Circle of Eight Modpack 5.9.x/5.9.xNC General Commentary & Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Necroticpus, Aug 27, 2010.

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  1. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Well, everyone (by everyone I mean me) wasn't getting all 3 criminals together in one spot for 5.9.0 and 5.9.1. I kept having 2 of them turn on me during unavoidable wilderness encounters between Nulb and Hommett. I did not have this issue in 5.9.2. I had an avoidable encounter between Nulb and Hommett, and both the criminals remained in my faction during the fight (took the encounter just to find out). I finally got to see why Achan(sp?) says what he says at the end of that quest. Makes sense now, thanks Gaear.

    I don't know if it's intended to be the same diamond, but the diamond that is looted from the dwarf merchant doesn't disappear from my inventory when completing the robbery quest. Selling it doesn't seem to change Darlia's attitude about the party. I didn't sell it before finishing the quest though.

    On the changed and more straightforward descriptions of locations for saved games, the tunnel under the bandit tower with the burnt farmhouse at one end and the entrance to Smigmal/Farinth at the other end saves as WELKWOOD BOG. I may be stating a known issue.

    No issues this time with the Framework quest/guard and peasant hostility/jail/lawyer. I think I finally figured out what was wrong with my game play. Thanks for the help and bulletproofing.

    I still have Lerrick reponse issues, but I'm pretty sure that's on me judging from some of the other posts. I'll concentrate on him the next time through.
  2. chano

    chano Established Member

    Dec 20, 2006
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    It looks like it was the random encounter you mentioned.
    Just surprised i could take the head.
  3. Oakheart

    Oakheart Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Co8 is just -that- good. Any giant will do eh? I wonder if I was to do something silly like wait until the temple to complete that quest if the giants on lvl 4 would have a head as well... or perhaps Scorp's head.... hmmm....
  4. Oakheart

    Oakheart Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I think you should be able to rest in the Herb shop once it is abandoned by the old ladies after you chase them out of Nulb. Its a nicer house then the shack you get from Waltz :p

    Even better if you can then rent the shack to Bertram, since after you liberate him he would need a place to live and set up his dental practice.

    Lastly, you can keep going back and beat up Wat, Rench, Pearl and Dala with non-lethal damage so they have to keep getting their teeth fixed.

    ToEE is just an eternal wellspring of satisfaction and hilarity.
  5. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Just wondering if this setup can be used elsewhere, like Mother Screg being able to make some wonderous potion if you bring her the liver of a umber hulk, or someone can make a ring of regeneration if you bring them a troll brain?
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Re. the framework quest, failing it is way more fun than doing it right. Good job, and highly recommended to everyone to try it at least once!
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No worries. :)

    Well, they can turn on you in Hommlet, Nulb, or Verbobonc, depending on what order you apprehend them. Otherwise no, although the scripting is rather sophisticated (by my standards ;)) just to get them to behave semi-intelligently depending on what you've done and when. You can chat them up though for bonus thrills.

    They all end up that way afaik ... haven't been able to think of a workable way around that yet.

    Hm, I'll check it out. Darlia definitely doesn't like it if you report back to him without the diamond.

    Yeah, there's probably not much we can do about that since switching some of the worldmap locations to accomodate HB and WB. The escape tunnel was a subset of the location that used to be what WB is now.

    Please let me know what you find ... I hope those have all been staked.

    There are a number of different giant prototypes in ToEE, and I'm not sure if they all carry their heads in their inventory. Scorrp almost certainly doesn't carry his.

    Yes, it certainly could.

    At last! Somebody dared to fail ... ;)
  8. Flak88

    Flak88 Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    I need a hint on the location of the slavers. I've gone back and forth several times and can't find them. I must be missing something.
  9. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Sent you a private message with the info.

    Have fun with them. :)
  10. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    I did the WB Wilfrick square encounter for 5.9.2 with the new archers. 5 PC NE party that normally fights with a bard/archer and a mage at a distance, and rogue, fighter and cleric as hand to hand melee. I specifically went here before the slavers so I would be at a lower level. Verbonc Archers hit the mage and bard/archer zero times before going down in 4-5 rounds. AC 27 and 28 (<-honestly done by craft and loot) respectively on the mage and bard. I specifically treated this as a walkup battle (no prep spells) this time and the party was at 11th-12th level (crafters - 11th). The most effective spell I had was Unholy Blight (no Blasphemy yet for the cleric). I only had one memorized and it was effective enough to tip the battle. I got to see the combat AI for the Pelor Clerics once they finally got done with their prep spells. They killed my mage this time around with flamestrikes, but it took awhile. Pretty devastating if they can ever get to it. The "action interrupted" thing is pretty neat the way it's arranged. I didn't have a reach weapon fighter with great cleave in the party to enlarge though. I did enlarge my fighter with a normal reach weapon when the battle began and the "action interrupted" thing still worked to really slow access to the spellcasters. With any kind of preparation, like say, memorizing the proper spells to take advantage the only real PC Evil vs. NPC Good encounter currently in the game, this encounter would still be pretty easy for 5 person party mentioned above. The problem is that the clerics don't get to their flame strikes quick enough. With any kind of prep, they wouldn't have got there this time. That and the archers need their "to hit" amped up some more somehow.

    Just trying to give honest, straightforward feedback. My modding kung-fu is pink belt, so take ^ fwiw.

    Oh, and I finally got Lerrick to acknowledge that the party was instrumental in putting him in power when I reported this quest as complete to Darlia. Well, at least he threatened me to keep my mouth shut about it and admitted he was Darlia's boss. Mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned.
  11. General Ghoul

    General Ghoul Established Member

    Dec 18, 2008
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    Playing through 5..9.2 for the first time and just after healing Bing, he had a masterwork sling, the first MW sling I have ever seen, ever. But unfortunately, I didn't have the money for it at the time, so didn't buy it. I have been back exactly 17 times to sell various leather loot and he does not have it, only the exact same things everytime. Are you sure its random every time?
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, this still needs tweaking/improving/balancing.

    Can somebody post one of these awesome archer builds I keep hearing about? The slaver rogue guy could stand to be more effective in that regard as well.

    Re: the cleric prep spells, they don't spend as much time on it as you seem to think. They prebuff before the battle with something or other, then cast Shield of Faith (I think) in their first round, then move onto Flame Strike if no one is injured yet. If there are significant injuries, they seem to prioritize healing. At any rate, they may cast their Flame Strikes as early as the second round. They aren't meant to be the offense anyway, really; they're the defense, while the mages (and now the archers) are the primary offense while the box is maintained.

    Hm, I'm not really sure how that would work out with these inventory refreshes now. Technically these items that come and go do indeed have a percentage chance to appear, but it could be that it only works that way with merchants who operate properly in the first place (Smyth, Otis), and that these manual refreshes by scripting just reload whatever condition the merchants' inventory was in when the refresh event was added to the timed event queue.

    If it's true that something's not working right inside that routine, the only solution would be to simply make every broken merchants entire inventory avialable 100% of the time.
  13. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Hi GG, I have found with 5.92 if after you heal Bing that if you just trade with Bing, do not offer about his masterwork stuff, that sling finally showed up. It stays in his inventory quite often. Also, if you do the route for the ambush in the house in Nulb, the priest thug also has a masterwork sling in his loot.

    For the first time, for me, Jakk in ony renewing his inventory about 1 a week, where before, for me, he would do it about once a day like Brother Smyth. Livable, but a pain when you have loot to sell. :)
  14. Flak88

    Flak88 Member

    Dec 27, 2007
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    Holy crap,

    The slavers encounter is nasty! Clearly one of the toughest in the game. I hit them at level 10/11 with some nice crafted weapons and an 8 person party and had my hands full. Well done.
  15. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    I agree with you. Gaear and crew did an awesome job with that party and if they had tweaked more encounters like this, in and out of the Nodes, then a player would really work at getting to the end. :evilgrin:
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