Backpacks and pouches

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by bellack, Jun 1, 2009.

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  1. bellack

    bellack Member

    May 21, 2009
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    I'm new here and just discovered that TOEE was modded. I always liked that game (except for the many bugs) And thought it did the best job of bring D&D 3.5 rules to the computer (even better than NWN and NWN2.) However it was just one module and they never made any others (I would have liked them to make all the classic D&D modules. Anyway I was playing DDO (Dungeon and Dragons online and this guy I was parting with informed me of what the CO8 did with TOEE. Well I looked for the TOEE disk (they were buried in a closed) and loaded it, then loaded the CO8 mod pack and update and the KOTB mod (might as well have them all :) And I was very pleased with what CO8 has done with this game. The first thing I noticed (after the beginning buying equipment screen) was that we can actually use familiars to fight instead of them just sitting in our packs being useless.) My PnP group has always used familiars to fight as well as other things ever since the AD&D days. Although it would be nice if we had more control over them. Well I have just entered the Moathouse can’t wait to see the other changes/ improvements made to the game. Good Job so far.
    Anyway my question is about Backpacks and pouches, they don’t seem to do anything. Not sure what to do to use them. Any ideas
  2. TheLadiesOgre

    TheLadiesOgre Member

    Dec 15, 2008
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    To the best of my knowledge they are just for RP flavor right now, I think I remember seeing something about them being made actually useful at some point, but I am unsure
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2009
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    If you search the moathouse carefully, you will find a chest to help you carry stuff. In time, it is my intent to mod the pouches and backpacks to serve a similar (though lesser) purpose. Others may have other ideas for them.

    In KotB, they appear as quest items and will also (in time) play a role as a lesser bag.
  4. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I'm actually really pleased with how the familiars turned out, remember to put them away after the owner levels up, as they gain in power as their master does, but they do need to be put away for that change to take effect. I know this has nothing to do with bags whatsoever, just enjoy the changes and improvements Co8 has bestowed on the ToEE players of the world and rejoice. :)
  5. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Although it is in the forums elsewhere, it bears mentioning here along with Allyx's directions:

    To put a familiar away you must "Talk" with it from the radial menu.
    Isewein likes this.
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