Beta Temple+ KotB and ToEE - Marshall's problem with minor aura (v 0.1.0-pre+3347|date:14/7/2022)

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Buffed Rabbit, Mar 15, 2022.

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  1. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Hello. I am not sure how exactly to report this, but I found a kinda big bug considering Marshall's minor aura: 'Master of Tactics' (when flanking add Marshall's charisma bonus to damage rolls) as I found 3 problems with it:

    - When I attempt to attack a flanked enemy with it the game either:
    1) crushes,
    2) NPC becomes immune to damage,
    3) Marshall's aura doesn't work.

    I have uploaded a KotB 1.0.1 save file and the log files/crush dump. Please check for viruses before opening. The game is saved with the PCs 'parked' right infront of an enemy. Engaging in combat, flanking and melee attacking will demonstrate points 1) and 2). When I tested the aura in ToEE it was not working, though it didn't cause a crush.

    I am really excited with the new Temple+ version, as adding stats to NPC modifiers can make the game extremely challenging. My party almost got wiped by three -1CR (!) skeletons when I set the feature to +10. I think +2/+4 overall NPC stats really hits a good spot for me.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2022
  2. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    I read somewhere that this is a known issue. Now I am sad and I wish I could help somehow with the modifications.
  3. Sagenlicht

    Sagenlicht Established Member

    Apr 14, 2004
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    Hey Buffed Rabbit, if you find any issues with the beta I provided, it's best to report it to the Sagenlicht_Beta threat: (@Shiningted is there a better way to link? Shorten the name of the link) because I monitor that threat and will respond much faster if you post there.

    I am sorry that you encoutered problems with a Marshal Aura and I will investigate that problem. I admit, I haven't tested anything of my work with KotB, but that's no excuse it should work. Thanks for providing your save file. Much appreciated.
    Buffed Rabbit likes this.
  4. Buffed Rabbit

    Buffed Rabbit Established Member

    Jun 11, 2021
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    Hello Sagenlicht, thank you for your reply. No need for apologies, you guys do a lot of work for free. The aura (miss)behaves the same for both ToEE and KotB. From what I see KotB is fully compatible with Temple+ and the BETA version works almost identically for it, without conflicts so far. I will head to the link you provided after this weekend, I have some minor typos and bugs to report.

    Edit: I'll focus on ToEE if that helps with the development.

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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