base speed of elven PCs (when moving around maps) is WAY too slow compared to humans and half-orcs! Elves have a racial modifier of +2 to Dexterity so you would think that elves would be the fastest race, not the slowest medium-sized race. It's just ridiculous how quickly elven PCs are overtaken and left behind by human PCs when moving around maps!

    Which item do you think is more effective to use in this computer game: a Mantle of Spell Resistance [21] or a Cloak of Resistance +5? Why?

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    Last edited: Nov 7, 2010
  14. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    In 5.9.2 NC, in the moathouse dungeon during the moathouse respawn, a Guardsman was in the corridor before the barracks (and Lareth's room). He was not KOS. When I clicked on him, he said his monologue and yelled to Seleucas before disappearing (see screenshots below). I had killed and looted everything in the moathouse before I triggered the moathouse respawn. Obviously the Guardsman was not supposed to be there during the moathouse respawn. This was the only bug that I encountered during the moathouse respawn. All of the Morghs, Skeletons, Zombies, Skeleton Priest, Skeletal Gnolls, Groaning Spirit, Shadows, Bodaks, Witch, and Ghasts were where they were supposed to be. I applied all of Sitra Achara's fixes after I cleared out the moathouse but before I started the moathouse respawn. Could this be the reason why the Guardsman showed up in the moathouse respawn in my game?

    Lord Hungous's Unholy Orc Double Axe +1 is not USED as a double weapon in this game. krunch made the weapon to perform similar to a greataxe or a greatsword (see screenshots below). The weapon does 2d6 damage normally. It has a x2 critical multiplier. The weapon does an extra 2d6 damage to good-aligned opponents - this damage is represented as "2d6 Item: : Magic Double Axe (Slashing)" in the Rolls History interface. When one of my fighters tested the weapon, my fighter was scoring critical hits with the weapon about half the time! (and my fighter didn't even have the feat Improved Critical (Orc Double Axe)! This weapon seems to have an insanely large critical (or threat) range! But I like the weapon exactly the way that it is at the moment! (especially the awesome animation of the slow, huge backswing and hacking down on the target whenever the wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon!) Please don't change this weapon at all! krunch has made the best weaqpon in the game and I don't want to see it ruined!

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    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  15. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Well you do sneak up on them as they are attacking the witch's sister, so in reality the mage and cleric are in the back of their party's formation.
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