Circle of Eight Modpack 5.9.x/5.9.xNC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Necroticpus, Aug 27, 2010.

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  1. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    also does greater dispel magc work?
    and does acid fog work
    i know the desc for acid fog was still messed up in 5.9.2 just wonderd if they are working spells
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  2. Ausdoerrt

    Ausdoerrt Veteran Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    ^ According to Ted @ Bug Report thread in the General Modding "Acid fog is WIP" which probably means that it just doesn't work yet. It just doesn't show up in spell list.

    As for Greater Dispel, it works like regular dispel except with +20 to check. I haven't used it recently, but it's supposed to work properly.
  3. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    cool and thank you
  4. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    Senshock's Robe is only worth 4 SP at appraisal 27.

    The gnome friend ring is only worth 4 SP at appraisal 27.

    The rings of minor cold resistance (7600 GP), major cold resistance (11600 GP), minor fire resistance (15032 GP) and major fire resistance (I forgot to check, or maybe the welkwood/wilfrick encounter didn't have one) are worth more than they should be.

    When you use spells like Holy Smite, Order's Wrath and Holy Word, they keep on having floating messages about failed saving throws until the duration runs out. The real problem is that any enemies under the affect of these spells at the time of death do not give any experience. Or perhaps I was too high of a level to receive experience from fire bats. I only noticed this during my farming the fire node but it may possibly be the case if used anywhere else also. Screenshots below.

    Circle Of Death spell does not give any experience for killed enemies. Again, maybe too high a level for fire bats.

    The fire bats do not give any experience in the fire node. It may be related to the issues above as those spells are the easiest way to get rid of them. They can be annoying if dealt with any other way. They regenerate like trolls and have to be coup de grace'd otherwise, and they are very tiny, just like stirges. Can be kinda hard to hover over and target.

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    Last edited: Oct 8, 2010
  5. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    Does Burne only offer the dialogue option to do his puzzles only once? By the time that I got to the stage in the game where he has the dialogue option to join my party, he was no longer offering the option to do his puzzles. Is it possible to change his dialogue options so that he always offers the option to do his puzzles at any stage in the game? If so, then could you please do this?

    If Burne and/or Pishella are in your party, is it still possible to destroy the Orb of Golden Death? Do they still have the same dialogue options when they are in your party as when they have never joined your party?

    I thought that Welkwood Bog was going to be the only new content that would be available before finishing the vanilla version of the game, and then after killing Zuggtmoy, all of the other new content (Hickory Branch, Arena of Heroes, Moathouse Respawn, Verbobonc, War of the Golden Skull) would be available to do after that. Is this still how the final version of the Circle of Eight Modpack is intended to work?

    I once read somewhere the exact class levels that Terjon now has, but I can't find where I read it. Could someone please inform me what Terjon's class levels are?
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Minor rings are supposed to be worth 12k gold, major rings 28k.
    But then they are also supposed to offer less protection - DR 10 for minor and DR 20 for major, as opposed to 15 and 30 in ToEE.

    I think the various Death spells won't grant experience for critters you haven't hit, going by their scripting.
    Possibly could be fixed by applying 0d0 damage before killing them by effect.
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I don't think it's supposed to be valuable.

    I will investiagte.

    I don't know offhand.

    Ideally ... if we go the TotWG route ultimately. I've been trying to figure that out. Downsides are that some NC would need to be boosted yet again, and that we've just now got players trained on how to get NC, so changing will cause all kinds of grief and heartache. I still think it would be best though, largely because the vanilla game balance would be much better without the NC throughout. We shall see.

    I think he's cleric 10, paladin 7, fighter 3.

    I'll see about all this ring business.

    FYI, I've started working on adding some stuff to do with the Hextorites and Pelorites in Verbobonc, including shifting the phalanx battle to a Hextor quest instead of the Viscount assassination and staging it earlier so the party is lower level, and adding another powerful caster instead of having Wilfrick stand around in the middle. So 5.9.3 won't be right around the corner, but this shouldn't take too long. We'll also see Sitra's Lareth changes too. :)

    We'll have to come up with something new for assassinating Wilfie, as the phalanx just wasn't working for that (at that stage).

    Also, Ranth and I have been discussing his WotGS plans, and there are possibilities for a new ultra-ultra-ultra high level endgame scenario. (It's sort of an 'it had to happen' thing, ha-ha.) This is based on the lessons learned thus far with the new content.
  8. gazra_1971

    gazra_1971 Knights of Legend

    Aug 3, 2010
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    I think that all of the new content unbalances the Moathouse and the Temple of Elemental Evil. The moathouse used to be the starter dungeon. I would like to see it become the starter dungeon again. By the time that the player makes his way to the Temple of Elemental Evil, the broken tower ambush and the first level of the Temple of Elemental Evil are a cakewalk. What I would ideally like to see happen is for ALL of the new content to be removed from the Circle of Eight Modpack and put into a new module (like how The Keep On The Borderlands is another module that the player can play using the ToEE Front-End X). This would have the best of both worlds! ToEE purists would get to play a mostly vanilla game, and the new module could be modified to the Co8 team's content wthout any worry of repercussions! This way, Ranth could do whatever he wanted in his War of the Golden Skull mod (obviously with some modifications now that it would be in a completely different module).

    I'd like to see almost all of the new content (i.e. Welkwood Bog, Hickory Branch, Arena of Heroes, Verbobonc, War of the Golden Skull) be transferred into a new module that is set in the Forgotten Realms.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  9. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    I disagree, even after the NC and some random encounter farming, I still found the moathouse (ogre, gnolls, and final battle) and temple beginning quite difficult for a party of 6. Plus there is no way a 10th level arty, as the original game intended, could finish the game without constant resting and reloading. The nodes are way too hard, Hedricks battle (even without Iuz), and Zuggy are quite difficult with 12-14th level parties.
  10. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    The NC can't really affect the Moathouse, because you don't get any of it until after you've cleared the Moathouse. (With the exception of WB, but that's already advertised as a Hommlet fedex replacement / do additionally at your own risk type of thing.)
  11. mmonagle

    mmonagle Established Member

    Nov 15, 2006
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    I'm afraid that I too have to disagree. It is unfortunate that not everyone likes the way the mods have gone but I really like and enjoy them. I also think that the game is what you make of it. You can still hit the tower with ambush when you are a mid-level party - I tend to hit it at level 6. You don't have to do all the NC before you begin to seriously hit the temple. In my opinion, I find that it is better to have gone in and cleaned out a few places in the temple to help bulk up my party before I do some parts of the NC.

    I also love the World of Greyhawk and would be surprised if other TOEE players did not feel the same way. It is simply the world where the adventure takes place. The original T1 module was one of my first AD&D purchases. The FR became TSRs main line many years ago and they left Greyhawk behind when they did. That was a sad decision. Asking to move TOEE to the FR is almost like treason in my eyes. :evil: FR has enough stuff and other games devoted to it already.

    (Sorry if this is too much link a rant. I don't mean to offend).
  12. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    I happen to agree with you 100% mmonagle and so no worries from me. As for what you say, each player will make the most of what they will from the game. The great thing with the NC and basic modules is that you only have to play and go where you want. Wish to go from Nulb to the temple and that be it, then you can. Wish to explore and take on other battles in seperate locations, then you have that available.

    One of these days I will have to check out KOTB. I happen to be reading the original module and having the satisfaction to relive my younger, happier times when I was first starting out with DnD.
  13. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    For what it is worth, Mind Flayers and the Drow, as well as the Underdark ALL started in Greyhawk from the G series of Modules on. They were originally Con games from the late 70's and then fleshed out for print in the 80's. FR did not really come about till the mid to late 80's.

    To each there own and I have had fun in various games in the FR, both PnP and computer, but my first love will always be Greyhawk. I have based some of my own campaigns in the Highfolk and Perrenland areas and relied on a lot of Living Greyhawk when it was still around.

    Ok end of my own speech. :) On with the show.
  14. cremo

    cremo Member

    Nov 10, 2003
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    I'm using 5.9.2 NC.. is there a suggested level cap?
    Lvl 11+ should work correctly or they haven't be heavily tested yet? Last time i remember (5.0 beta) they had many issues like ranger favorite enemy mess (ToEE had 3 tables hardcoded, so when you had to choose a new favorite enemy at lvl 12, it eliminated the one you had choosen at lvl 1!).
  15. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    Level cap is 20.
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