Well if we can create them in such a way that THEY don't get caught up in passing icestorms, surely its easier to create just one that spawns the others at the exact moment needed? Well it is to my way of thinking.
thought it would be interesting for you to know that the encounter with the other adventuring party (Ikian the human cleric, a ranger, a dwarf fighter, a hobbit rogue and two half-elf wizards) messed my game after I talked to them: my three NPCS (Fruella, Spugnoir, Burne) did not appear anymore on the map, only blue circles on the ground with some sort of will-o-wisp inside at best. I reloaded the encounter, avoided talk and things are fine. As for the "boba fett" icons instead of the PC portraits, I got them after trying the "escort to Verbobonc" dialogue while running ToEE directly without the TOFFEE. (I'm playing a mish-mash, never could get the front-end to run. I do have some of the modded options like the masterwork item quest, and the desperate housewives dialogues and items, but no spawns like Frank or the goblin tenants.) Also got that when I tried to import my CO8 savegame into normal TOEE, everything was fine until I exited the map (moathouse exit-->Hommlet) = blue boba fetts (btw, a blue boba fett would be a Jango Fett!) :nerd:
This might be a stupid question, but why is there a blue Boba Fett (or Jango, whichever) portrait in ToEE anyway?
I think someone's mixing up the Fetts with the Hutts....as in Jabba the. The toad pics definetly resemble Jabba, not Jango, Bobba, or any other "clone." Ted's little tag line thingie there isn't helping, either. It's a blue tinged portrait of a giant toad meant to represent an ice dwelling version of the same. So, all you Star Wars geeks...take it over here: http://www.thatlitevideosite.com/video/545
It's not either of the Fetts, or the Hutts, or a toad. Its a blue helmet with a T shaped vision /breathing slit. Come on, people.
Doesn't that "T" thing show up if a portrait (or the item associated with it) isn't available or properly installed? mg:
That's it exactly, Spike. It's a the default portrait shown if the game can't find the portrait referenced in the proto for the critter, just like the big white T is the default inventory icon shown if the game can't find the one referenced in the proto.
strangely enough, the default model for items with no proto is a door (a nice door, but not very useful as a weapon).