Area Description for Hickory Brankch Hickory Branch, Hickory Branch Horrors enough to make you blanche Liches and titans and minotaurs too Are all just waiting to feast on you Hickory Branch, Branchory Hick Orcs and wolves on the ground are thick No reason to be there, but thats not the point Just head on down there and rock that joint! Hickory Dickory Tickory Tock The skeleton key will wind your clock An unholy double-ax for your tank (I can't complain. I created Frank!) :google:
Okay, here we have the semi-final versions of the Verbo-Hickory-Welkwood descriptions. If anybody still wants to add a description, feel free, but I'd like to get this show on the road. Good job guys - thanks to all who helped. :thumbsup: