August's Workshop - Duskblade

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by August, Mar 14, 2023.

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  1. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    From what i can tell, the log is crashing during pc_creation. Doesn't like it. Hmm.

    I'm going to rip out ALL of the spellcasting and see what happens.

    In fact, I'm going to create a blank class template entirely with no class abilities whatsoever and use that as a template going forward, and just get that working.

    Well, today's the day someone makes the Warrior NPC class, I guess.
  2. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    I figure I must be doing something wrong on an elemental level - fundamentally misunderstanding the file structure or otherwise just making a serious goof, because I decided to bring it back to just core, and take it from the top, and make the simplest possible class.


    I am really frustrated now, because I can't get the fucking NPC Warrior class working. If I can't do that, I literally can't do anything.

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I'm not understanding something. is set up right. I got so frustrated I even got rid of extender files and just started copying part of the git files and adding to them manually hoping that would help. Nope. I have no idea what's wrong now and I have exhausted the limits of the wiki to troubleshoot it.

    Here's what I had and my last crash log.

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  3. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    1. Remove the space between Duskblade and { in
    {13143}Duskblade {The duskblade blurs the line between spellcaster and warrior, marrying the power of magic with hand-to-hand combat prowess.}
    This should stop your game crashing. If not re-amalgamate into stat_ext_mes in overrides

    2. You will observe an inability to level-up to level one with class numbers > 111. I have class095_duskblade copying beguiler.
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  4. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Thanks Pygmy! That fixed some of it - and as for the rest, of all the stupid things... I forgot to save one of the multiple files named stat_ext.mes. It's working!

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  5. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    I've decided to finish warrior, expert, and adept. They're comparatively easy and that will get the official NPC classes "out of the way". Might be useful for a challenge run. I'm sure that if any more interest picks up about making modules or using DM mode, it'll make life easier.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
    Sitra Achara likes this.
  6. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Hey @Sitra Achara what do you think about adding in a flag in the Temple+ Configuration to turn on/off NPC classes and set up with a ClassDefinitionFlag like say CDF_NPCClass? These are base classes I could see someone actually wanting to hide.

    In for a penny, in for a pound - I'm doing all five NPC classes, hoping that helps people going forward. I don't want to deal right now with figuring out how one could pick their own class skills in character creation as that's beyond the scope of what I'm up to, so I'm just going to give the expert all class skills and call it good (because if you're actually taking levels in expert, you're either probably doing a fun challenge run and have the self-discipline to police yourself for accuracy or you're probably min-maxing anyways to make some weird build and this will be close enough). Also, commoners are getting simple weapons proficiency for now; it will already be the worst class in the game, no need to waste time making it worse in the name of accuracy.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
  7. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Good progress so far, everything but the spellcasting and familiar for the adept is hooked up, and that's next. Also the help tabs are just copies of the Stormlord for now, will clean that up when I'm done with the crunch. Saving what I have.

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  8. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Things are clicking into place and I've made progress at a rapid clip. All that's left is to do is get the familiar hooked up and tidy up the help files!

    Can anyone recommend any easy way to edit the help files?
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2023
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  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Awesome work August! (if that is the one you mean) is like any tab file - that's what ProtoEd is for.
    August likes this.
  10. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    August, This is the progress I have made on the pseudo-duskblade class. I have pinched your armored duskblade feat and your entries for stat_ext.mes as per my first post on this thread. You will see there is a class number clash with your commoner.

    If you are interested, and are prepared to touch the 3.5 Ed Unearthed Arcana with a 10' pole, I have converted your warrior into a sneak attack thug variant fighter - a lot of bad guy fighters seem to sneak attack already.

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  11. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Hey Pygmy! I'm gonna try to combine our efforts though I'm also going to move your duskblade's number. I think a fun set of unearthed arcana classes might be cool to do too (battle sorcerer, drool) but that'll probably come down the pike - maybe a pack of one for each base class.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2023
  12. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I am making good progress with battle sorcerer using class number 96
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  13. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    Spoke too soon stuck on martial weapon
  14. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    I'm hoping to have the NPC classes actually make it into a Temple+ patch in the future so let's keep those numbers clear. Maybe I should move them closer to the others. I feel comfortable to use the Pathfinder number set though because well gonna keep it real with you chief, nobody's doing the Pathfinder classes.

    Tonight though my plan is to finish up the help files and hook up the familiar into the adept so I can call it done, then check out Sagenlicht's last beta and make sure wherever I move it doesn't step on his toes, then get to work on the duskblade. Keeping focused on that...

    EDIT: After doublechecking, Sagenlicht's last beta went up to 88 so let's keep the NPC classes at 90-94, move duskblade to 90... I kinda want to take the spots set aside for Tome of Battle because we can probably get away with stuffing the variants there.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
  15. August

    August Established Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    When I tried to use proto editior, it was still a total pain to read the long help file. It was actually easier to edit it in Notepad++. I decided not to bother and just give short versions of the description for now, and focus on usability. If someone wants to help and flesh out the help file for me, I'd appreciate it.

    NPC Class Pack - It's now feature complete; adept properly gets Call Familiar at 2nd level.

    Now to get working on the duskblade proper. Moved to 90. I am working on the necessary spellcasting changes; starts with 2+Int cantrips, 2 level 1 spells, and +1 spell of any level at levelup, with bard-style retraining of spells at level 5 and every two levels thereafter.

    Next will then be fixing up the spell list with whatever's available, getting the Quick Cast feature working, then I figure I'll knock out Arcane Attunement. Quick Cast is just a Sudden Quicken clone so it'll be easy to duplicate, and Arcane Attunement is just a cantrip pack which is just for now cast 3+int/day from a pool of cantrips: read magic, detect magic, and flare.

    Duskblade Spell Power isn't a flat +2 to spell resistance checks. You have to have hit them in melee; once you do, you gain the bonus for the rest of the combat encounter.

    Now, Arcane Channeling is gonna be the unique make or break ability, and I'll get to it last. What that does is as a standard action you can cast a touch spell and use a melee attack to deliver it. It doesn't even have to be a duskblade spell. At Duskblade 13 you can make a full attack with the touch spell, not discharging it but applying it to every swing in the attack. I have a few ideas on how to do this but if any experienced modders want to give their two cents I'd love to hear suggestions.

    Once it's done I'll put up a git and try to commit the changes for the next version!

    Sagenlicht's spell pack that he was working on before disappearing included a few spells that are on the duskblade list. I think I might try to clean up some of his work (at least the spells!) for release as well as work on some myself. I want to get through my own duskblade spell list additions, then after that I've got some ideas for how to implement illusion magic that would give it a tactical identity... again, trying not to get distracted on plans...

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    Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
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