Just to clarify this: All of you having replied above, do the NPCs try to break free when you have entangled them?
I've never seen any non-player controlled NPC, who failed his initial saving throw, escape from the entangle spell. Though on my last run through, my Dwarven Druid seemed to be completely immune to it's effects (and the efects of the web spell as well).
I must say I can't stand the fact that Rannos and Gremag get a 'break out of web' free card when you manage to corner them in the shop. I know some people think it gives them more of a chance, but its more like it gives them a totally unfair advantage and makes them basically unkillable. I'm not trying to wiz on Livonya's work, but it seems there was no allowance made for Rannos/Gremag being webbed, charmed or otherwise incapacitated in the scriptings. They get to break free automatically.
They are MEANT to get away for the plot. Cheesy perhaps, but a common enough gaming device. <grumble mumble like my Daemon is MEANT to get away grumble damn players mumble...>
Well, I got to kill both of them at the shop in a regular battle...So it's not at all impossible but are you saying that this is not supposed to happen ? :zap:
No, it's just meant to be very difficult to kill them before they escape. Before the script for helping them to get away was implemented, it really was too easy to kill them both - purely from the size of the room in which they normally live.
True, but the fact that they get out of a web/charm person/hold person free really chaps my arse. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander....-_-
I rather thought Druids got to do this at a certain level, but not with webs. Maybe that's what you were seeing?
Druids shouldn't be immune to Entangle. Their abilities only apply to natural terrain, not spell area of effects.
What he was seeing is a bug in the game that has been around forever. Dwarfs are immune to web, entangle, and hold person. It is like they have a permanent Freedom of Movement Spell cast on them.
Everyone ought to be playing parties of dwarves, then. Or perhaps they will now begin doing so. :shame: No fix in sight, I'll wager, either. Kal, I'm sure that's what I was thinking of, except in 1E form; they can Pass without Trace beginning at 7th level.
They get it at 3rd level in 3.5, but it has also has no effect on moving through magically-affected areas.