Burne's Tower Plot Twist

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Spider Dwarf, Apr 26, 2010.

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  1. Spider Dwarf

    Spider Dwarf Spider

    Apr 15, 2010
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    Hey!, you know what would be fun? Save those black-eye cloaks from the Moathouse, enter Burne's tower, beat everyone with non-lethal to knock 'em out or use Deep Slumber, rob 'em blind, and then beat feet. Dump the robes somewhere in town (perhaps at the blacksmith's feet) and go merrily on your way.

    Since you were in disguise (simple to check with a spot roll) it should not change your reputation and thus it would not be adversely affected. This would be a great one for a lawful evil or neutral evil party. An interesing concept and storyline especially if Lareth is along for the ride. Perhaps Lareth mentioned it before you allowed him to join or before you killed him. I think I recall he had an available fifth talk slot open. Or you can chose to kill Lareth and do the plot twist anyway.

    Perhaps there is enough engine modification available to remove the extra line between the talk selectors. Then more talk / comment lines could be put into play. Ah, to have money, buy the ToEE engine (I do like it better than Baldur's Gate's engine), and then put it into the pubic domain. I mean really, it is a dead engine and those on this list have modified it farther than it ever was by Troika.:yes:
  2. Spider Dwarf

    Spider Dwarf Spider

    Apr 15, 2010
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    If this secondary plot twist is viable have the tower occupant's "spot" check reduced to detect the disguises. There is plenty of room for there to be a secret door in the tower from the ramp outside (roughly behind and to the left). Lareth may have mentioned this (perhaps in his journal) or a clue to it is mentioned by either Lareth or Jayfie during the talking phases. If the party is searching for this secret door, but is not aware of it, then their chance of locating it is lesser than if they do know of it. Even if they are aware of the door lower their chance to find it from the normal. Treat the door as Burne and Rufus' bolt hole from their tower and thus great care would have been placed in hiding it.

    So the party gains access via the secret door and are wearing their disguises. This lowers the chances of both Burne discovering the disguised party and the chances of Burne and the occupants initally passing their savings throws vs. the wizard's spells. A whole lot of little things could transpire and be built around this concept.
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