Tried to download a few files last week but kept getting corrupted files. Will try again. An many thanks to all for the continual improvements.
Oops.. Where'd you come from .. Seriously though, I finally made it into the temple today.... Started playing around, and discovered I couldn't loot!.. Seems like my fiance installed Sims2(dx9c) last night, and SP2! I was avoiding those two until we could get some input from Steve.. Now gonna have to figure out how to convince her that Toee is more important than Sims 2 Anyone feel motivated enough to work with me and Zhuuge on a revised/updated buglist?
Wonder if it is possible to partition the hard disk and have different OS versions for each (one with dx9c + SP2, one with dx9b without SP2). If it is, might be a more viable solution. Convincing anyone that Toee is more important than Sims 2 sounds harder.
Not yet a modder... Reading this thread zhuge asks for some new posters, so I thought I reply. My son bought the game recently, and I spent far too much time on it since. I have the 3.0.4 patch installed, so thanks to everyone who contributed from day 1 to making this what it is today. I have no idea if I can help - RL being what it is (work, kids, etc...) but I thought I'd like to try. My first thought was to see if I could add a few items. I was thinking of masterwork thieves tools, (for plus on Open Locks and Disable device), and a healer's kit. What I'd like to understand is - if I do something like this, what is the best way to contribute the patch - I don't want to break other mod work, and I wont be able to put a lot of time into this, so if I can get something to work is there anyone currently assembling things into the next patch? Thanks
Re: Not yet a modder... Thanks for the offer. If you are interested in helping out, I would suggest having a look at Agetian's editor and associated threads and try to do some small mods on spawning or correcting any bugs which are related to spawning (refer to the main numbered bug list at Atari). It's also nice of course if you want to do more items but you should first check in description.mes to see if the items are already there or not. For example, Masterwork Thieves' Tools are already coded as {12013}{Masterwork thieves' tools} Also check with Shiftyjim and Goongyae's list of extra items (forum thread) to see if these have alraedy been suggested. Would appreciate it if you could code in items as per Shiftyjim and Goongyae's instructions since these have not been done. See:
Have been playing alot with Patch 2/ Co8 3.04 / Moebius fixes I have to say it's come such a long way, amazing work people. I have found one bug however it's that a "heavy pick" is randomly appearing in PC inventory's when looting corpses. Odd Bug that doesn't really effect gameplay (that I have found yet ) how far off is the possibily of building new areas into the game?
Monsters? you want monsters? If you want to get the stats for any monsters in d&d download e-tools I got my copy via edonkey you need the character and monster generator exe file after that you can download almost all of the other sets from code monkey publishing. anyway the stats I have for a galeb duhr are as follows: str 13 dex 5 con 20 int 11 wis 16 cha 12 76 hit points 8 hit dice, type elemental earth base saves all +2 Natural armour +15 ac 22 bab +6 move/burrow 10ft animate objects + stone shape at will move earth, pass wall, transmute rock to mud, and wall of stone 1/day each feats and skills i dont know about no mention of spell resistance or damage reduction of any sort though.
*ahem* *Points to sig* *shakes head* Anyways, been a loooong time since I was about... read through the thread and was going to ask what critter info you need and in what format. I can't promise any serious blocks of time, but I'll do what I can.
I think we should unsticky this thread as well as this one and this one. People are asking all the time where they can download the latest mod pack, because it's not really obvious. Too many stickied threads with 3.04 in their title. Let's have one thread, "Download current Circle of Eight release here", where we post Co8 3.04 & moebius' dll fixes until Co8 4.0 is released.